
  1. 重点介绍了新型节能石灰石粉磨设备HRM型立式磨机的原理和结构特点。

    Mainly introduced the principle and construction characteristics of HRM vertical mill for new type energy saving limestone grinding equipment .

  2. 添加表面活性剂及选择合适的粉磨设备。

    Additionning surface-active agent and selecting the expedient equipment of the comminution .

  3. 三种挤压粉磨设备粉磨稳定性比较

    Comparison on Grinding Stability of Three Kinds of Extrusion Grinder

  4. 粉磨设备磨机负荷模糊自学习控制系统设计

    Design of fuzzy self-learning control system of load of the grinding mill

  5. 振动磨机是一种高效的细磨和超细粉磨设备。

    Vibration mill is a kind of effective equipment for fine and ultrafine milling .

  6. 大型超细粉磨设备的开发研究

    Development of Large-scale Ultra fine Grinding Equipment

  7. 破碎粉磨设备安装工程施工及验收规范机械式磨轮成形设备

    Code for construction and acceptance of crusher and mill equipment installation engineering mechanical grinding wheel forming equipment

  8. 介绍了水煤浆的发展现状和用于水煤浆制备的破碎机和粉磨设备的选型。

    This paper describes technical development and equipment selection in coal slurry industry , major crushing and grinding equipment selection .

  9. 采用模糊自学习控制策略控制粉磨设备磨机负荷,控制效果良好。

    It is satisfied with controlling of the load of the grinding mill by using of self_learning fuzzy controlling mothod .

  10. 本实用新型提供一种立磨磨内喷水装置,属于粉磨设备领域。

    The utility model provides a water spraying device inside a vertical mill , which belongs to the powder mill equipment field .

  11. 化学镀铜在超大规模集成电路中的应用和发展大型超细粉磨设备的开发研究

    The study of the copper interconnection of the ultra - large scale integration Development of Large - scale Ultra fine Grinding Equipment

  12. 广义磨是一种新型粉磨设备,适用于多种矿物的粉磨。

    Guangyi grinder is a new type of fine grinding equipment and suitable for many kinds of ore minerals to be finely ground .

  13. 辊式磨是一种高效的粉磨设备,广泛应用于水泥、化工等领域,它是利用料床粉磨的原理来进行粉磨物料。

    Roller mill is a highly efficient grinding equipment which is widely used in cement , chemical industry . It based on the principle of material bed to grinding materials .

  14. 本文介绍了高炉渣微粉的性质、点、产工艺及粉磨设备的选择和应用前景分析。

    This article mainly describes the nature , characteristics and production process of the fine powder of blast furnace slag , introduces the selection of grinding machine , and analyzes the future applications as well .

  15. 通过个案的实例分析,从水泥性能的角度给出了水泥厂粉磨设备、粉磨工艺和水泥产品颗粒分布的一个参考标准。

    By the living example analysis of particular case and from the performance angle of cement , a reference standard on grinding equipment , grinding process and cement particle size distribution in cement plant was presented .

  16. 行星振动磨机是集行星磨与振动磨于一体的新型超细粉磨设备。

    The planetary-vibration mill ( PVM ) is a new type of vibration mill for ultrafine grinding which bas both the advantages of the vibration mill ( VM ) and the planetary mill ( PM ) .

  17. 以这种信息模型为基础,提出了筒辊磨优化设计的一般原理,并进一步提出了粉磨设备个性化设计的基本思想和实施途径。

    Based on the information model . a general principle of optimum design of the mill is put forward , and the basic thoughts of individual design for pulverizing equipment are further introduce as well as its carry-out way .

  18. 在综合分析现有超细粉制备工艺、粉磨设备及超细分级技术的基础上,确定了新的制备工艺,设计研制了离心转子式超细分级机,并进行了实验研究。

    On the basis of the general analysis of preparation process and grinding equipment and classifying technology , the new preparation process is found out and the centrifugal rotor classifier is developed , the experimental research is also performed .

  19. 高压辊磨机作为一种高效、节能型的粉磨设备在水泥行业中已得到广泛应用,并正在向金属矿山选矿行业拓展,其巨大的发展潜力促使其形成产业化、系列化的生产趋势。

    High-Pressure Grinding Roller ( HPGR ), as a kind high-efficiency and energy-saving equipment , has been widely applied in cement industry , and is extending to the domain of metal ore mining and beneficiation , the industrialization and series trend will be formed for its tremendous development potential .

  20. 辊压机粉磨系统设备配置优化技术及其应用研究

    Optimizing Technology of Equipment Collocation of Roller Grinding System and Its Application

  21. 振动磨是粉体工业中应用最广泛的粉磨机械设备之一。

    The vibration mill is one of the most widely used fine grinding machinery in the powder industry .

  22. 立磨作为生料粉磨的先进设备,正向国产化、大型化发展,其推广应用前景良好。

    The vertical mill as the advanced equipment for raw material powder milling is developing forward national production and large type , with spreading application prospect .

  23. 球磨机是物料粉磨的重要设备,衬板是球磨机上的关键部件,其耐磨性直接影响球磨机效率和物料粉磨成本。

    Grinding mill is an important equipment for material processing and the liner is a critical component of the mill , whose wear-ability will determine the grinding efficiency and cost of the powder processing .

  24. 球磨机作为粉磨的主要设备,在水泥生产中具有十分重要的地位,其粉磨系统的选型设计是一个复杂的过程,大多依赖专家经验。

    Ball mill is important equipment in grinding , and have a high position in cement field . However , the design of ball mill grinding system is a complex procedure , mostly depends on expert experience .

  25. 辊式磨是一种应用料床粉磨原理对物料进行粉磨加工的设备,广泛地用于粉体工程领域。

    Roller mills as a kind of processing equipment which make power grinding with the theory of crushing on the material bedding can be widely used in power engineering .

  26. 对粒化高炉矿渣的典型粉磨工艺进行了介绍,比较了其优缺点,着重介绍了采用立式磨作为预粉磨设备的新型粉磨工艺技术。

    Technics of typical grinding system of furnace slag and its advantages and disadvantages , especially a new grinding technology with standing mill are introduced .

  27. 虽然半终粉磨在系统增产方面具有更好的效果,但其节能幅度却略低于联合粉磨,且设备选型时受到一定限制,因此在实际工程设计中,联合粉磨流程得到了更加广泛的应用。

    Although semi-finished grinding is better in production increase , its extent of saving energy is lower than combination grinding , and choosing equipment model is restricted at a certain extent , so in the design of practice , combination grinding is used more .