
  • 网络The Pink Panther;panther;Trail of the Pink Panther
  1. 在晚上,粉红豹酒吧是一个能够通宵尽情跳舞的好地方。

    At night , a good place to boogie through till sunrise is the Pink Panther Bar .

  2. 喜剧大师史提夫?马丁在《粉红豹》中饰演一位无厘头的侦探。

    Comic master Steve Martin stars as the clueless detective in the pink panther .

  3. 他那带有美丽粉红豹钻石的昂贵戒指也于此时被偷走。

    Meanwhile , someone steals his expensive ring with the beautiful Pink Panther diamond .

  4. 收购米高梅将使亚马逊获得更多的电影、节目和著名角色,包括《洛奇》、《机械战警》和《粉红豹》。

    Buying MGM will give Amazon access to more films , shows and famous characters , including Rocky , RoboCop and the Pink Panther .

  5. 碧昂斯还出演了其他一些较为熟知的角色:在翻拍版《粉红豹》中与史蒂夫·马丁演对手戏、在以组合至上女声三重唱故事为蓝本的音乐片《追梦女郎》里担纲主角。

    Other high profile roles include a remake of The Pink Panther opposite Steve Martin and Dreamgirls a musical based on the band the Supremes .

  6. 像两小时的“粉红豹”片段的这样煎熬,对无辜的外行人来说太残忍了。

    Two hours of being bombarded with excerpts from such treats as the remake of " The Pink Panther ", they decided , would be too brutal a procedure to visit on innocent outsiders .

  7. 警方调查确信这是臭名昭著的塞尔维亚犯罪团伙——粉红豹所为。这个团伙在世界各地均有抢劫记录,涉案总额高达1.32亿美元,但他们从未被抓住。

    Investigators believe it to be the work of the notorious Serbian criminal gang The Pink Panthers , responsible for $ 132 million in robberies around the world , and have never been nabbed .

  8. 剧情简介时隔多年,“粉红豹”再现江湖,而且这一次“粉红豹”钻石戴在了一位在国际足坛上享有盛名的教练手上。

    Introduction plot after so many years ," Pink Panther " reproduction of rivers and lakes , and this time ," Pink Panther " diamond worn by an internationally renowned football coach on the hands .

  9. 当它受到的影响时候到现代风格的,狂乱的乐趣,没有人打粉红的豹。

    When it comes to stylish , frantic fun , no one beats the Pink Panther .