
  • 网络quaternary sediment
  1. 第四纪沉积物磁性调查法在油田上的应用

    Application of the Quaternary sediment magnetic measurement in oil fields

  2. 第四纪沉积物的天然热释光中储存有自沉积以来的累积辐射剂量。

    The natural thermoluminescence in Quaternary sediment has stored accumulated irradiated dose since the sediment deposited .

  3. 珠江三角洲第四纪沉积物TiO2/Al2O3值及其地质意义

    TiO_2 / Al_2O_3 Ratio in Quaternary Sediments of Zhujiang River Delta and its geological significance

  4. 笔者在新疆罗布泊K1孔第四纪沉积物中,首次发现丰富的有孔虫化石(Ammonia)及与其伴生的介形虫和轮藻化石。

    Abundant foraminiferal fossils ( Ammonia ) and their associated ostracoda and charophyta fossils were discovered for the first time in Quaternary sediments of hole K1 in Lop Nur , Xinjiang .

  5. 对长江中下游第四纪沉积物(Q3黄土,Q2红土和Q3红土)发育土壤的磁性增强现象及其物理机制进行了讨论。

    On the basis of environmental magnetism study on soils formed on Quaternary sediments in Yangtze River valley , the soil magnetic enhancement and its mechanism were discussed .

  6. 本文以东台PY-19孔为例,对江苏沿海第四纪沉积物中的粘土矿物作了分析鉴定和估算,发现所有的样品皆含伊利石,大部分样品含蒙脱石、绿泥石和高岭石。

    This paper presents the results of analysis , identification and estimation of the clay minerals in Jiangsu offshore quaternary sediment of using PY-19 core as a representative .

  7. 长江三峡巫山地区第四纪沉积物元素地球化学特征

    Geochemistry Characteristics of Quaternary Sediments from WuShan District in Three Gorges

  8. 昆明盆地第四纪沉积物粒度特征及沉积环境分析

    Grain size and sedimentary environment of the Quaternary sediments in Kunming Basin

  9. 湖南衡阳盆地第四纪沉积物对地气测量的影响

    Effect of Quaternary Sediments of Hengyang Basin , Hunan on Geo-gas Prospecting

  10. 第四纪沉积物磁性勘查油气法的原理及应用

    The principle and application of magnetic oil and gas exploration in Quaternary sediments

  11. 福州第四纪沉积物工程地质特征研究

    Research on engineering geology features of Fuzhou quaternary sediments

  12. 塔里木盆地腹地第四纪沉积物粒度特征及其沉积环境

    Grain-size characteristics and sediment environment of Quaternary sediments in the central Tarim basin

  13. 第四纪沉积物天然热释光测量勘查深部油气藏的方法原理及应用

    Principle of Quaternary sediment natural thermoluminescence survey for prospecting oil reservoir and its application

  14. 珠江三角洲地区第四纪沉积物地球化学特征及古地理意义

    Geochemical characteristics and paleogeographic significance of the Quaternary sediments in the Pearl River Delta Area

  15. 长江中下游第四纪沉积物发育土壤磁性增强的环境磁学机制

    Environmental Magnetism of Magnetic Enhancement for Soils Formed on Quaternary Sediments in Yangtze River Valley

  16. 四川名山地区第四纪沉积物特征及沉积环境探讨

    Research of the Characteristics of Quaternary Sediments and Sedimentary Environments in Ming-Shan Area , Sichuan

  17. 第四纪沉积物光释光测年中等效剂量测定方法的对比研究

    Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Quaternary sediments : A comparison using different equivalent dose determination methods

  18. 文章结合多种技术手段对青岛即墨温泉盆地第四纪沉积物进行研究。

    The Quaternary deposits of Qingdao Jimo Warm Spring were researched with several kinds of methods .

  19. 塔克拉玛干地区第四纪沉积物的机械组成特征及其意义

    Characteristics and significance of the Mechanical Composition of the Quaternary Deposits of the Taklimakan Region , China

  20. 冀东平原第四纪沉积物地球化学特征及其古地理意义

    Geochemical characteristics and paleogeographic significance of the Quaternary sediment in the eastern part of the Hebei Plain

  21. 四川渡口地区晚第四纪沉积物的孢粉分析及其地质意义

    The sporo-pollen analysis of Late Quaternary deposits from Dukou region , Sichuan province , and its geological significance

  22. 宜昌地区第四纪沉积物中玄武岩砾石特征及其与长江三峡贯通的关系

    Character of Basaltic Gravels in Quaternary Sediments in Yichang Area and Its Relationship with Formation of Yangtze Three Gorges

  23. 老红砂是中国东南沿海独具特色的第四纪沉积物。

    The " Old Red Sand " is the Quaternary deposits with distinctive features in the coastal area of southeast China .

  24. 研究鄂西南清江流域的新构造运动&利用第四纪沉积物的磁化率各向异性特征

    The study of the new tectonics in valley of the Qingjiang River with the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of the Quaternary

  25. 本文结合第四纪沉积物类型的划分,讨论了遥感分类中最佳波段和波段组合的选取以及特征空间的扩充方法。

    The optimum selection of bands and its combinations in remote sensing classification and the method for expanding feature space are presented .

  26. 本文将南黄海第四纪沉积物,用不同方法计算的粒度分布参数作了统计分析。

    In this paper , statistical analysis is made on different calculating methods for grain-size parameters of Quaternary sediments from South Yellow Sea .

  27. 表土沉积物中的植硅体分析是了解第四纪沉积物中植硅体组成的重要途径,也是重建第四纪古环境的基础。

    Phytolith analysis in the surface soils is not only an important approach of studying phytolith assemblages in the Quaternary sediments , but also a basis of Quaternary environment reconstruction .

  28. 特别是在成都平原及山前丘陵、台地地区,第四纪沉积物大面积的片状分布。

    Especially in the lower terrace along the river and the platform on the Chengdu plain of the front of Long-Men mountain , the Quaternary sediment overlay the large acreage .

  29. 第四纪沉积物的形成及形成后的表生地质作用,对沉积物的岩性、结构、物理&力学性质等一系列工程地质特性有着重要影响。

    After the formation of Quaternary sediment , its surficial geological function has influenced greatly the lithologic association , texture , physical mechanic property and other engineering geological characters of the sediment .

  30. 本文通过巫山第四纪沉积物元素地球化学和矿物的特征以及其风化程度的判别,以期确定巫山第四纪沉积物的特征及其渊源。

    According to the judgment to Quaternary sediments element geochemistry , minerals ' features and weathering degree on Wu Shan in this thesis so that fixes the Quaternary sediments ' features and origin .