
  • 网络bamboo;bambusoideae
  1. 利用AFLP分子标记技术探讨部分竹类植物属间亲缘关系

    Intergeneric Relationships in Some Bamboo by AFLP

  2. 这些不同栽培类型绿竹的遗传距离为0.1222~0.8154,大部分在0.6以下;RAPD分子标记对竹类植物种下等级进行分类有一定的意义。

    The genetic distance among the studied cultivars was between 0.122 2 and 0.815 4 , and most of the genetic distance was below 0.6.The technique of RAPD molecular markers was helpful to the under species classification of bamboo plants .

  3. 竹类植物DNA分子标记研究的现状与问题点

    A Review on Application of DNA Marker in Bamboos and Its Limits

  4. DNA分子标记在竹类植物的分类、系统演化、遗传多样性研究等方面都有广泛的应用。

    DNA markers have been applied widely in the studies of classification , phylogenetics and genetic diversity for bamboos .

  5. 广东省竹类植物多样性的特点及其应用与保护策略的初步探讨竹类植物DNA分子标记研究的现状与问题点

    Primary Studies On The Bamboos Diversities And The Strategies Of Its Conservation And Utilizations In Guangdong A Review on Application of DNA Marker in Bamboos and Its Limits

  6. 试论竹类植物营养体分类

    A preliminary study on bamboo classification according to the vegetative characters

  7. 这些竹类植物的生长状况表现良好的占82.4%。

    About 82.4 % of Bambusoideae were in good growth condition .

  8. 园林竹类植物叶的热值和灰分含量研究

    Ash Content and Caloric Value in Leaves of Garden Bamboo Species

  9. 竹类植物与水稻等其它禾本科作物的系统进化关系及基因序列组成的比较

    Comparative Study on Phylogenetics and Sequences Composition of Bamboos and Cereals

  10. 关于云南竹类植物多样性及其保护研究

    Studies on the bamboo diversity and its conservation in yunnan , china

  11. 生物技术在竹类植物上的应用进展与前景

    Advance and Prospect of the Application of Bio-technology on Bamboo

  12. 竹类植物种质资源栽植隔离方法研究

    Research on Planting Segregation method to Preserve Bamboo Germplasm Resources

  13. 浙江省林业科学研究所竹类植物园名录

    A Catalogue of Bamboo Botanical Garden in Zhejiang Forestry Institute

  14. 福建竹类植物生物多样性的现状、保护和利用

    The Present Situation , Protection and Utilization of Fujian Bamboos ' Bio-diversity

  15. 数量分类在天然竹类植物群落划分中的应用

    The use of numerical taxonomy in natural bamboo community Division

  16. 竹类植物对气候的变化相当敏感,可作为研究气候变迁的指示物种。

    Bamboo can be used to indicate climate transition as its sensitivity .

  17. 浅析竹类植物的城市生态环境效应

    Analyses on Ecological Environmental Functions of Bamboo in the Urban

  18. 中国竹类植物生物多样性的价值及保护进展

    Values of Bamboo Biodiversity and Its Protection in China

  19. 华安竹类植物园种质资源异地保存与分析

    Ex situ conservation and analysis of species resources of Hua'an Bamboo Botanical Garden

  20. 厦门风景园林中的竹类植物

    Species and Garden Application of Bamboos in Xiamen Gardening

  21. 已经发现大熊猫所赖以生存的竹类植物正在消失。

    Has discovered that the bamboo plants the giant pandas eat are dying .

  22. 江西部分竹类植物研究

    A Study on Some Species of Bamboo ( Gramineae ) in Jiangxi Province

  23. 竹类植物在福建三明的引种试验

    Trials on Bamboo Introduction in Sanming , Fujian Province

  24. 竹类植物种群生态学研究进展与展望

    Advances on the researches of bamboo population ecology

  25. 浙江省竹类植物的区系地理特点

    The Flora Geographic Characteristics of Bamboos in Zhejiang

  26. 竹类植物花期生物学特性

    Biological characteristics of bamboo plants in flowering stage

  27. 竹类植物的居间分生组织与节间生长&Ⅰ秆茎的居间分生组织与节间生长

    Intercalary meristem and internodal elongation of bamboo plants

  28. 我国能源竹类植物资源及其开发潜力

    Energy-oriented Bamboo Species Resources and Potential for Exploitation

  29. 竹类植物园的文化构思与表现

    Culture Thoughts and Expression of Bamboo Botanical Garden

  30. 竹类植物园林应用研究现状与发展趋势

    Current Application and Developmental Trend of Bamboo Garden