
  1. 竹中平藏是一位经济学家,前日本前经济和财政政策的大臣。

    Heizo Takenaka is an economist and Japan 's former minister of economic and financial policy .

  2. 2001年,身在学术界的竹中平藏被小泉相中,并被立即委以负责金融系统改革之职。

    Mr Takenaka was plucked out of academia by Mr Koizumi in 2001 , and was quickly put in charge of financial system reforms .

  3. 部分得益于中国需求的刺激,日本的经济环境出现了整体改善。在此帮助下,竹中平藏帮助加速了日本银行体系的清理行动,当时的日本银行因泡沫破裂而坏账缠身。

    Aided by a general improvement in the economic environment , fuelled in part by Chinese demand , Mr Takenaka helped accelerate the clean-up of a banking system that had been drowning in bubble-related bad debts .

  4. 竹中平藏表示,进入私人部门后,他将支持安倍晋三,但一些人将他的离职视为一个信号,表明在安倍晋三的内阁中,没有像他这样自由市场公开倡导者的位置。

    Although Mr Takenaka has said he will support Mr Abe from the private sector , some will interpret his departure as a sign that there is no place for such an avowed proponent of the free market in an Abe cabinet .