
  1. 我们翻开至第十二章!

    We all turn to chapter twelve .

  2. 第十二章主要对我国私募证券投资基金的产生、发展、风险及其管理问题进行分析研究。

    Chapter twelve analyzes and researches into the origination , development , risk and its management of the investment fund privately raised in our country .

  3. 伟大的斗牛士,他所描述的第十二章。

    Villalta-A great bullfighter , he is described in Chapter XII .

  4. 第十二章华厦灯火:使者求爱

    Chapter XII of the lamps of the mansions & the Ambassador plea

  5. 第十二章生产力理论与价值理论

    Chapter 12 The Theory of the Powers of Production and the Theory of Values

  6. 第十二章第一审普通程序

    CHAPTER XII Ordinary Procedure of First Instance

  7. 小说第十二章也是展示凯瑟琳复杂心理的又一精彩章节。

    Chapter XII in this novel is another wonderful chapter to show ambivalent psychology of Catherine .

  8. 第十二章厄里斯魔镜


  9. 第十二章体贴的人

    CHAPTER XII The Fellow of Delicacy

  10. 第十二章分析客赣方言上声调的历史演变;

    In the twelfth chapter , the historical evolution of the rising tone in the Hakka and Gan dialects is analyzed .

  11. 很难选择。我喜欢魔法石第十二章(里斯魔镜)我觉得火焰杯的收尾也很出色。

    Hard to choose . I like chapter twelve of Sorcerer 's Stone ( The Mirror of Erised ), and I am proud of the ending of Goblet of Fire .

  12. 那时,天上出现了一个大异兆:有一个女人,身披太阳,脚踏月亮,头戴十二颗星的荣冠。(默示录第十二章第一节)

    A great sign appeared in the sky , a woman clothed with the sun , with the moon under her feet , and on her head a crown of twelve stars . ( Rev . 12:1 )

  13. 所得结果与前述理论研究结果完全一致。最后,第十二章对本论文所取得的成果及存在的不足作了简要的总述,并对今后可能的研究方向进行了展望和提出了建议。

    The results were completely consistent with the foregoing theoretical results . Finally , in the 12th chapter , the author gives a general overview on the achievements and the deficiency in this thesis . Some prospects and suggestions of the possible future research directions are pointed out .

  14. 有几个同学要再仔细读读《与狼人共度周末》——我在书中第十二章明确讲过我理想的生日礼物是一切会魔法和不会魔法的人和睦相处——不过我也不会拒绝一大瓶奥格登陈年热火威士忌!”

    And a few of you need to read Wanderings with Werewolves more carefully - I clearly state in chapter twelve that my ideal birthday gift would be harmony between all magic and non-magic peoples - though I wouldn 't say no to a large bottle of Ogden 's Old Firewhisky ! "

  15. 第九至十二章主要是上一世纪90年代以来的舞剧,这包括进入后新时期(1992年)直至迈入新世纪的舞剧。

    The 9th chapter to the 12th chapter is mainly talking about the dance dramas since the 1990s , including the dance dramas from the " post new era " ( 1992 ) to the " new century " .

  16. 我本人最喜欢第六章和第十二章。

    Chapter six and twelve are my favourites .

  17. 第二编审判程序第十二章第一审普通程序第一节起诉和受理

    PART TWO TRIAL PROCEDURE Chapter XII Ordinary Procedure of First Instance Section 1 Bringing a Lawsuit and Entertaining a Case

  18. 第四部分是研究如何提取拓扑指数的正交的信息来建立有效的定量结构活性关系模型(第十一章一第十二章)。

    The fourth part is focused on how to extract orthogonal information from topological indices to build better quantitative structure activity models , which is described in the eleventh and twelfth chapters .