
  • 网络Spatial Thinking;space thinking
  1. 探讨发展空间思维的现代工程图学教育

    Discussion on Modern Engineering Graphics Education Developing Spatial Thinking

  2. 利用地质图信息进行空间思维与数字思维的方法研究

    Method research of applying from information geological map to spatial thinking and digital thinking

  3. 利用CAD的3D与2D的图形转换构建空间思维的方法

    Forming the Method of Space Thought through Making Use of the Sketch Conversion from 3D to 2D

  4. CT可明确骨折的部位、范围、移位程度,但阅片者需良好的空间思维能力和熟悉骨折部位的解剖结构;

    CT could ensure the position and the range and the degree of replacement of fracture , but the readers need better space ideation and familiarity anatomic structure of locus of fractures ;

  5. 然而,工程图学的远程教育与其他的课程有所不同。在其教学过程中,经常需要进行由3D零件到2D图形、又从2D图形回到3D零件的空间思维活动。

    However , long-distance teaching on Engineering Drawing is different to other courses , because during the teaching , we 'll often transform the 3D parts into 2D graphics and imagine the 3D archetypes in our mind .

  6. 在工程制图教学中,把SolidWorks与工程制图有机结合起来,可以拓宽学生的视野,激发学生的学习兴趣;应用计算机辅助设计技术,增强学生的空间思维能力,达到较好的教学效果。

    Combining SolidWorks with engineering drawing can broaden students , views , stimulate their interests and strengthen their basic skills , therefore result in a good teaching performance .

  7. 浅谈机械制图课与学生空间思维能力的培养

    The Space-thinking Ability of Students in the Course of Mechanical Drafting

  8. 转换视觉确立平面&论素描教学中空间思维能力的培养

    Convert the Sense of Vision and Establish the Space - level

  9. 组合体教学与学生空间思维能力的培养

    On Assembly Teaching and the Fostering of Students ' Space Thinking Ability

  10. 中学生地理空间思维能力及其培养

    The Geography Spacial Thinking of Middle School Students and Its Training Tactics

  11. 向量引入立体几何后对学生空间思维的影响

    The Effects on Spatial Visualization after the Introduction of Vector into Solid Geometry

  12. 中学地理学科空间思维的品质特征辨析&以近年地理经典试题的分析为例

    Differentiation and Analysis of Qualities and Characteristics of Spatial Thought in Middle School Geography

  13. 传统的重积分教学问题是学生空间思维的不足。

    The problem of traditional multiple integral is insufficient of student 's space graphs thought .

  14. 准确解读人体结构毗邻关系培养学生空间思维能力

    Train the students ' spatial thinking ability through the accurate unscrambling of the anatomic adjacent relationship

  15. 第二部分:论述了地理空间思维能力培养的意义。

    Part two : the significance of the training of ability of the geography spacial thinking .

  16. 电子音乐中的空间思维

    The Space Thinking in Electronic Music

  17. 研究地理空间思维的特徵有利于加强对学生思维能力的培养。

    Study into the characteristics of geographical spatial thought will help nurture student 's thinking abilities .

  18. 空间思维过程维度则细化为空间感知、空间分析和空间应用三个次维度。

    Spatial thinking process divided into there categories : spatial perception , spatial analysis and space applications .

  19. 学生通过对不断变化的形体及二维工程图的比较分析,提高对空间思维能力的培养。

    Students can improve their spatial thinking ability through changing strutures and and comparative analysis of 2D engineering drawings .

  20. 地理空间思维是指借助图形对地理问题进行各种空间维度思维的心理活动。

    Geographical spatial thought refers to psychological activities in different spatial dimensions on geographical problems with the assistance of graphs .

  21. 走出创造性教学的一条新路,使现代各种人才具备空间思维能力的基本素质。

    Creative Teaching out on a new path , with space for all kinds of modern thinking , the basic qualities .

  22. 结合对国内外相关思维模型的评价分析,试图建立一个可操作、可视化的理论模型。基于此模型评析高考地理命题中关于高中学生地理空间思维能力的考查情况。

    Then combined domestic and international study related to mental model , this paper tried to build an operational and visual model .

  23. 而这两个特质则是源自汉民族的空间思维偏好和英民族的时间思维取向。

    And these two features originate from the spatial thinking orientation of Chinese people and the temporal thinking style of the English native .

  24. 实践证明,利用虚拟模型丰富了网络课件的内容,达到了帮助培养学生空间思维能力的目的。

    The teaching practice demonstrates that the contents of the network courseware are enriched and students ' space ideation is cultivated using it .

  25. 充足的证据已经驳斥了那种认为女性大脑根本不能进行空间思维,量子飞跃和数学题运算的观点。

    Ample evidence refutes the notion that female brains just can 't rotate the object , leap the quantum , do the math .

  26. 通过立体思维理论的研究探讨,将传统地理学的空间思维推向更加广阔的维度,在一定程度上突破了高中地理中较为单纯的区域空间。

    Through studying the stereoscopic thinking theory , it develops the stereoscopic thinking theory and breaks the relatively simple space of the senior school geography .

  27. 二者的互喻、小说评点中的建筑术语及空间思维,都说明了小说对建筑文化空间性的借鉴。

    The metaphor between them , the architecture terms and spatial thinking in novels comment , these all show that the novel borrows the architecture space culture .

  28. 文中对该方法的作图原理及过程作了明确的叙述,与传统方法相比不仅作图占地较小,更主要的是扩展了对某些问题空间思维的领域。

    It describes the principle and procedure of drawing distinctly not only occupies a small space , but also extends the fields of spacial thought of some problems .

  29. 创新思维的培养主要体现在培养发散性思维、逆向思维、综合思维和空间思维等方面。

    Set up the main of educating of sex thought to educate to dissipate of the sex the thought , judgment the thought now , synthesize the thought to wait the aspect with space thought .

  30. 阅读障碍学生的空间思维能力,无论是二维还是三维空间能力,成绩都优于正常学生,其中三维空间能力与创造力存在正相关,对创造力有一定的预测性。

    The dyslexics ' visual-spatial skills were superior to the normal students no matter in two-dimension spatial ability and three-dimension spatial ability . Between the two kinds of spatial ability , three-dimension spatial ability had positive correlation with general creativity .