
  • 网络Airbus Group;Airbus Group NV;Airbus S.A.S
  1. 研发人员希望C919能够与空中客车集团新型A320飞机和波音公司新一代B737飞机形成竞争。

    It is expected to compete with the updated Airbus A320 and the new-generation Boeing B737 .

  2. 在国内旅游需求不断上升急需满足,以及波音公司和空中客车集团垄断全球航空市场的环境下,中国首架自主生产的单通道喷气式飞机C919预计在本周五进行首飞。

    China 's first domestically produced single-aisle passenger jet , the C919 , is expected to take to the sky for its maiden flight on Friday , as the country endeavors to meet soaring domestic travel demand and break the global market duopoly of Boeing Co and Airbus Group SE .

  3. 欧洲航空巨头空中客车集团首席执行官汤姆·恩德斯表示,该公司将与美国打车服务公司优步科技展开合作,通过空客H125和H130直升机为用户提供“专机”服务。

    European aerospace giant Airbus Group SE will cooperate with US ride-hailing service Uber Technologies Inc to provide on-demand flights with its H125 and H130 helicopters , Chief Executive Officer Tom Enders said .