
zhú dí
  • bamboo flute
竹笛 [zhú dí]
  • [bamboo pipe] 竹制的笛子

  1. 爱好长笛,竹笛,葫芦丝演奏。

    Like to play flute , bamboo flute and cucurbit flute .

  2. 来自益阳,擅长竹笛和口琴演奏。

    From yiyang , to be good at bamboo flute and harmonica .

  3. 本文将弦乐器演奏中保留指的概念应用到G调低音竹笛的手指运用上,藉以提升吹奏中的音准、清晰度以及手指掌握指孔的准确度。

    This article applies the reserved finger concept in stringed instrument performance to the G bass flute so as to promote the intonation articulation in playing and accuracy of finger-s hole controlling .

  4. 来自深圳,爱好长号竹笛演奏。

    From shenzhen , like to play Trombone and bamboo flute .

  5. 擅长乐器:古筝,竹笛,葫芦丝。

    What can she play : Guzheng , Bamboo flute , Hulusi .

  6. 竹笛演奏中音准问题的产生及解决办法

    The Pitch Problems in Bamboo Flute Playing and Countermeasures

  7. 竹笛演奏音色训练的两个要素

    Two Element in the Timbre Training of Flute Playing

  8. 来自洛阳市歌舞团,从事长笛竹笛演出和教学。

    From luoyang , engaged on flute and bamboo flute performance and teachings .

  9. 来自宁夏海原县,爱好竹笛和文学。

    From Haiyuan County of Ningxia municipality , like bamboo flute and literature .

  10. 另一种流行的乐器是竹笛。

    Another popular musical toy is the bamboo flute .

  11. 来自扬州,爱好竹笛,箫,葫芦丝演奏。

    From yangzhou , like to play bamboo flute , Xiao and cucurbit flute .

  12. 比如,我会演奏木笛、竹笛、和古典笛子。

    Such as I can play wooden flutes , bamboo flutes , and classical flutes .

  13. 中国竹笛音色再论

    On the Timbre of Chinese Flute Again

  14. 从民间到专业化改编与创作中的竹笛艺术

    Chinese Bamboo Art from Amateurism to Professionalism

  15. 长笛和竹笛:希望交上好朋友,给我回信!

    Flute bamboo flute : hope to find good friends , please e-mail to me .

  16. 把竹笛的音高吹准,是演奏笛曲的基础与关键。

    To give a correct pitch is the basic and key point to play bamboo flute .

  17. 来自广州,现是竹笛,最想学长笛!

    From guangzhou , like to play bamboo flute , but want to learn flute very much .

  18. 20世纪是中国竹笛艺术进入史无前例的历史发展时期。

    In the20th century , the Chinese bamboo flute art entered the unprecedented age of development in history .

  19. 爱好竹笛演奏,喜欢书法,篮球,二胡,洞箫。

    Like to play Chinese bamboo flute , to be interested in pencraft , basketball , Xiao and erhu .

  20. 来自重庆,擅长长笛和竹笛演奏,爱好旅行和体育运动。

    From Chongqing of Sichuan province , be adept in playing flute and Chinese bamboo flute , like tour and gym .

  21. 来自广东五邑大学,擅长演奏竹笛和长笛,爱好民族音乐。

    From Guangdong Wuqi university , having good playing skill on flute and Chinese bamboo flute , like China National music .

  22. 竹笛是中国民族吹奏乐器中的主要成员,是深受我国各族人民喜爱的乐器。

    Bamboo flute is the major member of Chinese national wind musical instruments and it was very popular in the whole nation .

  23. 从他创作的竹笛独奏曲中,我们可以发现河北吹歌对王铁锤竹笛艺术的影响。

    From his creations of bamboo flute solo , we can explore the impact of Hebei Blowing Songs on his bamboo flute art .

  24. 陆春龄与赵松庭竹笛音乐风格之比较&以《鹧鸪飞》为例

    A Comparison of Styles of Music Played on the Bamboo Flute by LU Chun-ling and ZHAO Song-ting & With the Francolin Flies as an instance

  25. 竹笛与管弦乐队协奏曲《愁空山》是作曲家郭文景音乐创作中的重要作品。

    Concerto of Bamboo Flute with the orchestra , " melancholy to the empty Mountain " is the important works of music composer Guo Wenjing .

  26. 竹笛的制作与演奏及各个历史时期所采用的律制情况是其发展的印证;

    The facture , performance and the different tuning system of the bamboo flute adopted in different historical stage of China are proofs of its development .

  27. 复杂的半孔音(注1)运用以及低音竹笛的使用已广泛地被运用到现今的竹笛曲目之中。

    The application of complicated half hole musical notations , and the using of bass bamboo flutes , has been extensively applied in bamboo flute compositions .

  28. 浅谈短跑运动员的合理姿势竹笛演奏中音高问题产生的原因,包括口形、呼吸方法、吹奏姿势、指法等方面。

    The are many reasons for influencing pitch problems in bamboo flute playing , such as vocal form , breath method , playing gesture and finger positions .

  29. 从竹笛的采膜、选膜、粘贴等方面对笛膜技术进行了详细探讨。

    Technique analysis of flute diaphragm for Chinese bamboo flute has been made from three aspects of diaphragm picking , diaphragm selection and diaphragm sticking in detail .

  30. 然而,至今为止,关于高师竹笛教学改革的论述为数不多。

    However , to our disappointment , there has not been so much papers on the topic of the reform of bamboo flute teaching in normal universities .