
zhōu jiū
  • chirp;twitter;warble
啁啾 [zhōu jiū]
  • [chatter] 形容鸟叫声、奏乐声等

  • 乳雀啁啾日气浓。--林逋《初夏》

  • 丝管啁啾空翠来。--唐. 杜甫《渼陂行》

  1. 当蛋孵化出来的时候,雏鸟也会发出类似于它们妈妈的啁啾声——这种声音就代表着它们在大叫“喂我!”。

    When the eggs were hatched , the baby birds made the similar chirp to their mothers — a sound that served as their regular " feed me ! " call .

  2. 光孤子传输中的啁啾及F-P腔消啁啾技术

    Chirp and Chirp Elimination Technique in Soliton Transmission

  3. 鸟儿继续啁啾。

    The bird continued to warble

  4. 一鸟啁啾,百鸟应和。

    One bird chirped , all the birds began to sing .

  5. 自锁模Ti:Al2O3激光器腔内脉冲双向啁啾补偿

    Two-way Chirp Compensation in a Self-mode-locked Ti : sapphire Laser

  6. 基于啁啾放大的飞秒太瓦量级Ti∶Al2O3激光器新进展

    The new advance of fs , TW level Ti ∶ Al_2O_3 laser based upon CPA techniques

  7. 变迹啁啾Bragg光纤光栅的响应特性数值计算

    Numerical Study of Apodized and Chirped Bragg Fiber Gratings

  8. 利用啁啾光纤光栅实现10Gb/sWDM系统色散补偿

    Dispersion Compensation of 10Gb / s WDM System Using Chirped Fiber Grating

  9. 非线性二次曝光法制作啁啾光纤Bragg光栅

    Fabricating Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings by Nonlinear Double-exposure

  10. MOSAIC能够精确地测量飞秒激光脉冲的微小啁啾量。

    Low chirp of femtosecond laser pulses can be determined accurately using the MOSAIC .

  11. 啁啾Moire光栅波分复用/解复用器件的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Wavelength Division Multiplexing / demultiplexing Device Based on Chirped Moire Grating

  12. 此外,对于啁啾高斯-谢尔脉冲光束,M2因子还随啁啾参数的增大而增大。

    Furthermore for chirped pulse , the M ~ 2 factor increases as the chirp parameter increases .

  13. 啁啾光纤光栅F-P腔的滤波特性

    Filter Characteristics of Chirped Fiber Grating F - P Cavity

  14. 啁啾光纤光栅对色散和PMD同时进行补偿的研究

    Analysis of Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating Used to Compensating the Polarization Mode Dispersion

  15. 介绍一种采用啁啾光栅并结合边缘线性滤波解调的FBG应变测量系统。

    In this paper , strain measuring system based on chirped gratings and edge linear filtering demodulation technology is presented .

  16. 用公司账户啁啾小话,或在YouTube上演绎售卖示范,就有违社会网络的本质了。

    Tweeting on a corporate account or posting sales demonstrations on YouTube misses the essence of social networking .

  17. 文章提出一种基于磁场变化对均匀周期光纤光栅(FBG)引入线性啁啾的特性来实现可调整偏振模色散(PMD)补偿的技术。

    A novel technique of tunable polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) compensation based on fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) is proposed .

  18. 对用光谱位相相干直接电场重建法(SPIDER)测量飞秒光脉冲啁啾特性的光谱位相干涉仪进行了数值模拟;

    The numerical analyses have been conducted for characterizing femtosecond laser pulses with the spectral phase interferometry for direct electrical field reconstruction ( SPIDER ) .

  19. 利用啁啾光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)反射和长周期FBG边沿滤波,提出并实现了一种综合的FBG传感快速解调方案。

    Based on the chirp fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) and edge filter technique , a high-speed sensor multiplexing network system is designed and realized .

  20. 综述了应用于啁啾脉冲放大(CPA)系统的脉冲压缩光栅(PCG)的发展概况;

    An overview of the development of all dielectric pulse compressor gratings used in Chirped-Pulse Amplification ( CPA ) is summarized ;

  21. SPIDER结果显示了相对于略有正啁啾原始激光脉冲而言,优化后激光脉冲略有负啁啾且脉宽更短。

    SPIDER results show that the optimal laser pulses have shorter pulse-width with the little negative chirp than the original pulse with the little positive chirp .

  22. 其次是基于啁啾切趾光纤光栅三角形滤波器的解调方案,并用于FBG传感器的动态应变信号解调。

    The second scheme is based on the chirped and apodized fiber grating triangular filter . It is demonstrated to measure dynamic strain monitored by FBG sensors .

  23. 结果表明:在改善SOA增益恢复时间和频率啁啾的传统方法的基础上,运用多电极结构的SOA可以更灵活地调节SOA的增益恢复时间和频率啁啾大小,以适应不同的应用场合。

    The results shows that with the multi-electrode structure , the gain recovering time and chirp of SOA can be tuned more flexibly , which adapt to different circumstances better than the traditional SOAs .

  24. 用光学参量啁啾脉冲放大技术产生TW级激光脉冲系统的最优化设计

    Optimized design of a system of generating terawatt laser pulses by use of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification

  25. 啁啾脉冲放大(CPA)技术的关键在于提高高功率短脉冲的信噪比。

    The development of chirped - pulse amplification ( CPA ) technique requires to optimize CPA for the production of high power ultrashort light pulses with low pedestal .

  26. 报道了用于啁啾脉冲振荡器(CPO)和啁啾脉冲放大器(CPA)的高色散反射镜的进展。

    We report on the development of highly dispersive mirrors for chirped-pulse oscillators ( CPOs ) and amplifiers ( CPAs ) .

  27. 比较了总层数相同的直接双啁啾结构和重复周期为n倍的改进结构,发现后者在理论设计更具有应用优势,同时在实验制作上有更高的容差性。

    We compare the improved structure repeated for n times with the directly double_chirped structure with the same layer number , finding that the former has not only more advantages in theoretical design but a higher tolerance in experimental fabrication .

  28. 对存在偏振模色散(PMD)和群时延(GD)抖动的非理想线性啁啾光纤光栅的色散补偿特性进行了研究。

    Influence of polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) and group time delay ripple of the chirped fiber grating on dispersion compensation were investigated in this paper .

  29. 分析了飞秒激光啁啾脉冲放大系统(CPA)中的增益光谱窄化效应,讨论了抑制光谱窄化效应的有效方法,据此研制了几种飞秒脉冲光谱损耗元件。

    Gain narrowing effect in the chirp pulse amplification of femtosecond laser is investigated . A few methods on overcoming gain narrowing are introduced , and some spectrum loss elements are produced .

  30. 该方案采用直调激光器配合相位调制器产生大啁啾并由DCF压窄输出光脉冲。

    Directly modulated laser combining with phase modulator is adopted to produce large chirped light , which can be compressed by DCF to generate the optical pulse .