
  1. 竹蜻蜓Bamboodragonfly竹蜻蜓有一个类似直升机的顶轴,上面绕着一根绳子,轴上伸出一个水平叶片。

    Bamboo dragonfly has a helicopter top axis6 with a cord wound around it , with a horizontal blade sticking out from the axis .

  2. 竹蜻蜓就会像直升机一样在空中垂直起飞。

    the bamboo dragonfly will take off vertically7 in the air like a helicopter .

  3. 竹蜻蜓是漫画人物最常用的交通工具,take-copter是日文的“竹蜻蜓+直升机”组合词。

    One of the main modes of transportation for the various characters is the take-copter , which combines the words taketombo , and part of the word herikoput which means helicopter .