
  • 网络first person narration;first-person narration;first-person narrative
  1. 她在该小说中有机地把第一人称叙述法与全知叙述法结合起来;

    She organically merges the first person narration with the omniscient narration ;

  2. 他的《但泽三部曲》主要使用了第一人称叙述。

    He uses first person narration in his novel the Danzig Trilogy .

  3. 他的书总是采用第一人称叙述。

    His books are always first person narratives .

  4. 但在他记忆力依旧清晰的当年,他的女儿多萝西(Dorothy)曾经把他的录音回忆录誊写为一份48页的文件,美国华人博物馆以此为底本,制作了一份四分钟的第一人称叙述视频。

    But when his memory was still sharp , his daughter Dorothy transcribed 48 pages of his taped recollections , which became the basis of a four-minute first-person narrative produced by the museum .

  5. 这部小说采用了第一人称叙述的方法。

    This novel uses the first person in narration .

  6. 德拉布尔在小说中使用了第一人称叙述角度。

    Drabble used first-person narrative perspective in the novel .

  7. 第一人称叙述的美与力

    On the Strength and Beauty of First-Person Narrative

  8. 默多克并不是一个女性主义作家,本文试图分析其七部由男性主人公做第一人称叙述的小说。

    The present thesis attempts to analyze her seven novels that are all narrated by male protagonists .

  9. 第一人称叙述方式是一种已被历代许多小说家和诗人用过的文体手段。

    The first-person narrator is a stylistic device that has been used by many novelists and poets throughout the ages .

  10. 在这四篇作家小说中,詹姆斯都运用了第一人称叙述,同时故事中的叙述着兼有作家和读者双重身份。

    In all four stories , James adopts the first-person narration of a person who is both a writer and a reader .

  11. 作为笛福用第一人称叙述手法创作的小说中第一位女性主人公,摩尔·福兰德斯是一位非常特别的人物。

    As the first female protagonist in Daniel Defoe 's novels with first-person narrators , Moll Flanders emerges as an extraordinary character .

  12. 故事可以用第一人称叙述,也可以用第三个称叙述,二者各有利弊。

    A story can be told either in the first person or in the third person , each having its advantages and disadvantages .

  13. 专辑大部分作品以第一人称叙述了我的情与爱。

    Most of the works in the Special collection narrate the affection and love from " I ", the first person 's point of view .

  14. 小说以第一人称叙述了大学毕业十年后的一场同学聚会,并由此引出发生于十年前的一次自杀事件。

    In the first person , the novel narrates a reunion 10 years after university , which then led out a killing affair happened 10 years ago .

  15. 像爱伦·坡的许多小说一样,故事由第一人称叙述;在这样的叙述中,由于几乎得不到外部细节,我们完全陷入叙事人的头脑。

    Like many of Poe 's stories , it is a first-person narrative – and one which , because we get so little outside detail , traps us entirely in the head of this person .

  16. 在本周二的预警发布很久之前,雾霾污染就笼罩着北京城,黄安伟两年前曾用第一人称叙述描写这个现实;很多北京居民都试图对此做出应对。

    Many residents have tried to adapt to the pollution , which was blanketing their city well before Tuesday 's alert , a fact of life highlighted in a first-person account written by Mr. Wong more than two years ago .

  17. 本文探讨了几位重要小说家有关小说叙事的观点,从书信体与第一人称叙述、第三人称全知叙述的发展、小说家的关注重心等几个方面对这一时期的小说叙事理论进行梳理评述。

    The present article examines the views on fictional narrative by several important novelists and presents a survey of the narrative theory in this period , covering epistolary and first-person narrative , third-person omniscient narrative , and the novelists ' special interests .

  18. 叙事技巧的运用还使作品具有了冷峻凝重的诗意氛围,这主要表现在第一人称叙述的大规模运用、口语化叙述语言与音乐式节律的追求和自然环境的描绘上。

    The application of method of narrative still makes the works possess the grave and stern dignified poetic atmosphere . This major show the large scale application narrated at the first person , seeking of spoken language and rhythm and depicting of natural environment .

  19. 除了侦探以外,还有一些角色是小说叙事不可缺少的,如在很多作品中和波洛形影不离的黑斯廷斯,如一些作品中以第一人称叙述的主人公,还有就是小说中的疑犯、罪犯。

    In addition to detectives , there are such roles are also indispensable , as Hastings who follows Poirot like a shadow in many works , as heroes in the first person narrative in some of her works , and as suspects or criminals .

  20. 此外,通过分析百衲被缝制艺术可能具有的隐含意义,本文还试图说明,即便是第一人称叙述,也不一定可靠,文本的真实性也和其他文本一样会受到质疑。

    Moreover , by analyzing the hidden implications of the text , this thesis also intends to demonstrate that even though the story is told in the first-person narrative , it is not necessarily reliable . And it should be questioned as other texts .

  21. 在这一部分中,我们主要关注的是坡小说中的叙述视角,第一人称叙述视角的大量运用明确体现了坡在文学创作中主体意识的觉醒以及创作技巧上的自觉;

    In this part , we mainly discuss the narrative point of view of Poe 's novels , and make clear that , the overuse of the first person narrator embodies the awakening of the writer 's subject consciousness and the self-consciousness of his writing techniques .

  22. 小说中使用了旁观者为叙述者的外视角叙述、故事中人物的内视角叙述,特别是还采用了罪犯以第一人称叙述的内视角叙述。

    The novels used the spectator as a narrator , which is outside the narrative perspective and used the characters - in - story as a narrator within it . Above all , it used a criminal as one in the first perspective and within the narrative perspective .

  23. 鲁迅小说中第一人称的叙述身份与叙述姿态

    Narration Identity and Narration Posture in LU Xun 's Novel

  24. 二是故事内的叙述者,她用第一人称全知叙述讲述和感知故事;

    Secondly , an intradiegetic narrator had both first-person narrative and omniscient point of view .

  25. 具体表现在:在叙述角度方面,多采用第一人称的叙述方式;

    His writing characteristics are reflected in the following aspects : first personification is adopted in his narration ;

  26. 硬汉小说也总是以第一人称展开叙述,而侦探叙述者几乎老是一名妙语连珠的愤世嫉俗者。

    Hardboiled novels are also often told in the first person , and the detective narrator is almost invariably a wisecracking cynic .

  27. 一开始是以第一人称的叙述.有关一个男人照顾他中风爸爸的故事

    Um ... it starts out as a kind of first-person narrative about a guy taking care of his father after a stroke . Oh . -

  28. 尽管大多数第一人称的叙述要求我们认同叙述者,即我们成为这个正在讲故事的“我”,但是《泄密的心》还把我们当作“你们”来质问。

    But whereas most first-person narratives ask us to identify with the narrator – we become this'I'who is telling the story – this one also interpellates us as'you ' .

  29. 第一人称的叙述使读者感到所描绘的一切都是作者亲眼所见或亲自经历过的,因此读起来更真实生动。

    A first-person narrative may be more graphic and life-like , because it gives the reader the impression that it is what the writer himself has seen or experienced .

  30. 《祝福》中第一人称回顾性叙述及其效果

    The First Person Recalling Narration and Its Effect in Blessing