
  • 网络spacing requirements;Space Requirement;inch&feet
  1. DB2行压缩被设计用来减少数据库对象的磁盘存储空间需求。

    DB2 row compression was designed to reduce disk storage space requirements of database objects .

  2. DB2服务器磁盘空间需求

    DB2 server disk space requirements

  3. URL检索融合了树查找算法,在实现了快速检索的同时减少了存储空间需求。

    The URL indexing algorithm based on tree searching , achieving both a fast searching speed and a significantly low storage requirement .

  4. 下面几个小节将详细介绍这些rootvg空间需求。

    The next several sections describe these demands on rootvg space in detail .

  5. 混合模型的存储空间需求为O(N2),而2阶Markov模型为O(N3)。

    And the memory demand of the hybrid Markov model is O ( N2 ) while order-2 Markov model is O ( N3 ) .

  6. 简要论述关系数据库系统ORACLE的表、索引等数据库对象数据片的存贮分配机制;介绍了数据库对象空间需求的两种计算方法:直接计算法和模拟计算法;

    This paper briefly introduces the object extent storage distribution process of relational database Oracle 's list and index , two calculating methods of database object space including directive and simulating methods .

  7. 当许多用户同时访问应用程序或产品时,这些测试类型的CPU使用率、网络或磁盘I/O操作以及磁盘空间需求都比较大。

    As many users access the application or product concurrently , the CPU usage , network or disk I / O operations , and disk space requirements are greater for these type of tests .

  8. 内容涉及温度电耗的关系分析、CAD建模的空间需求、电量平衡数学模型的建立、数据采集实现方式、用户路况行驶概率统计和发动机转速概率分布。

    It includes temperature-power consumption relationship analysis , space requirements of CAD model establishment , mathematics model establishment of power balance , data acquisition means , probability statistics of user ′ s driving and probability distribution of engine speed .

  9. 如果您只需要计算距离,不需要校准,就像通常情况那样,那么可以很容易地把空间需求降到O(n),因为计算下一行只需要前面一行。

    If you need only to compute the distance and not alignments , as is usually the case , it is easy to reduce this to O ( n ), since only the previous row is required to compute the next .

  10. 比较实验表明,TRMTreeNix路由计算与存储策略有效地减少了路由表的存储空间需求和路由预计算时间消耗。

    Experimental results show that the TRMTree_Nix routing calculation and storage mechanism can reduce the storage space and the routing pre-computation time effectively .

  11. 因此,将程序由主存载入SRF中执行时,对SRF的空间需求以及数据传输时间成了影响系统性能的两个重要因素。

    When loading a program from the off-chip memory into SRF for execution , the storage consumption and the data transfer time are two key factors which affect the system performance .

  12. Hirschberg在1975年提出的算法减少了序列联配问题的空间需求,其空间复杂度为O(m+n),但是Hirschberg算法的时间需求是基本动态规划算法的两倍。

    Hirschberg algorithm reduce the spatial requirement from to comparing with dynamic programming algorithm , but doubles the cost of computing time .

  13. 6块可调式搁板;可根据储物空间需求调节。

    6 adjustable shelves ; adjust spacing according to your needs .

  14. 一个美国华裔城市社区的休闲喜好和开放空间需求

    Leisure Preferences and Open Space Needs in An Urban Chinese American Community

  15. 空间需求聚集下安全库存模型及其实证

    Research on Safe Stock Model and Its Instance under Agglomerating the Space Requirement

  16. 最小的磁盘空间需求支持可扩展性。

    A minimal disk space requirement supports extensibility .

  17. 拜厄特;女性主义批评;知识女性;禁锢;矛盾的空间需求;

    Byatt ; feminist criticism ; intellectual women ; confinement ; paradoxical desire for space ;

  18. 装配杆的角度可根据空间需求进行调整。

    The angle of the assembly bar lever can be adjusted according to space requirements .

  19. 增量存储有助于减少互联网上的传输带宽需求和文件存档的空间需求。

    Delta storage helps to decrease the demands of transmission bandwidth and files storage space .

  20. 满足任务尺寸空间需求的并联机器人的参数优化设计方法

    A Methodology for Optimal Design of the Parallel Manipulator for the Operation Task Dimensional Workspace

  21. 研究显示,幼儿园建筑设计现状与接送空间需求有较大差距。

    The architecture had not design enough space in kindergarten that those people and traffic needs .

  22. 查看磁盘空间需求。

    Review your disk space requirements .

  23. 随着人们对空间需求的日益增大,现代建筑向着更高更深的方向发展,越来越多的深大基坑工程应运而生。

    With the increasing demand for living space , the modern buildings become taller and deeper .

  24. 其处理速度快,满足线速处理和低存储空间需求。

    Its processing speed is very fast , satisfy the processing speed and low memory requirement .

  25. 讨论了当空间需求的相关系数变动时,安全库存的成本是如何变化的。

    It discusses how the cost of safe stock changes with the correlation coefficient of space requirement .

  26. 提出了淡化工业与民用建筑的界线以满足人们对空间需求的观点;

    Author proposed that reducing the borderline between industrial and civil architecture could meet the space need of people .

  27. 在医院规划设计中,模块是用以整合复杂的医疗空间需求的切实必要的方法。

    The application of Module is proper and necessary methodology to meet the complicated space requirement for hospital design .

  28. 内存调优也可能极大改善系统性能,减少额外的分页空间需求。

    Memory tuning can also bring significant improvements in system performance and reduce the need for additional paging space .

  29. 一个常见的解决方案就是数据简缩,即通过减少源数据来降低物理空间需求。

    A common solution is data reduction , whereby the source data is reduced to require less physical space .

  30. 系统检查显示当前内存、需要内存、空间需求以及操作系统是否支持

    System check shows current memory , required memory , space requirements , and whether operating system is at supported level