
  • 网络Decoration;pipe
  1. 植脂奶油裱花蛋糕生产中HACCP的应用研究

    Research on the application of the HACCP in the production of vegetable fat and milk-flower cake

  2. 用AR1000流变仪测定裱花体系的流变学性质,作为评价此体系好坏的一种新的指标。

    The theology of Whip topping was measured by using AR1000 rheometer , the results can be used as a new method to decide whether it 's good or bad .

  3. 淄博市裱花蛋糕加工行业卫生现状调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on the actuality of confectionery in Zibo City

  4. 蚌埠市2002年裱花蛋糕卫生质量调查

    An investigation on the actuality of confectionery in Bengbu , 2002

  5. 先把奶油搅成糊状,然后再用它在蛋糕上裱花。

    Whip the cream stiffly before decorating the cake with it .

  6. 目的了解本市糕点店制作裱花蛋糕的卫生状况与产品卫生质量。

    Objective To understand hygienic situation and quality of cases .

  7. 裱花蛋糕微生物污染情况调查分析

    Survey on microbe contamination of cake decorated with cream flowers

  8. 南京市31家裱花蛋糕的卫生调查与分析

    Investigation of Cakes from 31 Factories in Nanjing City

  9. 这位点心师,虽已年过七旬,但给蛋糕裱花,依然技艺高超。

    The pastry cook , though over seventy , decorates cakes with superB skill .

  10. 好吧,咱们先从简单的糖霜裱花开始

    All right , let 's start simple with a pretty little icing flower .

  11. 蛋糕裱花果酱保型性的研究

    Study on shape maintenance of decoration jam

  12. 这不是降职,只是你裱花太烂。

    It 's not a demotion , it 's just that you stink at this .

  13. 她裱花袋都掉地上了。

    She just dropped the pastry bag .

  14. 准备一个中号喷嘴的裱花袋,将混合物舀进袋中。

    Attach a medium nozzle to a piping bag , and scoop the mixture into the bag .

  15. 这家食品厂以色艺双绝的裱花蛋糕而闻名。

    This food factory is well-known for its cakes decoration with eatable figures , which show the embodiment of superb coloring and art .

  16. 可用于各种的蛋糕、面包、裱花、冰淇淋、奶昔、各式西点装饰上之调味馅。

    For different kind of cake , bread , piping , ice cream , milk shake and other kinds of pastries decoration and seasoning .

  17. 对蛋糕裱花果酱保型性进行了研究,结果表明,其最佳配比为白砂糖用量5%、葡萄糖浆用量30%、变性淀粉用量10%、增稠剂用量0.4%。

    The research on shape maintenance of decoration jam is made . It shows that the optimum formula is 5 % of white granulated sugar , 30 % of glucose syrup , 10 % of modified starch and 0.4 % of additive .

  18. [结果]果蔬类饮料、熟肉制品、化妆品等均符合国家标准,裱花蛋糕、非发酵豆制品、鲜冻禽类合格率低,分别为18.75%、5.71%、59.25%。

    [ Results ] Soft drink , cooked meat and cosmetic all accorded with national standard . However , the butyric cake , non-fermentations bean-food and freshly frozen poultry meat had lower qualification rates which were 18.75 % , 5.71 % , 59.25 % , respectively .