
  • 网络First Law;The First Rule
  1. 这时消除购买懊悔的第一法则。

    This is the first rule to eliminate buyers remorse .

  2. 当然不是你,权谋的第一法则对不对?

    Nor should you . that 's the first rule of politics , isn 't it ?

  3. 除非这些命令与第一法则相抵触。

    Except where those orders come in conflict with the first law .

  4. 竞争的第一法则,为了赢,你可以不择手段。

    The first rule of competition , in order to win , you have to want it more .

  5. 这也是人类文明发展的动力。这也是我们所应遵循的第一法则。

    It is not only the impetus of human civilization , but also the first law mankind should obey .

  6. 机器人应服从人的一切命令,但不得违反第一法则;

    A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict the Frist Law .

  7. 现在我知道要扮酷的第一法则,要显得不为所动,从来都不承认会有吓着你,或令你惊讶或使你兴奋的事。

    Now , I know that the number one rule to being cool is to seem unfazed , to never admit that anything scares you or impresses you or excites you .

  8. 按照第一条法则,机器人不能伤害一个危险的持枪者,但是依照第零条法则,机器人则可以杀死持枪者以拯救他人。

    Under the first law , a robot could not harm a dangerous gunman , but under the zeroth law , a robot could kill the gunman to save others .

  9. 第一条法则——审视你的生活——是贯穿全书的主线。

    The first rule — examine your life — is the common thread that runs through the entire book .

  10. 只是……卡梅洛特的第一条法则就言明,拥有贵族血统的人才有资格享有骑士爵位。

    It 's just that ... The first code of Camelot states that only those of noble blood can serve as knight .

  11. 第一条法则是我自己发明的,它是这么说的:如果你把技术放慢,你会走得更快。

    The first law I have invented myself and it goes like this : if you slow technology down , you go faster .

  12. 第一条法则的思想是简单的目标更容易让人集中精力,最简单的设计和最短的演讲可以有最好的效果。

    The first law is the idea that simple goals are easier to focus on , and that the simplest designs and shortest speeches have the greatest impact .

  13. 领导的第一个法则是让自己能够下达重大的决定。因此不可为琐碎的事物分神,也不能使自己成为争辩的问题之一。

    The first fule of leadership is to save yourself for big decision . don 't allow your mind to become cluttered with the trivia . don 't let yourself become the issue .

  14. 尤其是Zynga为何只是更改了2011年第一财季会计计算法则,而没有更改此前几年的数据?

    Specifically over why Zynga needs to change its Q1 2011 accounting but not its calculations for prior years .

  15. 完美第一印象十大法则

    10 rules for perfect first impression

  16. 第一条是帕累托法则(又名二八法则),该法则称,80%的结果取决于20%的原因。

    The first is the Pareto Principle ( or the 80-20 rule ), which states that 80 per cent of consequences stem from 20 per cent of causes .