
zhàn piào
  • ticket for standing room
站票 [zhàn piào]
  • [ticket for standing room] 不保证有固定对号座位的车、船票或影、剧票

  • 站票也卖完了

站票[zhàn piào]
  1. 我只买到了一张临时列车的站票水利翻译,但总比什么都没买到好。

    I only got a ticket for standing room for a temporary train , but it 's better than nothing .

  2. 音乐会只剩站票了。

    It was standing room only at the concert .

  3. 站票与对照组相比,创伤组大鼠脑水肿明显,脑皮质及线粒体Ca2+含量明显上升,Mg2+含量显著下降(P<0.05)。

    Results Compared with control group , the total tissue water content and the level of Ca2 + in cortical and mitochondria increased markedly ( P < 0.05 ) while the level of Mg2 + decreased significantly ( < 0.05 ) in trauma and treatment group .

  4. 他们去的时候只有站票了。

    There were standing-room-only tickets available when they went there .

  5. 座位票已售完,现只有站票出售。

    All seats are taken , so now there 's standing room only .

  6. 还是有一点点迟了,只是买到了站票。

    Still a wee bit late , it was " on the pitch " .

  7. 也许我们可以买点站票。

    Maybe we can buy some bleacher seats .

  8. 有今晚的站票吗?

    Are there any standing room tickets today ?

  9. (票卖完了/只有站票了/楼坐的票了)。

    We ( are sold out / only have stand-by tickets / only have balcony seats ) .

  10. 到这个星期为止,绝大部分人都买到了回家的站票。

    By this week , most of those lucky enough to have snagged tickets home were already gone .

  11. 19世纪末,当台球公开赛成了盛装庆事,只能买到站票的时候,美国台球双雄迈克费兰和杜德利卡文纳长达20年之久的霸,吸引了众人的目光,赢得了尊敬。

    The 20-year rivalry of American pool masters Michael Phelan and Dudley Kavanagh in the late 19th century , however , attracted attention and respect as tournaments became standing-room-only tuxedo affairs .