
fú huò
  • capture;trapping;entrapment;seize;gathering
俘获 [fú huò]
  • (1) [capture]

  • (2) 作战中,俘虏的敌方人员和缴获的装备、物资、马匹、文件等的统称

  • (3) 原子核与基本粒子(如中子、电子)的聚合,可释放射线或产生核裂变

俘获[fú huò]
  1. ~(12)C快中子辐射俘获反应中的共振现象

    Resonance Phenomenon in the Fast Neutron Radiative Capture Reaction for ~ ( 12 ) C

  2. 然而,拟议中的改革旨在保持监管俘获(regulatorycapture)状态。

    The proposed reforms , however , seek to perpetuate regulatory capture .

  3. 游击队击落了一架飞机,并俘获了飞行员。

    The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot

  4. 尽管他俘获过很多女人的芳心,却依然孤单寂寞。

    Despite his conquests , he remains lonely and isolated .

  5. 他们是那些看不见的俘获者手中的权力斗争工具。

    They are the pawns in the power game played by their unseen captors .

  6. 海军陆战队士兵攻了进去,俘获15人。

    Marines went in , taking 15 prisoners

  7. 俘获者对待囚犯异常凶残,违反一切国际法律。

    The treatment of the prisoners by their captors is atrocious and breaks all international laws .

  8. 除姓名、军衔、部队编号和出生年月外,他再也不肯回答俘获他的人的任何问题。

    He could never ever give any responses to his captor other than name , rank , serial number and date of birth .

  9. 我军俘获敌军500人。

    Our army captured 500 of the enemy .

  10. 我军俘获甚众。

    Our army captured a lot of enemy soldiers and weapons .

  11. 大部分叛乱分子被俘获并解除了武装。

    Most of the rebels were captured and disarmed .

  12. 我们从俘获的敌人军官那里盘问出一些有关敌军部署的情况。

    We got out some information about the enemy 's dispositions from the captured enemy officer .

  13. 研究了双势阱玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体系(BEC)的自俘获现象(self-trapping)。

    Self-trapping of Bose-Einstein condensates ( BEC ) in double-well trap is investigated .

  14. 与此同时,图齐列出了另外一组他认为应该入选的明星(包括他自己)。图齐在Ins上分享的治愈系调酒教程深入人心,最近拍的CNN美食节目《寻找意大利》也俘获了一众粉丝。

    Meanwhile , Tucci — who 's captured people 's hearts with his soothing bartending tutorials on Instagram and recently , his own food-centric CNN show , " Searching for Italy " — suggested a group of other stars who he thought would also fit into the category ( including himself ) .

  15. 《老友记》是上世纪90年代最大型的情景喜剧,由于后来多次重播以及在奈飞等流媒体平台上播放,该剧又俘获了新一代粉丝和评论者。

    Friends was the biggest sitcom of the 1990s , and has found a new generation of fans ( and critics ) thanks to re-runs and streaming services like Netflix .

  16. F心的研究认为氧缺位俘获电子存在一个动态平衡过程。

    A dynamic equilibrium process would exist during F centers formation .

  17. 中子俘获反应即(n,γ)反应,是一种重要的中子核反应。

    Neutron capture reaction i.e ( n ,γ) reaction , it is an important neutron nuclear reaction .

  18. 电子俘获核素~(65)Zn的绝对测量方法

    Absolute measuring method about electron capture nuclear  ̄ ( 65 ) Zn

  19. He~(2+)离子和H2,O2分子碰撞过程中电子俘获和靶激发的发射截面

    Double-electron capture into excited states in collision between he ~ ( 2 + ) and h_2 , o_2

  20. 稀土离子(144)~Nd~+和H2分子碰撞的单电子俘获截面的测量

    Measurement of Single Electron Capture Cross Sections for ( 144 ) ~ Nd ~ + Impact on H_2

  21. 天然核素Ag、Cd的快中子辐射俘获截面测量

    Measurement of the fast neutron radiative capture cross sections of natural nuclide Ag and CD

  22. 天然Mo的快中子辐射俘获截面

    Fast Neutron Capture Cross Section of Natural Molybdenum

  23. 沃尔沃需要俘获像AllanSong这样的车主。

    Volvo needs to capture drivers like Allan Song .

  24. 其中,我们研究小组提出了一种新的真空激光加速机制:俘获加速机制(CAS&CaptureandAccelerationScenario)。

    Our group has proposed a new vacuum laser acceleration scheme , which we call the capture and acceleration scenario ( CAS ) .

  25. PCF中群速度失配和高阶色散对孤子自俘获的影响

    Influences of Group Velocity Mismatch and High-order Dispersion on Soliton Self-trapping in PCF

  26. 本文还讨论了α-Si:H中载流子俘获效应的研究在高稳定性PIN型非晶硅太阳能电池研制中的重要性。

    We also discuss the importance of carrier trapping effects to the stability of PIN α - Si : H solar cells .

  27. 双模SU(1,1)猫态与级联三能级原子的粒子布居相干俘获

    Two-mode su ( 1,1 ) schr ? Dinger cat states and atomic coherent population trapping in a cascade three-level system

  28. 元素俘获谱测井(ECS)利用定量测得的钙等多种元素的含量,计算岩石的碳酸盐岩含量,进而进行岩性识别和地层对比;

    The contents of sand , shale or carbonate in complex formations can be obtained from logs of Elemental Capture Spectroscopy Sonde ( ECS ) .

  29. 若俘获状态触发器处于置位状态时,程序停在即将执行而尚未执行的下一条指令上,该指令是从存储单元N中取出来的。

    If the trapping mode flip-flop is set and the program includes any one of certain instructions , the instruction is not performed but the next instruction is taken from location N.

  30. 在这种疾病里,吗啉代被专门设计结合毒性RNA,释放俘获的蛋白质中和其有害作用。

    In this case the morpholino was specifically designed to bind to the toxic RNA and neutralize its harmful effects by releasing the captured proteins .