
  • 网络fourth dimension
  1. 以基准要素模型为扩展基础,为了显式地将时间因素作为第四维度,并满足四维和实时的需求,采用模糊时延Petri网技术对CVE各要素的动态状态变迁进行了良好的描述。

    To represent time factor explicitly as fourth dimension and satisfy 4D and real-time requirements , Based on the fundamental part , a Fuzzy-Timing Petri Nets formal modeling technique was employed to expand the fundamental part to describe dynamic state transition of all essential .

  2. 爱因斯坦推测时间应该是第四维度。

    Einstein suggested time should be a fourth dimension .

  3. 而爬虫军DNA则是第四维度的混合,因此将需要提升到下一维度而清除业力。

    Reptilian DNA is a fourth dimensional blending and will require more hosting this DNA to ascend to the next dimension to clear the karma for .

  4. 第四维度地球是如何丧失的业力正在被发现并释放。

    The karma for how fourth dimensional earth was lost has been uncovered and released .

  5. 这些祖先并不包括类似释迦牟尼佛这样实际上精通了第四维度的生物肉体。

    Such ancestors do not include those like Buddha who actually mastered a fourth dimensional biology ;

  6. 时间的第四维度十分稳定,但是它是可以穿过的。

    The Fourth Dimension of Time is a stable construct , though it is not impenetrable .

  7. 为了进入到第四维度的思想形态,你必须有70%光明和30%的致密或说黑暗。

    In order to enter the fourth dimension of thought-form , one must be70 % light and30 % density or dark .

  8. 但只要能进入更高维度就能通过第四维度让裤子绕着身体转圈

    But if we had access to higher dimensions , we could move our pants around our bodies through the fourth dimension

  9. 第四维度的地球气候将不极端,因为第四维度里没有冷热,只有平衡。

    Fourth dimensional earth will not know extremes in temperature , for within the fourth dimension there is not hot or cold ;

  10. 当这个过程慢慢随时间流逝而完成,形体就首先进入第四维度,最终成为第五维度的存在。

    As this is accomplished gradually and over time , the form enters first a fourth dimensional existence and eventually a fifth dimensional existence .

  11. 真正提升创造一个第四维度的身体,逐渐地提升进入,并随时间转换思想形态,直到它的性质变成第四维度。

    Real ascension creates a fourth dimensional body that is ascended into gradually and over time by transmuting thought-form until it becomes fourth dimensional in nature .

  12. 类似的,爬虫军的根种族开始和地心世界中以更大群体提升的第四维度的人类相混合。

    In parallel manner , the Reptilian root race began to blend with fourth dimensional humans who had ascended in the inner earth in larger groups .

  13. 那只不过是一个大脑,它想象了一个可伸缩的第四维度,它推翻了以太学说,它使我们从绝对时空的束缚中解脱出来,它拒绝相信上帝在抛骰子。

    It was just a brain & the brain that dreamed a plastic fourth dimension , that banished the ether , that released the pins binding us to absolute space and time , that refused to believe God played dice .

  14. 涉及第四个维度或者涉及时间,与第四个维度相关,与时间相关。

    Involving or relating to the fourth dimension or time .

  15. 所以有人也许会急著下断语说,我们所处的三维空间,要膨胀就要有第四个维度存在。

    One might conclude that the expansion of our three-dimensional space requires the presence of a fourth dimension .

  16. 第四个维度,“判断-知觉”定义了一个人如何实现他或她已经处理的信息。

    The fourth criterion , Judging-Perceiving defines how a person implements the information he or she has processed .

  17. 该假设同时也指出随着宇宙的膨胀,将会增加第四个维度。

    It could also explain why the expansion of the universe is speeding up with the addition of a fourth dimension .

  18. 第四章维度确立,主要是确立旅游体验品质的测量维度,是本文的核心部分。

    Chapter 4 . Dimension Establishment , proposes three dimensions of the tourist experience quality measurement , which is the key part .

  19. 第四,从价值维度阐释学习的价值。

    Fourth , this dissertation studies the value of learning from axiological dimension .

  20. 对大多数人类而言,将身体直接从癌症提升到第四或第五维度,将是不可能的。

    For most humans , taking the form from cancer to ascension to the fourth or fifth dimension will not be possible .

  21. 第四章从话语维度入手,梳理了美国对西部神话的建构,以及西部神话对建构国家认同的意义。

    Fourth chapter choose discourse perspective , analyzes the construction of the western mythology , and western mythology to construct the meaning of national identity .

  22. 对那些拥有更健康身体的人们而言,是有机会来乘着提升的浪潮从第三维度扩展到第四维度,一直到第五维度的意识的。

    For those with healthier forms , there is the possibility of riding the wave of ascension from third to fourth to fifth dimensional awareness .