
  • 网络The Twelfth Night;From Twelfth Night
  1. 玛利亚称呼马伏里奥为“逢迎取巧者,装腔作势的蠢驴”——因为在《第十二夜》中,马伏里奥过分追求时尚,展现出的是一个做作的傻瓜形象。

    Maria calls Malvolio " a time-pleaser , an affectioned ass idiot in Twelfth Night .

  2. 梅萨皮人没有希腊血统——历史学家认为他们和因《第十二夜》(TwelfthNight)而声名远扬的伊利里亚人关系密切——但他们和希腊人往来,创造出了充满活力的文化。

    The Messapii were not of Greek origin - historians tie them to Illyria , of " Twelfth Night " " fame - but associated with the Hellenics to create a vibrant culture .

  3. 答:几年前,我在(百老汇的)《第十二夜》(TwelfthNight)和《理查三世》(RichardIII)里看了很多马克·里朗斯的表演。

    Thanks to " Twelfth Night " and " Richard III " [ on Broadway ] , I was able to get a big dose of Mark Rylance a couple of years ago .

  4. 他们翻阅着SignetClassic出版社的平装版《第十二夜》(TwelfthNight)紧张地记着笔记。复习第一幕时,他们自然而然地明白了,伊利里亚公爵奥西诺(Orsino)着迷于奥丽维娅(Olivia)。

    Flipping through their Signet Classic paperbacks and scribbling notes , they reviewed the first act of " Twelfth Night , " intuitively understanding that Orsino , Duke of Illyria , had become obsessed with Olivia .

  5. 《第十二夜》中薇奥拉与公爵的对话威廉·莎士比亚

    Viola 's response to Orsino in Twelfth Night By William Shakespeare

  6. 下周,他们将演出“第十二夜”。

    They are going to play " Twelfth Night " next week .

  7. 我正准备去电影院看《第十二夜》呢。

    I was planning to go to the theatre to see'welfth Night ' .

  8. 《假如音乐是爱情的粮食》,节选自《第十二夜》,莎士比亚

    If Music Be The Food Of Love from Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare

  9. 我记得剧名为《第十二夜》,

    Twelfth Night was the play , I remember .

  10. 为了说明这一点,让我们来看一看喜剧《第十二夜》。

    To illustrate this point , let us consider the comedy The Twelfth Night .

  11. 菲斯特是《第十二夜》中的丑角。

    Feste is the clown in Twelfth-Night .

  12. 演员们演出了《第十二夜》。

    The actors performed Twelfth Night .

  13. 在舞台上,他参加出演的戏剧包括《海鸥》、《第十二夜》和《特洛伊女人》。

    On stage , he appeared in plays like The Seagull , Twelfth Night , and Trojan Women .

  14. 角色凸显与丑角复活&莎士比亚《第十二夜》中丑角分析

    The Prominence of the Roles and Clowns ' Resurrection & Analysis the clowns in Shakespeare 's The Twelfth

  15. 是怎么想到不仅要做《第十二夜》的英文版、还要做中文版的?

    What is your motivation to not only bring Shakespeare to Shanghai , but also do a Chinese version ?

  16. 我记得剧名为《第十二夜》,剧中的托比。培尔契爵士又大又胖而且喜欢酗酒行乐。

    Sir Toby Belch He was a big fat man , who liked drinking too much and having a good time .

  17. 女王伊丽莎白一世于1601年1月6号观看了此剧—《第十二夜》,也很喜欢。

    Queen Elizabeth the First watched that play-on Twelfth Night , the 6th of January , 1601.She liked it , too .

  18. 神将智慧给那已经有智慧的人,至于那些愚昧人,就让他们去使用他们的才干吧!(莎士比亚《第十二夜》)

    Well , God give them wisdom that have it ; and those that are fools , let them use their talents .

  19. 当他被问到为什么来演出《第十二夜》时,他说他感到有责任把莎士比亚的剧作介绍给中国观众。

    Asked why he came to do Twelfth Night , he said that he felt a sort of responsibility to introduce Shakespeare 's pays to Chinese audiences .

  20. 一处是在《哈姆雷特》,一处是在《亨利八世》,还有一处,也是笔墨最多的就是在《第十二夜》中了,马伏里奥几乎都要把那个单词,一个字一个字拼出来了。

    Once in Hamlet , once in Henry V and most blatantly of all in Twelfth Night , where the character Malvolio actually spells the word out .

  21. 而在《第十二夜》中,你就能看到“一个扮成女孩的男孩,再假装自己是个男孩”的有趣情景。

    I know in12th night , to me , the central , the heart of the play is the two female characters , the woman who was in love with a girl-dressed boy .

  22. 本文试图从莎士比亚的最具代表性的浪漫主义喜剧《第十二夜》中的角色入手,具体研究喜剧中角色的产生、特别是小丑这一人物在角色凸显中的复活及其背后暗含的深层寓意。

    From the roles of The Twelfth Night which is Shakespeare 's most typical romantic comedy , this article attempts to research specifically the appearance of the roles in the comedy , especially the clowns'resurrection in the prominence of the roles and research specifically the implied meaning behind the clowns .