
dì yī shěn
  • first instance
第一审[dì yī shěn]
  1. 第十九条中级人民法院管辖下列第一审民事案件:

    Article 19 The intermediate people 's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over the following civil cases :

  2. 强化民事第一审程序:原理、路径与方法

    Enforcement of Civil Procedure of First Instance : Principle , Route and Method

  3. 第三章为制度创新:第一审普通程序的增量设计。

    This chapter focuses on system innovation for improving the ordinary procedure of first instance .

  4. 第十二章第一审普通程序

    CHAPTER XII Ordinary Procedure of First Instance

  5. 第二编审判程序第十二章第一审普通程序第一节起诉和受理

    PART TWO TRIAL PROCEDURE Chapter XII Ordinary Procedure of First Instance Section 1 Bringing a Lawsuit and Entertaining a Case

  6. 第一审民商事案件当庭宣判若干问题的法律思考

    A Legal Thinking about Problems over the In-Court Judgment Pronouncement in the Civil and Commercial Cases in the First Instance

  7. 各高级人民法院根据本辖区的实际情况,可以确定若干基层人民法院管辖第一审著作权民事纠纷案件。

    Each higher people 's court may designate some grassroot courts to exercise jurisdiction over copyright-related civil disputes in the first instance .

  8. 审理第一审船舶碰撞、共同海损案件的期限为一年;

    The time limit is one year for hearing maritime cases of the first instance concerning collision of ships or general average .

  9. 结合行政诉讼立法目的,证据交换制度只适用于第一审程序,其他程序不宜适用;

    Balancing the aims of legalization of administrative litigation , this system is applicable to the first procedure , not other instances ;

  10. 民事案件中以第一审和强制执行案件居多,第一审案件中债权纠纷居首位。

    Among the civil cases , mostly were first instance cases and the compulsorily executed ones , of which debt disputes got the top .

  11. 取消基层人民法院的第一审行政案件管辖权刍议由一起行政诉讼案件判决书引发的法律思考

    Arguments for Withdrawal of Jurisdiction of Administrative Action Cases in First Instance of Grass-roots Courts Legal Reflections aroused by the Judgment of an administrative case

  12. 下级人民法院对其管辖的第一审行政案件,认为需要由上级人民法院审判的

    Deems it necessary for an administrative case of first instance under its jurisdiction to be adjudicated by a people 's court at a higher level

  13. 审理再审案件,原来是第一审的,按照第一审程序另行组成合议庭;

    If a case for retrial was originally tried at first instance , a new collegial panel shall be formed according to the procedure of first instance ;

  14. 智慧财产法院审判案件,民事第一审诉讼程式及行政诉讼简易程式,以法官一人独任行之;

    When Intellectual Property Court tries cases , a single judge alone shall try the case in which litigation procedure and administrative litigation summary procedure are followed .

  15. 海事法院管辖第一审海事案件和海商案件,不受理刑事案件和其他民事案件。

    The maritime courts shall have jurisdiction over maritime cases and maritime trade cases of first instance ; they shall not handle criminal cases or other civil cases .

  16. 第二十条高级人民法院管辖在本辖区有重大影响的第一审民事案件。

    Article 20 The high people 's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over civil cases that have major impact on the areas under their jurisdiction .

  17. 第四十条人民法院审理第一审民事案件,由审判员、陪审员共同组成合议庭或者由审判员组成合议庭。

    Article 40 The people 's court of first instance shall try civil cases by a collegial panel composed of both judges and judicial assessors or of judges alone .

  18. 简易程序是和普通程序并列而存的独立的第一审程序,其特点是简便易行,它是实现诉讼活动公正、效益的有效方式。

    Summary procedure is the first trial procedure as well as the common procedure , and it is an effective method to realize the justice and efficiency of judicial activities .

  19. 发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定,以及刑事判决、裁定中的财产部分,由第一审人民法院执行。

    A legally effective civil judgment or ruling , and any part involving property in a criminal judgment or ruling , shall be executed by the trial court of first instance .

  20. 重庆地方法院为初审法院,管辖重庆市和巴县两地,主管除法律特别规定外的第一审民刑案件和非诉事件。

    That local court was original court , which governed Chongqing city and Ba County , disposing of cases of first instance civil and criminal and non-litigation unless the law provided otherwise .

  21. 当前的刑诉法典规定,公诉案件的被害人不享有上诉权,其不服地方各级人民法院第一审的判决,只能请求人民检察院抗诉。

    In our country , the present criminal Law determines the litigants and the victims main body status in the public prosecution case , but it does not endow them with appeal right .

  22. 如果原来是第一审案件,应当依照第一审程序进行审判,所作的判决、裁定,可以上诉、抗诉;

    If the case was originally one of first instance , it shall be tried in accordance with the procedure of first instance and the new judgment or order may be appealed or protested .

  23. 把自己管辖的第一审行政案件移交下级人民法院审判这一法案规定为每一移民定居户无偿提供一百六十英亩土地。

    Transfer administrative cases over which they themselves have jurisdiction as courts of first instance to people 's courts at lower levels for trial . This Act gave 160 acres free to each settler family .

  24. 适用普通程序审理的被告人未被羁押的第一审刑事自诉案件,期限为六个月;

    The time limit is six months for hearing by using the ordinary procedure criminal cases of the first instance raised by a private party and of which the defendant is not yet under custody .

  25. 第一审民事诉讼案件适用普通程序或简易程序,一般依据原告起诉时的诉讼标的金额或价额,或依据民事案件的性质由法院裁量。

    Courts have the right to choose common or simplified procedure according to the amount of money and price appealed by the plaintiffs or the quality of the case in the first round of civil lawsuits .

  26. 审理再审案件,原来是第一审的,按照第一审程序另行组成合议庭,审议是该会议在财政部的一次例令。

    A case originally of first instance shall be tried de novo by a newly organized collegiate bench in accordance with the procedure of first instance , Audit was a sitting of the council in Exchequer .

  27. 第一百五十四条第二审人民法院对不服第一审人民法院裁定的上诉案件的处理,一律使用裁定。

    Article 154 The people 's court of second instance shall decide in the form of orders in writing all cases of appeal against the written orders made by the people 's court of first instance .

  28. 刑事诉讼二审发回重审是指在刑事诉讼中,第二审法院通过审查,将第一审法院存在实体性或者程序性问题的未生效判决予以撤销,发回原审法院重新审理。

    The criminal appeal trail in the course of the retrial is point to the criminal procedure , there will be court of first instance substantive or procedural problems without the effective verdict revoked , back to the court for a new judging .

  29. 简易程序是与普通程序并存的独立的第一审程序,在内容上,简易程序是普通程序的简化,但它并不是普通程序的附属性程序,也不是普通程序的辅助性程序。

    Simple procedure is to normal procedure of the procedure of first instance coexist , independent in their contents , simple procedure is simplified ordinary procedure , but it is not the ordinary procedure , not just program of ordinary procedure auxiliary procedure .

  30. 公民、法人或者其他组织拒绝履行判决、裁定的,行政机关可以向第一审人民法院申请强制执行,或者依法强制执行。

    If a citizen , a legal person or any other organization refuses to perform the judgment or order , the administrative organ may apply to a people 's court of first instance for compulsory execution or proceed with compulsory execution according to law .