
  • 网络the first mover;primum movens
  1. 论亚里士多德的第一推动者

    Aristotle 's " The First Mover "

  2. 所以必然会有不受他物推动的第一推动者;

    Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a first mover , moved by no other ;

  3. 人人都知道,这个第一推动者就是上帝。

    And this everyone understands to be God .

  4. 亚氏通过对第一推动者的论述,完成了从自然哲学到形而上学的过渡。

    It is indicated that Aristotle has done the transition from the natural philosophy to the metaphysics by the discussion about ' First Mover .

  5. 回首往昔,卡廷说:我猜我们开展得足够早,作为第一批推动者,我们做的又是开源产品,也付出了大量努力,这一切让我们与许多早期竞争者区分了开来。

    Looking back , my conjecture is that we were early enough , and that the combination of being first movers and being open source and being a substantial effort kept there from being a lot of competitors early on , he said .

  6. 在太原市“清洁生产示范市”初创时期,政府是第一倡导者和推动者;

    During the early time of founding Clean Production Demonstralive City , the government of Taiyuan is the first advocator and pusher .

  7. 第一批的推动者往往是技术的提供者,就像淘金时代,提供牛仔裤,提供住的,提供工具的,往往是第一批的受益者。

    The first group of promoters often is a provider of technology , like the gold rush era , with jeans , to provide live , provide the tools , is often the first batch of beneficiaries .