
  1. 白得像一个童话世界。

    It is so white just like a fairy tales world .

  2. 再也不能理解幻想和童话世界

    He can no longer understand A fairy tale , a fairyland

  3. 我的民间艺术画是一个童话世界。

    My folk art paintings are a world of fairy tales .

  4. 特别是雾林,像一个童话世界,让人感觉快乐。

    Specially , the fairyland-like Cloud Forest makes one feel happy .

  5. 唐代爱情传奇中的童话世界

    World of Fairy Tales in Love Legend of Tang Dynasty

  6. 童话世界的主角一般以人格化的面貌出现。

    Generally speaking , the fairy tale hero is personified .

  7. 赫弗齐芭褠德森深入探究了弗洛伊德理论和童话世界。——编者按

    Hephzibah Anderson delves into the world of Freud and fairy tales .

  8. 生命本身就是最美妙的童话世界。

    Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale .

  9. 我真怀疑自己是到了一个童话世界。

    I suspect I have arrived in a fairyland .

  10. 因为这个名字带我走进了一个美丽动人的童话世界。

    Because this name let me go in to a petty fairy tales world .

  11. 这是一个童话世界的绚丽色彩和不断变化的模式。

    It is a fairy tale world of bright colors and ever changing patterns .

  12. 童话世界已经再度恢复正常了

    And Fairytale Land was back to normal .

  13. 我还有童话世界!

    I also keep a fairy world !

  14. 我就这样仿佛一个少女沉浸在她的童话世界中。

    Then I find that I was a dreaming girl indulging in her fairy tale .

  15. 眼前的景物仿佛就是童话世界里描述的一般,是那么的浪漫与美丽,让人徘徊陶醉!

    The scenery before me was like the one depicted in the fairytale , fantastically romantic and charming !

  16. 但在李小海笔下的童话世界中则既充满了浓厚的儿童情趣,又饱蘸着浓郁的忧患沧桑。

    But the works written by Li Xiaohai are full of both children interest and strong life sufferings .

  17. 接下来是小镇欧登塞的一些图片,我们去的那天在下大雪,真是跟童话世界一样!

    Here are some pic for Odense city , the day we went was snowing , like wonderland !

  18. 格雷厄姆在书中给大家描述了一个充满友谊和温情的乡间童话世界,让小动物们“在小船上随便玩耍”。

    Grahame paints a reassuring world of comradeship , rural life , and " messing about on boats . "

  19. 朋友们说我不适合生活在这个世界,应该在童话世界生活!

    The friends says I isn 't suitable for a life in this world , should be living in the fantasyland !

  20. 当你在这个冰雕的世界,特别是在晚上冰灯亮起的时候,你会有一种进入了童话世界的感觉。

    When you see the ice carving , especially at night , you feel like you have entered a world fairy tales .

  21. 源自儿时记忆而创作的动物与人的和谐乐园,是松山贤为我们构建的童话世界。

    The paradise where animals and human beings live in harmony is a fairyland which is build for us by Matsuyama Ken .

  22. 著有诗集《河传》、《童话世界》、《春天的游戏》、《天梯》等。

    His poetry collections include Tales of Rivers , The World of Fairy Tales , Games in Spring and Stairs to Heaven .

  23. 慢慢地,王月在这座冬季总是被雾霾笼罩的城市中打造了一个童话世界。

    Gradually , she created a fairytale world in the city , which is always covered by fog and haze in the winters .

  24. 经过严格的安检,踏入会场中心后,记者感觉犹如进入了一个五彩缤纷的童话世界。

    After stringent security , into the center of the venue , the reporter feel like a fairy tale into a colorful world .

  25. 中国地标性的国家体育场用人造雪装扮成了冬天的童话世界:用了超过25000吨雪。

    China 's landmark national stadium in Beijing was transformed into a winter wonderland with artificial snow : more than 25000 tons of it .

  26. 我们生活在一个虚拟的身分之下,一个神经兮兮的童话世界里,跟《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的假乌龟差不多。

    We live under an assumed identity , in a neurotic fairy tale world with no reality than the Mock Turtle in Alice in Wonderland .

  27. 卡梅伦更愿意借服装区别于他主要的竞争对手,并将自己与大洋彼岸的政治童话世界联系在一起。

    Rather , Cameron uses his clothes to distinguish himself from his main rival , and link himself to the political fairytale across the pond .

  28. 但依然会保留我的童话世界。在不开心的时候还会回到单纯快乐的那里。

    But still can retain my fairy tale world , at unhappy time also can return to pure joyful there , there is definitely the most joyful place .

  29. movie:电影[童话世界]perfect:完全的,理想的你还认为自己生活在想象中的童话世界吗,remind:提醒那我就得提醒你了沉迷在童话世界里的人只有你自己。

    You act like you 're in this movie about your perfect life , Then I have to remind you , The only one watching that movie is you .

  30. 童话世界里的人物充斥着我的童年,有一个故事中,一个莽撞的姜饼小男孩从房子里逃跑出去,还没有跑得很远就被一只狐狸吃掉了。

    Characters from fairytales around the world peopled my own childhood , including a cheeky runaway gingerbread boy who got eaten by a fox before he got too far away .