
  • 网络liquid glass
  1. 种子包上一层液态玻璃就不大可能受到真菌孢子的攻击。

    Seeds coated with liquid glass are less likely to be attacked by fungal spores .

  2. 液态玻璃的试验在极为广泛的应用领域获得了成功。

    Successful tests on liquid glass have been made on a fantastically wide range of uses .

  3. 玻璃微球的直径和壁厚是液态玻璃微球运动速度、雷诺数和韦伯数的重要影响因素。

    The microsphere diameter and wall thickness are two governing factors of its ' terminal velocity , Reynolds number and Weber number .

  4. 液态玻璃几乎是由纯二氧化硅构成的,二氧化硅就是石英或硅石中的化学成分,基本上象普通玻璃一样。

    Liquid glass is composed of almost pure silicon dioxide , the chemical constituent of quartz or silica , basically like ordinary glass .

  5. 液态玻璃的工作原理是这样的:它可以形成一个对水具有强力排斥作用的无形疏水层,疏水层会产生强烈的静电引力,从而将自身固定在被喷洒的物料上。

    It works by forming a highly water-repellent invisible hydrophobic layer that generates strong electrostatic forces that bind it to the material in question .

  6. 很明显,液态玻璃的“易清洗”特点使各种具有潜在毒性的洗涤剂变得多余了。

    It is obvious that the ' easy-clean ' properties of liquid glass is making the variety of potentially toxic and scrubbing agents redundant .

  7. 这种喷剂是以“液态玻璃”的形态存在的,它是流散在物体表面的一种液体,就象柔软的玻璃覆盖着整个物体。

    The spray is in the form of ' liquid glass ' - a fluid that flows over surfaces as if it were flexible thin glass covering everything .

  8. 经过数天失败的尝试,技术人员们试图通过将一种叫做液态玻璃的固化剂注入贮存池周围的土壤和碎石中来阻断泄漏。

    After days of failed efforts , technicians managed to stop the leak by injecting a hardening agent called liquid glass into the soil and gravel around the pit .

  9. 镍电极的致密化过程分为液态玻璃的生成、镍粉颗粒的溶解析出和固相骨架的形成3个阶段。

    The densification process of Ni electrodes include three stages , such as the formation of ( liquid ) glass , the dissolution and precipitation of Ni particles and the formation of solid framework .

  10. 载气环境对液态空心玻璃微球运动状态的影响

    Influence of furnace atmosphere properties on kinetic behaviors of liquid hollow glass microsphere

  11. 本文利用第一性原理分子动力学方法结合部分实验结果对金属锆及硅合金液态和玻璃态微观结构进行系统分析。

    In this thesis , the local structure and dynamical properties of elemental zirconium and silicon alloys by using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations and experiments .

  12. TiO2对增钙液态渣微晶玻璃晶化影响的研究

    Study on the effect of TiO_2 on crystallization of glass-ceramic made from granulated slag containing high-calcium oxide

  13. 液态金属和玻璃的若干研究进展

    Progress in Studies on Liquid Metals and Glasses