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lì zi
  • particle;grain;granule
粒子 [lì zǐ]
  • [particle] 物质的极微小部分(如分子、原子、电子、粒子)

粒子[lì zi]
  1. 每一颗撞上土卫二的粒子就会产生好几个替代粒子,因此E环可以自给自足。

    Each grain that hits Enceladus generates multiple replacement particles , so the E ring could be self-sustaining .

  2. 等效粒子模型在氢气氛下ZnO脱硫研究中的应用

    The Equivalent Grain Model Used in the Macrokinetics Study of COS Removal by Zinc Oxide Desulfurizer in the Presence of Hydrogen

  3. 带电气体粒子会受磁力影响。

    The electrically charged gas particles are affected by magnetic forces .

  4. 在一定条件下,电子可以作波状运动,而不是粒子状运动。

    Under certain conditions , electrons can behave like waves rather than particles .

  5. 质子是物质的基本粒子。

    A proton is an elementary particle of matter .

  6. 中子就是原子核里不带电的粒子。

    A neutron is simply a neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom .

  7. 30年前,科学家们提出了质子和中子是由三种更小的粒子组成的理论。

    30 years ago , scientists came up with the theory that protons and neutrons are composed of three smaller particles .

  8. 这种粒子的质量很小。

    This particle has a very small mass .

  9. 各种物质,不论它是什么,都是由一些称为分子的很小的粒子构成的。

    Every substance , no matter what it is , is composed of very small particles called molecules .

  10. 超高效的粒子加速器将于80年代投入夸克探索的工作之中。

    Superpotent atom Smashers will undertake the quark quest in the1980s .

  11. 在物理学的概念里,没有不发生相互作用的粒子。

    In physics the concept of a noninteracting particle does not exist .

  12. 今天许多放射性同位素是用被称为回旋加速器的粒子加速器来制造的。

    Today many radioisotopes are produced using the particle accelerator called a cyclotron .

  13. 等离子体是带电粒子和中性粒子组成的表现出集体行为的一种准中性气体。

    A plasma is a quasineutral gas of charged and neutral particles which exhibits collective behavior .

  14. α射线是由α粒子构成的。

    Alpha-rays consist of alpha particles .

  15. 这种能量的不确定范围,又表现为粒子表观质量的可变性。

    This energy uncertainty in turn appears as a variability in the apparent mass of the particle .

  16. 狄喇克的理论还预言有一种质子的姐妹粒子,带负电荷,叫做反质子。

    Dirac 's theory also predicted a negatively charged sister for the proton , called the antiproton .

  17. 十多年以来,天文学家们一直在猜想,超新星激波可以充当巨型粒子加速器。

    Astronomers have suspected for more than a decade that supernova shock waves can act like giant particle accelerators .

  18. 电子及其他任何粒子都应该显示波的性质,才能体现自然界波粒互补的对称性。

    Electrons or any other " particle " should display wave properties to preserve the complementary wave-particle symmetry of nature .

  19. 它包含了与两个相等带电粒子凝聚增强因子中所包含的同样参数。

    It involves the same parameter as that involved in the enhancement factor for coagulation of two equally charged particles .

  20. 像在箱中粒子那样,边界条件迫使我们使能量量子化。

    As in the particle in a box , it is the boundary conditions that force us to quantize the energy .

  21. 得到了黑洞的局部事件视界位置和Hawking温度以及Klein—Gordon粒子的Hawking辐射谱。

    We obtain the event horizon and the Hawking spectrumformula .

  22. 同性带电粒子间的碰撞作用减少凝聚率。

    Encounters of like charges act to diminish the coagulation rate .

  23. 在这种情况下,带电粒子有一个简单的回转。

    In this case , a charged particle has a simple gyration .

  24. 为了对抗重力造成的聚集,这些粒子的波长可能会长达好几十光年的距离

    Fighting gravitational clumping would take a wavelength of a few dozen light-years .

  25. 相反,它是一个不断翻滚、剧烈沸腾的大锅,内有逐渐消失的粒子

    Rather , it is a roiling , seething cauldron of evanescent particles .

  26. 是粒子从壁上弹开后的速度。

    V is the velocity after the gas particle rebounds from the wall . V

  27. 这个研究团队正在制造一种名叫“美夸克”(又称为“底夸克”)的粒子。

    The team have been creating a particle called ' a beauty quark ' .

  28. 对于许多粒子物理学家来说,这是受挫折的一年

    For many particle physicists , however , it was a year of frustration .

  29. 新超短寿命粒子叫做共振态粒子

    New supershortlived particles are called resonances .

  30. 建造大型强子对撞机是为了探索全新的粒子,并改变我们对物理学的认知。

    The Large Hadron Collider was built to discover brand new particles – and transform our understanding of physics .