
  1. 此外还讨论了破产管理人报酬的确定主体、确定方法及破产管理人的义务等内容。

    Besides , it also discusses the determining body and method of the remuneration of bankruptcy administrator and the obligations of the bankruptcy administrator .

  2. 美国《破产法》、德国《支付不能法》等多数国家和地区的法律均对管理人报酬做出相应规定。

    The United States " bankruptcy law ", the German the payment and not law in most countries and regions such as the law of managers to pay all the corresponding provisions .

  3. 管理人的报酬由人民法院确定。

    The remuneration of the administrator shall be determined by the people 's court .

  4. 在这种缺乏风险激励机制和投资损失风险赔偿约束机制下,基金管理人收益报酬和风险责任是不对称的,即报酬与风险不相关,这导致基金管理人自然缺乏盈利的动力。

    The lack of risk incentive and loss compensation mechanism makes the return and risk liability of fund managers asymmetric .

  5. 破产管理人的报酬相对丰厚,而破产企业通常负债累累,基于公平原则,应由破产管理人缴纳保险费。

    Bankruptcy administrator of the pay was relatively rich , while the bankrupt enterprise usually based on the principles of fairness , debt , should by the bankruptcy administrator pay insurance premium .

  6. 有限合伙制条件下基金管理人的业绩报酬机制分析

    An Analysis of Performance Reward Mechanism of Fund Manager under Limited Partnerships

  7. 通过讨论笔者对法院选任破产管理人具体程序、破产管理人报酬确认的具体标准、职业金交纳的方式和建立破产管理人资料库的具体方式提出了建设性意见。

    Through discussing the author present some constructive opinions for court on procedure of empanelling bankruptcy assignee , concrete standard of verifying the reward of bankruptcy assignee , method of rendering practicing fee and concrete method of building data band of bankruptcy assignee .