
  • perform while standing
站唱 [zhàn chàng]
  • [perform while standing] 一种曲艺表演形式。又称主唱。演员站着说唱,如大鼓、道情。表演者多自击鼓、板等打击乐器,另有人以弹拨、拉弦乐器伴奏

  1. 会众站起来唱圣歌。

    The congregation stood to sing the hymn .

  2. 我们站起来唱国歌。

    We stood up to sing the national anthem .

  3. 在站到唱诗班的台上。

    Up in the choir stand .

  4. 有些歌你如果只是很端庄地站在那里唱,表演的方式跟歌形成很大对比,就达不到歌曲的意境。

    For some songs , if you just stand there and sing , the way in deliver the song would be in great contrast of the type of the song , then you can 't express the meaning of the song .

  5. 又是一个礼拜天的早晨&你们都很熟悉的一天!你们孩子们围着桌子站着,唱你们每天早晨唱的圣诗。

    Saw you all over there at home so distinctly , as if you really were here ; it was again that Sunday morning ; all you children stood before the table and sung your Psalms , as you do every morning .

  6. 但要是我们站在走廊上唱首他喜爱的歌。

    But if you stood in the doorway and you sang a song that she liked .