
  • 网络Breaking News;BREAK NEWS;Spot News
  1. 今年春天,一个软件算法编写了一条关于地震的突发新闻稿,并发表在了《洛杉矶时报》(TheLosAngelesTimes)上。

    Last spring , a software algorithm wrote a breaking news article about an earthquake that The Los Angeles Times published .

  2. 这里是CNN突发新闻。

    This is CNN Breaking News .

  3. 在为AppleNews发布的招聘广告上,苹果表示,符合条件的候选者应能“识别和发送最佳的国内、国际及地方突发新闻”。AppleNews将取代苹果的虚拟报摊(Newsstand),并与Facebook新推出的InstantArticles服务展开竞争。

    A job ad posted for Apple News , which replaces Apple 's Newsstand and will compete with Facebook 's new Instant Articles service , said successful candidates would " identify and deliver the best in breaking national , global , and local news . "

  4. 华盛顿邮报记者CarolGuzy同她的两名同事一起获得突发新闻摄影奖。这一奖项也使得她成为第一名四获普利策殊荣的记者。

    And The Washington Post 's Carol Guzy , won the breaking news photography award along with two colleagues , making her the first journalist to have received four Pulitzers .

  5. 我们今晚的节目从突发新闻开始。

    We begin tonight , though , with the breaking news .

  6. 但是当出现突发新闻时,也出现了不和谐的声音。

    But then came the jarring moment , as breaking news intruded .

  7. 我们的苏珊·科迪特加入到我们的突发新闻中。

    Our Susan Candiotti joins me with the breaking news .

  8. 三贴近与突发新闻报道传播

    On three being close to and the news report of abrupt events

  9. 目前,这种装置将主要在报道突发新闻时使用。

    At present , the SmartGrips will predominantly be used for breaking news .

  10. 在突发新闻爆料的竞争中,一大群“业余”的博友们再三超越那些历史悠久的报纸。

    An army of pyjama-clad bloggers has repeatedly outsmarted long-established newspapers on breaking stories .

  11. 2008年时,通过手机收到突发新闻还不常见。

    In 2008 it was unusual for breaking news to arrive via your phone .

  12. 我们从另一件令人发指的突发新闻开始今天的节目。

    We begin , though , with the breaking news of another disturbing case .

  13. 该报纸因颇具技巧地报道了4位男孩在河中溺死的新闻而获得了突发新闻报道奖。

    The Eagle-Tribune won for its skill in reporting on the drowning of four boys in a river .

  14. 在这里,通过发布和转发,用户可以方便而快速地了解最新的突发新闻和最有意思的资讯。

    Here users can conveniently and quickly get the latest breaking news and most interesting stuff by publishing and forwarding .

  15. 预定电视将离开以外的所有生活事件如突发新闻,体育,和节目奖。

    Scheduled TV will go away for everything except live events like breaking news , sports , and award shows .

  16. 尽管《日报》能通过接收突发新闻进行更新,但这本质上还是日报,而非每小时更新的报纸。

    Although it can be updated to take in breaking news , it is primarily a daily , not an hourly .

  17. 例如,在发布及聚合世界各地的突发新闻方面,推特发挥了重大作用。

    For example , Twitter has become important for publishing and aggregating breaking news on the ground from around the world .

  18. 有些整天快速打出“突发新闻”的字样,所有频道几乎都用眼花缭乱的新闻跑马灯和新闻框填满屏幕。

    Some flash the words " breaking news " all day and almost all crowd their screens with dazzling tickers and boxes .

  19. CNN10分钟新闻主持人卡尔·阿祖兹:周四晚上,在我们准备本期CNN10分钟新闻期间,发生了一起突发新闻。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN 10 ANCHOR : There was some breaking news Thursday night as we produced this edition of CNN 10 .

  20. 出镜记者自身的受众意识,成为了突发新闻报道中的重要组成部分。

    The On & camera correspondent and reporter 's audience awareness of their own , became the important components of the sudden news .

  21. 今晚的突发新闻,白宫现在表示朝鲜发射他们的其中一发弹道导弹可能是“迫在眉睫”,

    The breaking news tonight the white house now saying that North Korea launching one of their ballistic missiles quote could be imminent ,

  22. 突发新闻事件的报道,关系到了国家形象的树立、国际地位的确立。

    The report of the breaking news is closely related with the establishment of the national image and the international status of our country .

  23. 街对面明尼苏达州公共广播电台大楼的电子屏上闪现出突发新闻:“圣保罗市中心的浣熊爬到新高度。”

    A marquee on Minnesota Public Radio 's building across the street flashed the breaking news : " St. Paul 's downtown raccoon reaches new heights . "

  24. 第三个主意:不断监控突发新闻网站,然后尽量第一个用推特发送一条有关所发生之事的新鲜趣事。

    Idea three : Constantly monitor news sites for breaking stories and then try to be the first to tweet an edgy joke about what 's happening .

  25. 由新华社和中国搜索引擎搜狗联合开发的人工智能主播,可以24小时向全世界的观众播报突发新闻。

    Jointly developed by Xinhua and Chinese search engine Sogou , the AI anchors can work 24 hours a day reporting breaking news to audiences around the world .

  26. 不过,你读到这本书时,这则新闻肯定已经成了旧闻事情发展就是这样迅速,突发新闻很快就会变得人尽皆知。

    Yet , this news will no doubt feel dated by the time you pick up this book : thats how fast events develop and breaking news becomes received wisdom .

  27. 我们从迈克·麦克兰德和他的妻子辛西娅的谋杀案这起突发新闻开始,有担心称这起杀戮是一个更广泛的阴谋。

    We begin with a breaking news in the murder of Mike McLelland and his wife Cynthia that and fears that this killing could be part of a wider plot .

  28. 重大突发新闻事件之所以受到高度关注是因为其广泛的社会影响力,特别是在对涉及到公共安全、卫生领域、国防军事等方面的问题中。

    It is because of its extensive social influence , esp. its influence on public safety , health field , military domain and defense industries , etc that the major breaking news draws highly attention .

  29. 微博已成为一个重要的信息来源,尤其是对突发新闻,但它一直在努力寻找方法以扩大其收入来源,从而弥补操作和技术升级的成本。

    Weibo has become a crucial information source , especially for breaking news , but it has been struggling to find ways to diversify its revenue stream to make up for operation and technology upgrade costs .

  30. 微博开创了人际传播的新模式,让公益新闻、突发新闻的报道有了更为显著的效果,政府机关单位和企业也纷纷开设微博,拉近与民众的距离。

    Micro-blog , creating a new model of interpersonal communication , so that the public interest news , breaking news reports has become more significant results , both government agencies and businesses have also opened the micro-blog and , closer to people .