
chǎn pǐn shí bié
  • product identification
  1. RFID产品识别及信息处理在汽车离合器装配生产线中的应用

    The RFID-Based Product Identification And Information Processing in the Auto Clutch Assembly Line

  2. 首先,将产品识别的内容导入产品识别系统(PIS),确立PIS构成要素的层级关系以及PIS框架。

    First , I import the content of the product identification to Product identification system ( PIS ), and establish the hierarchical relationship of PIS elements and PIS framework .

  3. 基于Fisher判别准则的雷达产品识别降水方法

    Method for Precipitation Identification Based on Radar Product according to Fisher Criteria

  4. 近几年越来越多的机械行业开始尝试导入企业形象系统(CorporateIdentitySystem,简称CIS)战略,重视形象策略中的产品识别设计。

    In recent years , more and more machinery industry began to try to import the corporate identity system ( CIS ) strategy , attach importance to product identity design image strategy .

  5. 因此,在Scrum中,产品识别不能仅仅限于开发的早期阶段,而是要贯穿于整个项目开发周期中。

    Product discovery is therefore not limited to the early development stages but covers the entire project in Scrum .

  6. 本文阐述了从企业识别CI到品牌识别BI到产品识别PI的概念发展历程,重新确立了产品识别在IT设备制造企业的重要地位。

    After looking back on the historical evolution of Corporation Identity , Brand Identity , and Product Identity , the significance of product identity in the IT industry , especially in communication equipments manufacture , is reaffirmed here .

  7. 其次,从系统框架中分析得出:产品识别系统的建立主要依附于企业定位和市场研究,前者确认PIS的基因,后者概括可建立识别的要素,两者共同辅助设计工作。

    Second , in the framework of the system analyzed : The establishment of product identification systems mainly depend on corporate positioning and market research , former confirm PIS gene , the latter outlines can establish identify the elements , the two co-aided design work .

  8. 产品识别&一种以用户为中心的设计方法

    Product Identity , a New Method in User-centered Design Activity

  9. 产品识别理论在石材加工设备中的应用与研究

    Research and Application of Product Identity in Stone Processing Equipment

  10. 注射器标签上的产品识别码。

    B.through the identification number on the syringe label .

  11. 产品识别设计研究的兴起有其深刻的历史背景。

    The starting of product identity design research has its profound historical background .

  12. 试论分形论对于产品识别系统之价值

    On the Value of the Theory of Differentiability to the System of Product Identification

  13. 产品识别在品牌策略中的应用

    Product identity and its applications in brand strategy

  14. 内涵性语意在产品识别中的应用

    The Applications of Connotation in Product Identity

  15. 在品牌服装设计中,成功的产品识别系统可以使品牌更易被识别。

    Brand apparel design , product identification system can successfully make the brand more easily identifiable .

  16. 产品识别设计策略

    Design The Strategy of Product Identity

  17. 产品识别设计规律的分析研究及其在海信平板电视设计中的应用

    Analysis and Research for Product Identity Design Discipline and Its Application in Hisense 's Flat-Panel TVs Design

  18. 研究结果认为:企业需要建立一套覆盖关键设计属性的产品识别系统。

    The result showed that an enterprise must construct a system of product identity from the key design attributes .

  19. 摘要产品识别是从认知心理学与感性工学角度,构筑企业品牌的重要手段之一。

    Product identity is a key method that constructs an enterprises brand from the cognitive psychology and Kansei engineering .

  20. 建立起一套适合有效的产品识别体系就可以从建立企业产品识别特征体系开始。

    Establish an effective system of product identification can start from the establishment of the identification of their features .

  21. 产品识别设计是一个崭新的多学科交叉研究领域,既富有现实意义,又极具挑战性。

    Product identity design is a new multi-disciplinary overlapping research area , which is rich in practical significance and challenge .

  22. 产品识别设计的实质在于为品牌而设计,因此,产品识别设计的研究绝对不可以脱离品牌自身的发展阶段。

    Therefore , the research of product identity design may not be separated from development phase of a brand absolutely .

  23. 本课题的研究解决了目前市场上对减振器缺陷产品识别方法中隐藏的主要缺陷。

    This research solves the main defect which hides in the identification of defective production in shock absorber production process .

  24. 追随一个品牌的成长轨迹,产品识别设计的发展也将经历初级阶段的起步和高级阶段的发展。

    Following the growth path of a brand , the development of product identity also starts from lower and develops to higher .

  25. 那么追求利润的商业特性就使得它需要对自己的品牌进行建设以增强产品识别度和接受度。

    The commercial characteristics of pursuing profits make the enterprise construct their own product brands to enhance distinction and acceptance of products .

  26. 只有当两种设计效应被消费者清晰的感知,品牌的产品识别设计战略才得以实现。

    When two kinds of effects are experienced by the consumers clearly , the strategy of brand product identity design can be realized .

  27. 产品识别设计的原则是风格统一、理念统一,对企业的产品设计活动进行规范与统一。

    The product identity design style on the principles of unity and the concept of a unified , To unify the enterprise product design activities .

  28. 在品牌战略下的工业设计应用和理论方法中,着重解析实现品牌战略的两个重要因素:品牌识别和产品识别。

    On the brand strategy of industrial design theory and its application method , focus to resolve two important factors : brand recognition and product identity .

  29. 产品识别系统把品牌优良的产品基因延续、传承,使品牌与顾客从心理上更紧密的联系在了一起,提高了顾客的忠诚度。

    Product identification systems of the brand with excellent products of genetic continuity , tradition , the brand with customers psychologically more closely together to improve customer loyalty .

  30. 混合动力汽车突破电通公司的最新主打产品识别调查的排名,而其他的低排放车辆政府减税和补贴资格名列第四。

    Hybrid vehicles topped the rankings in Dentsu Inc 's latest Hit Product Recognition Survey while other low-emission vehicles eligible for government tax breaks and subsidies placed fourth .