
  • 网络amelio;William Amelio;Bill Amelio;Gil Amelio
  1. 在联想首席执行官比尔•阿梅里奥(BillAmelio)发表上述言论前,该公司上月未能并购欧洲个人电脑制造商PackardBell。

    The comments by Bill Amelio , chief executive , follow Lenovo 's failure to buy Packard Bell , the European PC maker , last month .

  2. 阿梅里奥十分看重专心致志、严于律己,他的空手道黑带就是明证。

    Mr Amelio prizes focus and self-discipline & and has a black belt in karate to prove it .

  3. 重回首席执行官之位后,他对前任阿梅里奥只有赞誉之词,但也明确表示他将采取不同的管理方式。

    Returning to the chief executive seat , he had only praise for Mr Amelio but made it clear he would run the company differently .

  4. 阿梅里奥加盟后,二人的分工迅速决定:杨元庆掌管董事会,把握战略方向,阿梅里奥负责公司运营。

    The division of labour was immediately decided : Mr Yang runs the board of directors and sets the strategic direction and Mr Amelio has operational control .

  5. 将阿梅里奥所谓两种迥异的文化融合在一起,这也许是联想试图做的最大创新。经尿道前列腺电汽化术联合最大限度雄激素阻断疗法治疗晚期前列腺癌

    Nothing could be as novel as its attempt to meld what he calls two uniquely different cultures . Transurethral Vaporization of Prostate Along with Maximal Androgen Blockade for Prostate adenocarcinoma

  6. 阿梅里奥表示:印度是一个非常好的第一选择,也就是说,根据不同季节的情况,我们在以2、3倍于市场增长率的速度增长。

    India was a great first choice , he said . We 've been growing , literally , depending upon the quarter , at two to three times the market rate of growth .

  7. 在连续两个季度出现亏损后,联想又采取了一项果断行动:2009年2月,杨元庆接替阿梅里奥,重新出任首席执行官,联想联合创始人柳传志也重掌董事长之职。

    After racking up two consecutive quarters of losses , Lenovo made another decisive move : Mr Yang came back to replace Mr Amelio as chief executive , and Liu Chuanzhi , co-founder of Lenovo , returned as its chairman in February 2009 .