
jiǎn dān xìnɡ yuán zé
  • principle of simplicity
  1. 简单性原则的哲学认识

    Philosophical Understanding of the Principle of Simplicity

  2. 软件设计方面,采用功能模块化,遵循可靠性、可扩展性、标准化及简单性原则。

    Design Software , using functional modular , following thereliability , scalability , standardization and the principle of simplicity .

  3. 尽管简单性原则显而易见,但它也有其微妙之处。

    Despite its obviousness , the simplicity principle has its subtleties .

  4. 简单性原则是一种重要的科学思维方法。

    The simple principle is an important scientific and thinking method .

  5. 简单性原则是科学探索活动中一条重要的美学原则。

    Simplicity principle is an important aesthetic principle in scientific research activities .

  6. 科学理论的简单性原则新探

    The Study of the Rules of Simplicity of Science Theories

  7. 和谐发展与简单性原则

    Harmonious Development and the Simple Principle in Nature

  8. 浅谈逻辑简单性原则与我国汛期旱涝预测

    On the Application of Simplification Principle to the Flood / Drought Prediction in China

  9. 本文从爱因斯坦的种种科学方法中,选取颇有意义的逻辑简单性原则进行考察,试图阐明爱因斯坦对此原则的真实理解;

    The principle of logical simplicity is one of Einstein 's most important scientific methods .

  10. 从物理学史看简单性原则的发展统一性和简单性的物理观

    The Development of Simplicity Principle in the History of Physics Physics View of Unity and Simplicity

  11. 文章认为,简单性原则的真正含义应是理解简单性原则;

    This essay holds that the simplicity principle actually means the theory 's simplicity principle in understanding .

  12. 关于假设、科学美、简单性原则、直觉与发明创造,他都有精彩的论述和独到的见解。

    On the assumption , Scientific Beauty , Simplicity , intuitive and inventions , he has brilliant and insightful discussion .

  13. 为何要坚持逻辑简单性原则&试析爱因斯坦逻辑简单性思想的物理学认识基础

    WHY DID EINSTEIN INSIST ON THE LOGICAL SIMPLICITY An Approach to the Grounds of Physics about the Logical Simplicity of Einstein

  14. 在此基础上,索伯论证了简单性原则的三个哲学问题:简单性的测量、简单性的合理性证明及简单性的权衡问题,得出简单性没有一个整体上的普遍合理性论证。

    Based on this , Sober raises three problems of simplicity principle and concludes that simplicity does not have a universal justification on the whole .

  15. 简单性原则一直以来是人类科学研究的重要传统和发展动力之一,所以简单性思维方式成为我们研究体育教学的主导思维方式。

    The simplicity principle has always been an important tradition and motivation of scientific research , therefore , the simplicity thinking mode becomes the leading thinking mode in P.

  16. 第三节提出系统设计原则:简单性原则、一致性原则、实用性原则、优化性原则、源程序可读性原则、低耦合高内聚性原则、安全性原则。

    The third quarter proposed system design principle : simplicity principle , the consistency principle , availability principle , principle , the optimization of the source program readability principle , low coupling high cohesion sex principle , safety principles .

  17. 从系统科学和不确定性系统理论的发展趋势、社会实践需求以及科学理论、科学方法、科学模型的简单性原则等方面揭示了灰色系统理论持续发展的奥秘。

    The mysteries of continued advance in grey systems theory studies were revealed by the trends of system sciences and uncertainty system theory , needs of social practice , and by simplicity principles of scientific theory , scientific method and scientific model , etc.

  18. 简单性问题就是对简单性原则的质疑,表现在简单性假设与概率公理之间的不一致上。

    The difficulty of simplicity is questioning the principle of simplicity , representing in the inconsistency of simplicity postulate and probability axioms .

  19. 物理学中的简单性原理对应于自然科学的理论简单性原则,两者都源于科学发展历史中的简单性思想。

    The simplicity principle in physics is corresponding to the theoretical simplicity tenet in natural science . Both of them originate form the thoughts on simplicity in the history of scientific development .