
  • 网络spatial dimension
  1. 快速回波平面谱成像(Echoplanarspectroscopicimaging,EPSI)技术采用随时间变化的梯度对谱维和空间维同时进行编码,大大减少了数据采集时间。

    Echo planar spectroscopic imaging ( EPSI ) technology has been applied for rapid acquisition of MRSI data . It significantly reduces scan time by simultaneously encoding the spectral dimension and the spatial dimension .

  2. 可持续发展的空间维

    Spatial dimension of sustainable development

  3. 本文提出了CSCW任务分类的四维模型:结构化程度维、合作程度维、时间维和空间维。

    There are four dimensions in this model : the degree of structure , the degree of the cooperativeness , time and space .

  4. 随着Internet和WWW的迅速发展,用户访问信息广泛、海量地遍及于其上。这些信息从用户维、时间维、空间维、访问对象维等方面详尽地反映出用户的访问细节。

    With the rapid growth in Internet and WWW , the users ' access information is becoming enormous and widespread , which represent the users ' access details with the user dimension , time dimension , space dimension , and access object dimension .

  5. 在MIMO系统中,信道数量的增多、发送信号空间维的扩展使信道估计与信号检测技术已成为制约系统性能和实际应用的瓶颈。

    In MIMO ( Multiple-Input Multiple-Output ) systems , with the increasing number of channel parameters and the extension of transmit signals in space dimension , the channel estimation and the signal detection techniques often become the bottleneck of system performance and practical application .

  6. 其次,结合科学性和实用性的原则,分别从三个层次构建了基于领域维、时间维、空间维的循环经济评价指标体系框架。

    Secondly , a three-dimensional framework of indicator system for circular economy was established with the principle of practicability .

  7. 分别通过主观定性分析和客观定量分析验证了四种校正算法在空间维的有效性。

    The space dimension validity of the four algorithms is verified through subjective qualitative standards and objective quantitative standards .

  8. 染色体机制还产生新的空间维,进化过程就在那里进行。

    The chromosome apparatus also created new dimensions of the space within which the process of evolution takes place .

  9. 统计数据的空间维特征随着地理信息技术的广泛应用逐渐得到人们的重视。

    With the wide application of GIS technology , the spatial characteristic of statistics is being paid more attention gradually .

  10. 即轨迹沿直线均速运动,直到改变了方向和/或速度,并在空间维中加入了时间维和速度维。

    Trajectory moves along straight line until it changes direction or speed . Add in time and speed dimensions to the space dimension . 2 .

  11. 高光谱、多角度遥感传感器的出现,丰富了遥感探测手段,为我们提供了更为丰富的光谱维、空间维信息,也对定量遥感提出越来越高的要求。

    The appearance of hyperspectral and multiangular remote sensor enhanced the exploration means , and provided us more spectral and spatial dimension information than before .

  12. 四维为管理要素维、管理领域维、管理空间维、管理时间维。

    The four dimensions are the management key factor dimension , the management field dimension , the management space dimension and the management time dimension .

  13. 第二部分以逻辑一空间维为线索分析和探讨了两国大学教师聘用制度的思想理念和基本价值,着力把握两国教师聘用制度的不同精神实质。

    Part 2 explores the ideological and value bases of such system in each country from the logic-space dimension , with focus on the different mentality .

  14. 其中,前两种为时间维金融经济力,后三种为空间维金融经济力。

    Among them , the former two as the time dimension of financial economic power , three dimensions for the space after the financial economic power .

  15. 本文从空间维、时间维的角度对镇江市城市主城区商业地价的分布特征进行了研究。

    This thesis deals mainly with the distribution of the commerce land in the central area of Zhenjang City from the view points of both spatial and temporal dimensions .

  16. 然后,简单地分析了离散余弦变换比小波变换更适合高光谱图像的空间维编码,提出了一种基于二维整型局部变换和网格编码量化相结合的空间编码方法。

    Based on a simple analysis of DCT and DWT , this paper proposes a new special coding program based on two-dimensional integer partial transform coding and trellis coded quantization .

  17. 在空间维上,考虑电网调度管理体制的分层分区,电网分析应分解协调进行;

    In space dimension , hierarchical dispatch and control are considered and the decomposition and coordination between control centers are carried out in the network analysis of the EWSC system .

  18. 在保持现有光流计算方法的前提下,通过调节时间维和空间维的方差参数,改变时空预滤波和光滑效果,突出时间混叠和光流主信息,从而提高重构视频序列的信噪比。

    The pre-filtering and smoothing effect , which attenuate the temporal aliasing and the interesting signal structure of the optical flow field , are altered with adjusting the spatiotemporal standard deviation parameters .

  19. 空间维是监测体系的实物表现,包含监测点及市场交易样点、地价区段、土地级别、城市、省、地区和全国七个层次。

    The space dimensionality is actual substances of monitoring system , includes seven levels : monitoring point , land price section , land grade , city , province , region and nation .

  20. 基于遥感图像的空间维、光谱维、时间维等多维信息,获取矿山目标图像成分的标记属性。

    To obtain the label attribute on mine object image with the multi-dimension and multi-attribute information on remote sensing image such as the space dimension , the spectral dimension and the temporal dimension .

  21. 首先,基于系统论给出了并行协同设计的总体框架,提出产品的设计包括时间维的并行设计和空间维的协同设计;

    Firstly , the framework of concurrent and collaborative design based on system theory was established . Within this framework , product design included " time dimension " concurrence and " space dimension " collaboration .

  22. 光谱成像技术可以同时从光谱维和空间维上获取被测目标的信息,即结合了空间成像系统和光谱检测系统的功能,因此近年在影像获取与处理领域中倍受重视。

    Multi-spectral imaging technology , integrated with the capabilities of spatial imaging and spectral detecting , can acquire both spatial information and spectral information simultaneously , thus it is highly emphasized in acquisition and process of image .

  23. 本文总结了世界生态工业园的理论与实践,分析了中国建立生态工业园的必要性,并从时间维、空间维、机制维、职能维等方面探讨了加强中国生态工业园的建设。

    This paper summarizes the theories and activities of eco industrial park , analyze the necessity to build China 's eco industrial park , then discuss the development on temporal , spatial , functional , and mechanism dimension .

  24. 本文所采用的数值方法是时空有限元/伽辽金最小二乘法,该方法的特点是时间维和空间维均采用有限元方法进行离散,因而可以处理动边界、动网格问题。

    The two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are numerically solved using Space-time FEM / Galerkin Least Squares method . In space-time formulations , finite element method is employed for both temporal and spatial discretization , which proves to be effective for solving moving boundary problems .

  25. 蚀变信息场充分利用多光谱遥感数据中的空间维与波谱维信息,实现了遥感信息提取理论与地学蚀变作用理论的有机结合。

    So the alteration field information theory has been put forward . The theory can fully use the spatial and spectral dimension information of multi-spectral remote sensing data and implement the full integration of remote sensing alteration information extracting theory with alteration theory of geosciences .

  26. 根据系统的等级性、层次性等机理,采用物理-事理-人理系统方法,将交通安全系统划分为四维体系:时间维、空间维、功能维与行为维。

    Disadvantages . According to the systemic mechanism of grade and hiberarchy , traffic safety system can be divided into four dimension architecture : time dimension , space dimension , function dimension and behavior dimension by using Wu-li , Shi-li , Ren-li system methodology ( WSR ) .

  27. 地震空间分维Dq及b值的临震变化特征及其非线性机制分析

    Earthquake-impending characteristics of seismic spatial fractal dimension DQ and b value and their non-linear mechanism analysis

  28. 该文使用统计物理学中概率流体理论来考察现有两相湍流PDF模型,发现各种PDF模型仅是概率流体相空间降维过程中的不同阶段的PDF输运方程。

    Two-phase flow PDF models are discussed using statistical physics theory ; the different PDF models can be regarded as different PDF transport equations of different dimension of the state vector .

  29. 利用算子分解法,对采样系统H∞等价离散化中系统输入输出空间有限维化给出了新的证明,以一种新方法解决了一类混合系统在H∞控制意义下等价的离散问题。

    An operator-decomposition method is implemented to prove concisely a technique that converts a hybrid system into an equivalent one with finite dimensional inputs and out-puts , which is an important procedure in the H ∞ equivalent discretization of the sampled-data system .

  30. 基于度量空间高维索引结构VP-tree及MVP-tree的图像检索

    Image Retrieval Based on High-Dimensional Index Structure for Metric Spaces VP-Tree and MVP-Tree