
  1. 3D自由立体显示软件研究与实现

    3D Autostereoscopic Display Software Design and Research

  2. 基于Direct3D的3维自由立体显示软件双视点设置

    Research on the Software for Setting up Bi-viewpoint in Autostereoscopic 3D Display Based on Direct 3D

  3. SURFER软件是一个功能强大的绘制等值线图及三维立体图软件包,能迅速地将离散的测量数据通过插值转换为连续的数据曲面。

    SURFER is a full-function 3D surface modeling package , of which sophisticated interpolation engine can transform the dispersed X , Y , Z data into published-quality maps .

  4. 开发了一个立体匹配软件。

    Developed a matching software based on the literatures .

  5. 每个视图只关心系统的一个侧面,从而立体反映软件体系结构的全部内容。

    Every view concern one side of the system , so they can image the architecture all sided .

  6. 基于DirectShow框架的自由立体视频播放软件的实现

    The Implementation of Autostereoscopic Video Software Based on DirectShow Framework

  7. 刀具立体库管理软件设计

    Software Design of Cutting Tool Automated High-rise Warehouse Management System

  8. 立体几何教学软件中的一个线消隐算法

    Hidden line removal algorithm in solid geometry teaching software

  9. 绘制矿井通风系统立体图之CAD软件的研制

    Development of CAD Software for the Stereoscopic Map of Mine Ventilation System

  10. 自由立体拍摄方法和软件平台的研究。

    Study on autostereoscopic shooting and software platform .

  11. 立体仓库控制管理软件系统的设计应用

    Design and application of computer software system for the control and management in three - dimensional warehouse

  12. 本软件是一套资源开放、实时交互、动态演示的立体几何辅助教学软件。

    This auxiliary teaching software of solid geometry is open resources , real-time interaction and three-dimensional animated demonstration .

  13. 基于蚁群算法的大型自动化立体车库计算机监控软件设计

    The design of the computer monitoring and controlling software about the large-scale automated three-dimensional garage on Ant Colony Algorithms

  14. 提出货位状态图和数据库表结构的概念,以此提出基于状态图和数据库表结构的自动化立体仓库系统管理软件设计及相应的算法。

    Submitting a state chart of freight site and data-based table structure , based on these , the management software of automated warehouse system and correlative algorithms are submitted .

  15. 应用统一建模语言(UML)技术和RationalROSE建模工具对自动化立体仓库智能调度系统进行了UML建模,从而形成了自动化立体仓库智能调度软件的软件体系结构模型;

    The architecture of AS / RS intelligence scheduling system software has been designed with Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) modeling technique and Rational Rose .

  16. 本文面向复杂景物数字图像的高精度立体显示应用需求ˊ对立体匹配算法。视图合成算法以及数字图像立体显示处理软件的设计实现技术进行了较深入研究。

    This article features for complex three-dimensional digital image display applications demand of high precision , implemented a more in-depth study on three-dimensional matching algorithm , the view synthesis algorithm and digital image processing software for stereoscopic display technology designed .

  17. 第六章,构造了基于视觉传感器的双CCD立体测量模型,对现有的特征点匹配方法进行了改进,给出了相应的立体测量原理及软件流程设计。

    In chapter 6 , a 3D measuring model based on vision sensors is build . After existing methods of characteristic point matching being improved , the related 3D measuring theory and software flow designing are put forward .

  18. 本文研究的重点包括:1、系统研究了立体显示墙的构建方法,包括其系统构架、硬件选择、几何校正、颜色校正、立体实现、软件平台等各个方面。

    The construction of a stereo display wall has been systematically studied , including system architecture , selection of hardware , geometry calibration , color calibration , stereo implementation , software platform , etc. Two improved methods are proposed .