
zhú tǒnɡ
  • bamboo tube
竹筒 [zhú tǒng]
  • [thick bamboo tube] 用竹材制作成的盛装液体的器具

  • 提竹筒铜丝笼。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  1. 此竹筒档案记载了傣族首领召龙、帕雅(官名)等的职务情况。

    The bamboo Tube archives are records of the duties of Zhao Long and Baya , Dai chief .

  2. 倚在墙边的大竹筒里装满了水,我尝了一口,水清凉可口。

    By the wall was a large bamboo tube full of water . I took a sip and found it really cool !

  3. 你就来个竹筒倒豆子,都说了吧。

    Out with it & don 't hold anything back .

  4. 采用PVC管毒饵站和竹筒毒饵站投放0.005%溴鼠灵毒饵,对农田区鼠类和住宅区鼠类的适口性和防治效果进行了对比试验。

    For controlling rodents , the effect of edibility and killing rate by applying PVC tube bait station and bamboo tube bait station containing 0.005 % Brodifacoum were compared in farming land and residential site .

  5. 分析了竹筒干燥后的不同形态的原因。(3)在竹材防护研究中,从增重率看,对其影响大小的工艺因素的顺序为:加压时间压力大小温度ACQ-B浓度。

    Analysis the reason of different shape of bamboo tubes after the drying . ( 3 ) In the protection of bamboo , from ratio of weight gain , the order of effect of the technological factors : pressure time pressure temperature ACQ-B concentration .

  6. 高师:竹筒饭。布朗太太,请尝一尝竹筒饭。

    Gao Shi : Bamboo rice . Try some , Mrs. Brown .

  7. 竹筒茶,傣语称为“腊跺”。

    Bamboo-tube tea is known as Laduo in Dai language .

  8. 中药电泳配合竹筒牵引治疗颈椎病的疗效观察

    The Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis with Chinese Herb Electrophoresis and Bamboo Slip Traction

  9. 竹筒当作水烟袋。

    Bamboo tubes are used as hookah .

  10. 竹筒钣和山兰酒是黎族的特色食物。

    The bamboo rice and the Shanlan wine are the special food of Li nationality .

  11. 通过选取竹筒长度、壁厚和开槽处理与不开槽处理为研究因素,进行了竹筒开裂的研究。

    Selecting the length , cell thickness and notch and non-notch as the research factors .

  12. 从涯密、密唧语源看竹筒饭和啖鼠文化起源

    The Cultural Origin of Bamboo-tube Rice and Eating-rat in the Light of Etymology of Yami and Miji

  13. 据说秦始皇就是通过阅读记录在这样重达五十公斤的竹筒上的国事来开始他繁忙的一天的。

    Qinshihuang was said to start his day by reading official accounts on such strips weighing up to50 kilograms .

  14. 孔底竹筒间隔装药爆破技术的推广运用

    Popularization and Application of The New Explosion Technology in Which Bamboo is Laid at The Blast Hole Bottom as Spacer

  15. 你听过用竹筒敲击出来的高山族男人们那一份狂欢与豪放吗!

    Have you ever heard of the bold and unconstrained bamboo drum performance presented by the menfolk of Gaoshan nationality ?

  16. 农房改造过程中建筑风格的延续与重塑&以阳朔东岭片区竹筒楼建筑立面改造实践为例

    Architectural Feature Continuation in Rural Housing Reconstruction : A Case Study of Tube House Facade Renovation of Dongling District , Yangshuo

  17. 本文介绍了一种新型竹平板&半竹筒展开平板的制造工艺及其生产设备。

    The paper introduces a new type bamboo plate & the manufacturing technology and production equipment of half bamboo tube opening plate .

  18. 他们在广西的山区世世代代辛勤耕耘,繁衍生息,并用竹筒开发了令人惊叹的灌溉系统。

    They have thrived as farmers in the mountainous region of Guangxi for generations by developing an extraordinary irrigation system utilizing bamboo tubing .

  19. 最开始的形态还都是绑着竹筒的矛,但这个竹筒能发射出爆裂的火焰和弹片到几英尺外。

    These were spears affixed to bamboo tubes that could shoot a burst of flame and shrapnel up to a few feet away .

  20. 但我们饿了的时候,护林员就会砍下一截竹子,放入大米,做竹筒饭给我们吃。

    When we were hungry , the ranger would chop down a bamboo stem , fill it with rice and cook it for us .

  21. 人性的关怀&河源老城区湖背路竹筒屋重建方案创作思考

    Showing Loving Care for Human Nature & Deliberation on the Rebuilding Project of Zu Tong House in the Old Urban District of He Yuan City

  22. 乌来乡主道上的泰雅婆婆美食店供应泰雅传统美食,大多是蔬菜,比如南瓜饺子、竹筒饭和炒蕨菜。

    Taiya Popo , a restaurant on Wulai 's main drag , serves traditional Atayal cuisine , much of it vegetable-based like pumpkin dumplings , rice-stuffed bamboo and stir-fried fern .

  23. 吧台的设计也可以独具匠心,比如在竹筒或木板上进行激光雕刻,大胆地运用背光效果,创作出奇幻、大胆的视觉效果。

    Bar design can also have great originality , for example in bamboo or wood on the laser carving , bold use of backlight effect , create fantasy , bold visual effects .

  24. 方法采取离子导入中药和加热为一体的疗法,1次/d,同时配合竹筒牵引,连续治疗12d~24d。

    Methods Combine the method of leading in Chinese herb hydronium with that of heating . One time per day , and bamboo slip traction and keep curing for 12 days to 24 days .

  25. 要想获得整竹无裂纹展开竹平板,竹筒去青是关键工艺,去青后的竹筒表面质量的好坏将直接影响竹平板的展开质量。

    To get unfurled whole bamboo sheets without crack , removing the outer green from bamboo tubes is a most important technics , which has a great effect on the quality of the bamboo sheets .

  26. 在大寨,有很多像老李家这样的小客店,向客人提供南瓜炒笋片或竹筒饭这样的应季农家菜。

    Farmer Li 's guesthouse is one of many lodgings that serve simple home-cooked dishes according to the season , for example : stir-fried pumpkin with fern shoots , or sticky rice cooked inside bamboo .

  27. 教您海皇竹盅鸡怎么做,如何做海皇竹盅鸡才好吃做法:将所有材料放进竹筒里,注满清水,加料酒。

    Hoi Wong Chuk cup chicken teach you how to do and how to make bamboo cup chicken was delicious Hoi Wong practices : All the ingredients into the bamboo tube , filled with water , plus wine .

  28. 以后,每到这一天人们都有在江河上划龙舟,以示悼念,同时还用竹筒装米投入江中祭祀他。

    Every year thereafter on this day people continued to row dragon boats on their local rivers in memory of Qu Yuan ' life and death , throwing sections of bamboo filled with rice into the river as an offering .

  29. 它最早的形式是:把装满沙子的竹筒绑在一个长矛上,这样,就可以弄瞎敌人的眼睛,在近距离搏斗中取得优势。

    The earliest form was a simple bamboo tube packed with sand that was strapped to a spear . Such a weapon would have been able to blind an enemy and give the wielder the advantage in close quarters combat .

  30. 端午节吃粽子人们在五月五日煮糯米饭或蒸粽糕投入江中,以祭祀屈原,为恐鱼吃掉,故用竹筒盛装糯米饭掷下,以后渐用粽叶包米代替竹筒。

    People boiled sticky rice or steamed reed on May 5 and then jumped it into the river , to sacrifice to Qu Yuan , with bamboo tube array sticky rice rolls for fear of fish to eat , gradually reed leaves maize replacing bamboo tube .