- 名isoseismal line

The high value area was a stripe-belt shape that was distributed in the direction of NW-SE and was in agreeing with the long axis of the innermost isoseismal line , the strike of geologic structure lines and the result of the mechanism of the earthquake foci .
The aftershocks were distributed along the fault and migrated from NE to SW .
Study on the relationship between isoseismal and isolines of PGA and PGV for Chi-Chi Earthquake
The isoseismal maps are valuable complements to the instrumental records .
The isoseismal of seismic intensity for the 9.21 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake of 1999
The distortion of isoseismals was specially affected by the main control factor of intensity .
Earthquake Finally , the causative structure and the time of earthquake occurrence were discussed .
The shape of isoseismic line is an oval and the direction of major axis is northeast .
Based on geographic information system , the authors develop a set of methods for seismic disasters pre-assessment .
Distribution of the Historical Earthquake Isoseismal Curve Major Axis Direction and Significance of the Seismogeology in the Anhui Region
Their characteristics are shown clearly on the seismic deformation belts , isoseismal shapes , foreshocks and aftershocks distributions .
Using 11 historical isoseismals data of the studied area we obtained the ellipsoid attenuation relationship and strip-shape attenuation relationship .
The directions of major axes of isoseismals of 41 earthquakes of M ≥ 6 in the time period from 143 to 1976 ;
The first isoseismal lines were drawn by Liu Jichen of the earthquake of Anhui , in1917 ( Liu Jichen , 1917 ) .
The correlation between acceleration vectors of the ground motion and aspects of the seismals or the major-active fault has also been identified .
Isoseismals not only represent seismic intensity distributions but also represent earthquake source size , faulting mode , and rupture velocity of fault propagation .
It is believed from the analysis that , the vibration field around the long-length cartridge is composed of a series of vibration lines of concentric ellipse .
For most of the regions , isoseismals are of somewhat elongated shape . The empirical point-ellipse model can reduce systematic deviation of point-source and fault-rupture models .
The new catalogue collects 3,187 recorded destructive earthquakes ( M ≥ 4 ( 3 / 4 )) and 209 maps of isoseismal curves or damage ranges .
These results agree basically with focus mechanism , focus parameters from seismic wave , macroscopic isoseisms and horizontal displacement vector map from observation on surface of earth .
Furthermore , the image of contour picture of maximum shear stress change on orthographically rupture mode of Bohai earthquake in1966 is closer with the macroscopic isoseismal picture .
Meanwhile , we took the isoseismal map of the 1970 Tonghai M7.8 earthquake as an example to explain how to use the long-and short-axis data of the isoseismal .
In this paper , a method is proposed such that the strike , dip , dipping direction and fracture length of a fault plane can be determined using of isoseismal lines .
The economic loss was 23 million RMB yuan . By investigating the influence field , the isoseismal map was made after the earthquake . The seismogenic tectonics is discussed and analyzed in this paper .
The stereo characteristics of the focal faults of strong earthquakes are described by seismic data ( isoseismic , surface rupture zones , ground deformation , plane and section distribution of aftershocks , and focal mechanism ) .
Comparisons with isoseismals of actual earthquakes and computation show that the results given by the fault-rupture model overestimate the attenuation in high-intensity area and underestimate it in low-intensity area along the directions of fault or the major axis of the isoseismals .
Based on grey system analysis of an earthquake influence field , the fuzzy distinguishing between the magnitude or the depth of earthquake source or the isoseismal area and the epicentral intensity has been finished in terms of fuzzy mathematics method also .