
  • 网络competition policy;pro-competition regulation;ex-post application ofcompetition law
  1. 升级“升”什么?自贸协定升级除对原协定的原产地规则、海关程序与贸易便利化、技术性贸易壁垒、服务贸易等5个领域进行升级外,还新增电子商务、政府采购、竞争政策、环境与贸易等4个领域。

    The FTA upgrade adds new chapters on e-commerce , government procurement , competition policy as well as environment and trade , in addition to improvements on rules of origin , customs procedures and trade facilitation , technical barriers to trade and trade in services .

  2. WTO框架下竞争政策研究

    Study on Competition Policy in the Framework of the WTO

  3. 第二章介绍WTO的竞争政策协调机制。

    The second chapter introduced the cooperation mechanism of WTO .

  4. WTO框架下贸易与竞争政策议题的提出与前景

    Proposal and Prospect of Trade and Competitive Policies in the Framework of WTO

  5. WTO国际竞争政策

    WTO International Competition Policy

  6. 在WTO贸易自由化的进程中,竞争政策始终是其关注的一个焦点。

    In the process of trade liberation , competition policies have always been the key issue to consider .

  7. 最后,重点提出了WTO框架下我国竞争政策体系的构建。

    Finally , the focus of China under the WTO framework , competition policy system for the building .

  8. 牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)出版的佩里茨教授的著作《美国的竞争政策》(CompetitionPolicyinAmerica),被视为该领域的经典读物。

    Professor Peritz 's book Competition Policy in America , published by Oxford University Press , is considered a classic in the field .

  9. 在当前国际贸易环境下,竞争政策与贸易政策的协调引起了国际社会的普遍关注,WTO第四次部长会议已经同意将贸易与竞争政策的互动列为新的议题并就这一问题进行谈判。

    Nowadays , many countries concern about the synergy between competition policy and trade policy , which will be discussed under the WTO framework .

  10. 在这种趋势下,中国及WTO的其他发展中成员有必要对竞争政策的国际协调问题展开研究,并做出正确的政策选择。

    Under this condition , China and other developing members of WTO should study the international cooperation of competition policies , and choose the right policy .

  11. 现行的竞争政策包括国内、双边和WTO体制下分散的竞争政策,这些竞争政策并不能有效地解决日益突出的全球竞争问题。

    The existing competition policy including domestic , bilateral and the dispersed competition policy under WTO framework is unable to effectively resolve the daily increasing global competition issue .

  12. 在新一轮WTO谈判中,我国应积极参与竞争政策与反倾销议题谈判,倡议对WTO反倾销规则进行改革,以竞争法的精神完善反倾销法。

    In the latest round of WTO negotiations , China should propose to carry on the reform of the anti-dumping law of WTO and perfect the antidumping law .

  13. 然而,竞争政策在WTO中尚未形成完整的规则体系。竞争政策的国际协调工作任重而道远。

    However , competition policy has not yet formed a complete system of rules under the WTO framework and thus , has a long way to go for its unification .

  14. 行政垄断与WTO竞争政策的冲突及法律对策认为WTO竞争政策与各成员国自然垄断法律规制间虽存在着冲突,但通过一定的调整可以求得两者的协调。

    Then analyzes the relationship between WTO competition laws and legal regulation in each country . Though there is a conflict between them , they can be in harmony through adequate adjustment .

  15. 然后全面介绍了当前已有的调节模式以及WTO与竞争政策的紧密联系,并且分析了各个国家的对现有WTO竞争竞争政策议题的立场。

    Then introduced the current regulation has been the model of the WTO and competition policy closer ties . And analysis of various national competition to the existing WTO competition policy that position .

  16. 本文主要介绍WTO的竞争政策协调机制,并根据开放经济环境下的竞争政策理论模型,对发展中成员参与WTO新回合竞争政策议题谈判提供政策建议。

    This thesis discussed competition policy cooperation mechanisms of WTO , and then based on the competition policy model in open economies , provided policy suggestion for developing countries attending the new round negotiations .

  17. 正是由于贸易政策与标准竞争政策的内在统一性,一些为WTO所认可的、合法的现代贸易措施也经常被用作国家开展标准竞争、改善本国厂商竞争地位的工具。

    Because of this internal unity , some modern trade measures recognized by WTO as legitimate are often used as a tool of carrying out standard competition , and improving the competitive position of domestic firms .

  18. 第二章介绍了WTO竞争政策的历史演变,归纳了WTO协议中的关于自然垄断法律规制的竞争政策,并分析了WTO竞争政策与各成员国自然垄断法律规制的关系。

    The second chapter introduces the history of the development of WTO competition laws , sums up the competition laws in WTO relevant agreements . Governance of the Administrative Monopoly Should Abide by the Competition Policy of W.T.O.

  19. WTO目前正在争论环境与贸易、劳工标准与贸易、竞争政策与贸易等新议题,未来将会对中国形成挑战。

    Now the World Trade Organization is scrimmaging the new point of the environment trade , the laborer standard trade , and the competition policy trade and the author thinks that the future will challenge the Chinese market .

  20. 具体包括我国参加WTO框架下竞争政策议题谈判的立场、我国竞争政策的现状以及构建我国竞争政策体系的建议和设想等。

    Specifically including our participation in the WTO framework of negotiations on competition policy that the position my competition policy as well as the status of China Construction of the system of competition policy proposals and ideas and so on .

  21. 接着,笔者借鉴开放经济条件下贸易与竞争政策关系模型分析了有代表性的各成员方立场,强调了发展中成员参与WTO谈判的立场,并探讨了WTO框架下贸易与竞争政策议题的前景。

    Secondly , this paper focuses on the discussion of solutions to trade related competition issues in the framework of the . WTO , analyzes various opinions of various countries , and discusses the prospects of trade and competition policies in the WTO .

  22. 巴西代表团说,对于巴西来说这是一个十分重要的议题,wipo秘书处本身的一些文件也提到了竞争政策。

    The Delegation stated that it was a very important topic for Brazil and references to competition policy were found in several documents of the WIPO Secretariat itself .

  23. 作者分析了GATS协议中与竞争政策与竞争规则有关的条款,指出服务贸易领域履行国民待遇原则的特点和难度;

    The author analyses the clauses in GATS related to competition policy and competition rules , and point out the feature and difficulties to import national treatment in the field of trade in service .

  24. CANCUN会议将在其议程中审议两个有争议的新问题-关于国家投资协议和对竞争政策要求的议案。

    The Cancun meeting will have to take up , among other things , two new controversial issues , a proposed international investment agreement and requirements for competition policy .

  25. NAFTA是一个综合性协定,包括了货物贸易、服务贸易、投资、知识产权保护、竞争政策、争端解决机制等内容。

    As a comprehensive agreement , NAFTA included trade of goods , trade of service , investment , protection of intellectual property , policy about competition , dispute settlement system and other related matters .

  26. 从竞争政策到金融,这一发现为许多领域提供了启示。

    This carries lessons for fields from competition policy to finance .

  27. 对外贸易中的竞争政策国际化趋势刍议

    A Brief Discussion of the Competitive Policy Globalization in Foreign Trade

  28. 美国竞争政策运作的特点;

    Characteristic features of the functioning of American policy of competition ;

  29. 开放条件下的竞争政策:一个经济学分析框架

    An Economic Analyzing Framework of the Competition Policy in Open Economies

  30. 欧盟竞争政策是世界上第一项跨国反托拉斯政策,在过去半个世纪中取得了成功。

    European competition policy is the first transnational anti trust policy .