
  • 网络Air conditioning maintenance;hisense
  1. 我们拥有一技术力量雄厚的空调维修队伍和安装队伍。

    We have a strong technical force , the ranks of the air-conditioning repair and installation teams .

  2. 检查秒表并目视检查空调维修单元的相关温度和压力。

    Check stopwatch and visual contact with the relevant temperature and pressure on the air conditioning service unit .

  3. 时刻提供优质的空调维修,空调安装,空调移机,空调加氟,空调清洗服务。

    Time to provide quality air conditioning repair , air conditioning installation , air-conditioning transfer machine , air-conditioning plus fluoride , air-conditioning cleaning service .

  4. 不论是空调维修,还是家用制冷器具的维修,操作前也应先作漏电检查,以防触电。

    Whether air-conditioning repair , or maintenance of household refrigeration appliances , before the operation should also be checked for leakage , to prevent electric shock .

  5. 与此同时,男生们都为经济繁荣时期挣钱快的行业所吸引,宁愿以3万美元年薪的起始工资在空调维修、网络设计这样一些领域工作。

    Males , meanwhile , are tempted by fast cash in a boom-time economy , preferring $ 30000 starting salaries in such fields as air-conditioner maintenance and web design .

  6. 一般:1,强烈建议高档瓷砖公司再次车间,2,可以停止传输空调维修成本,减少公司的企业开支。

    General : 1 , strongly suggest the shop floor tile of high-grade company again , 2 and can stop transfer air-conditioner maintenance cost , reduce company corporate expenses .

  7. 空调故障维修实例

    Servicing example of air conditioning trouble

  8. 汽车空调装置的维修

    Maintenance of Air Conditon Installation for Motor Vehicle

  9. 加注空调系统使用维修单元,将手册中规定的定量制冷剂添加至空调管路中。

    Filling the air-conditioning systemusing the service unit , add the refrigerant quantity stated in the manual into the air-conditioning lines .

  10. 铁道车辆用空调装置汽车空调装置的维修

    The Air-Conditioning Equipment for Rolling Stock Maintenance of Air Conditon Installation for Motor Vehicle

  11. 精通各型家用空调,商用空调,中央空调,冷库的维修安装。

    Proficient in all types of home air conditioners , commercial air-conditioning , central air-conditioning , refrigerator repair installation .

  12. 随着铁路空调客车的普及,客车单元式空调机组的维修工作日益受到有关部门的重视。

    With the air conditioning of the railway passenger car universal application , the repair work of the air conditioning unit in the passenger car has already received increasing attentions .