
  1. 所谓3G手机即第三代手机,是泛指能够将语音通信和多媒体通信相结合的新一代移动通信系统。

    The so-called 3G mobile phone , which means the third generation of it , generally refers to a new generation of mobile communication system that combines sound communication with multimedia communication .

  2. 中国特有的标准,比如有关第三代手机的标准,为外国企业创造出高昂的成本。

    China-specific standards , such as on third-generation mobile phones , can create high compliance costs for foreign enterprises .

  3. 而第三代手机,通过无线通信与国际互联网的结合,能够浏览网页,收发邮件,处理视频、音频、图像等多媒体格式,手机应用更加丰富,用户体验已经是手机好坏的最重要评判标准。

    When comes to the third generation , with the realization of connection between wireless communication and internet , mobile phone is already equipped with functions to browse web page , handle emails , support multimedia files such as video , audio and image .

  4. 这种担心也是中国推迟推出第三代(3G)手机服务的部分原因。最近几周,中国移动和中国联通地方分公司开展的市场促销活动更突显了这种担心。

    Such concerns , which have helped to delay the introduction of third-generation mobile services , have been highlighted in recent weeks by market promotions by local arms of Mobile and Unicom .

  5. 该公司在生产基于第三代无线技术的手机方面落后于竞争对手,这也令其受到冲击。

    It has also been hurt by a failure to keep up with rivals that produce mobiles based on third-generation wireless technology .

  6. 但是医学正期待第二代英特网和第三代手机的出现,他们将运用于未来分布式职能化医疗服务。

    But medicine is looking towards both the second-generation Internet and third-generation mobile phones for the future of distributed medical intelligence .

  7. 手机是现代人生活必不可少的工具,其发展经历了第一代手机、第二代手机和第三代手机三个阶段。

    Mobile phones are essential tools of modern life , its development through the first generation , second generation and third generation in three stages .