
  • 网络Rhizome
竹鞭 [zhú biān]
  • (1) [bamboo root]∶竹子的根茎

  • (2) [whip made of bamboo]∶手柄部分为竹子的鞭子

  1. 竹鞭生长方向以顺坡向下的最多。

    The main direction of the rhizome growth is down the hillside .

  2. 新造毛竹林竹鞭生长规律的研究

    Study on Rhizome Growth Regularity of New planted Phyllostachys edulis

  3. 竹鞭多分布0~20cm土层,活芽:死芽比约3:7。

    Bamboo rhizome is distributed in 0 ~ 20cm soil layer . Live bud : death bud is 3:7 .

  4. 通过观察西天目山地区毛竹林、阔竹混交林中部分毛竹竹鞭的蔓延趋势和生长状态,发现竹鞭大多仅在土表20cm内延伸;

    The expansion tendencies of rhizomes for pure Moso bamboo stands and moso bamboo and broad-leaved mixed forests and their growth condition were observed in the West Tianmu Mountain of Lin ' an County , Zhejiang Province .

  5. 雷竹竹鞭侧芽分化过程中内源激素的变化

    Change of Endohormone in Mixed Bud on Lei Bamboo Rhizome During Differentiation

  6. 茶秆竹竹鞭生长规律的研究。

    Study on the bamboo scourge growth regularity of Pseudosasa amabilis mccl .

  7. 新造毛竹种源竹鞭生长规律研究

    Study on Rhizome Growth Pattern of Newly-planted Phyllostachys pubescence of Different Provenances

  8. 竹鞭伤流液中矿质元素及氨基酸含量分析

    Content of Mineral Element and Amino Acid in Bleeding Sap of Bamboo Rhizome

  9. 毛竹主要经营技术对新造竹林竹鞭生长的影响

    Effects of Main Management Technology on Rhizome Growth of Newly - planted Bamboo

  10. 微肥、激素对竹鞭笋芽萌发的影响

    Effect of Hormones , Rare Earth and Micronutrient on Promoting Bamboo Rhizome Buds to Produce Shoots

  11. 基于竹鞭状态分析的抑制毛竹林扩散的方法

    A Method to Inhibit the Expansion of Phyllostachys pubescens Stands Based on the Analysis of Underground Rhizome

  12. 研究了黄纹竹地下部分(竹鞭系统)与地上部分的生长发育规律。

    This paper systematically studies the growth rule of Phyllostachys virax , and also discusses the growth rule of monopodial bamboos .

  13. 松土、除草、施肥和适宜厚度的覆盖有利于竹鞭的生长和单位面积笋的产量。

    Loosing the soil , killing the grass , fertilizing and reasonable cover thickness are good for the growth of rhizome and yield of shoots .

  14. 基于竹鞭的这些特点,提出了使用“挖坑灌水”的方法来抑制毛竹林的扩散。

    Based on these observations , we put forward a new method of " dig & pour " to inhibit the expansion of moso bamboo stands .

  15. 调查竹鞭、芽生长状况确定竹子衰老的年龄;田间挂牌观察确定竹子不同花芽分化期的竹株。

    Bamboo aging time is identified by investigation of underground bamboo rhizome and buds . Bamboo plants with different flower differentiation are marked to observe if they will flower .

  16. 二是一年生竹一般在秆基上萌发两个以上鞭芽,其中一个可能会发育成竹鞭。

    The other is that one year old bamboo generally develope at least two buds at the culm base , and one of them maybe develop into a rhizome .

  17. 在雷竹竹鞭笋芽分化期(8月至翌年4月)用恒重法、伯川法和双缩脲法对雷竹竹鞭的含水量、糖类和蛋白质含量进行测定。

    The moisture content , carbohydrates and protein contents of Lei bamboo rhizome during the period of the mixed bud differentiation were measured by use of constant weight , colorimetric method and biuret method .

  18. 两段式长鞭分株育苗是提高竹鞭育苗成活率及苗木质量的关键技术,其成活率高达95%,新鞭占有率达72.8%。

    The two stage long rhizome offset raising is a key technique for enhancing its survival rate and qualities , or its survival rate is reached to as high as 95 % , and ratio of new rhizome in a offset 72.8 % .