
  • 网络Yang Yuanqing;Michael Yeoh
  1. 在联想收购ibm之后,杨元庆选择了不太干涉公司事务的董事长职位。

    Mr Yang took a more hands-off role as chairman after the IBM acquisition .

  2. 而在几周之前,杨元庆向《财富》表示:“PC不会死。”

    A few weeks before that , Yang told fortune that the " PC definitely will not die . "

  3. 后来,柳传志再次卸甲,杨元庆目前兼任联想董事长和CEO。

    Mr. Liu has since stepped down , and Mr. Yang now is both chairman and CEO .

  4. 杨元庆认为,在PC业务处于上升态势之际,打造品牌是联想下一成长阶段的关键部分。

    Mr. Yang considers building a brand to be a crucial part of Lenovo 's next phase of growth now that the PC business is on an upswing . '

  5. 杨元庆以亚马逊(Amazon)进军设备业务以及谷歌(Google)推出Nexus手机来表明自己的怀疑是合理的。

    Mr Yang cited Amazon 's foray into the device business , as well as Google Nexus phones , to support his scepticism .

  6. 2009年2月,联想请柳传志重新出山、担任联想集团董事局主席,并由同是联想元老的杨元庆接替美国人比尔阿梅里奥(BillAmelio)担任首席执行官。

    Lenovo brought Mr Liu back in February 2009 as chairman and replaced Bill Amelio , its American chief executive , with Mr Yang , also a Lenovo veteran .

  7. 杨元庆向路透社(Reuters)表示,连续收购将会在短期拖累公司业绩,但联想将只需两个季度就会让亏损的摩托罗拉业务扭亏为盈。

    Mr Yang told Reuters the deal flurry would hurt performance in the short term , but that Lenovo would require only a couple of quarters to turn around the lossmaking Motorola business .

  8. 去年,该公司用自己的前首席执行官杨元庆(2001年至2005年任职)取代了比尔阿梅利奥(billamelio),如今,该公司正重新成为新兴市场专家。

    Having replaced chief executive bill Amelio last year with its own former chief Yang Yuanqing ( 2001-05 ) , Lenovo is returning to its roots as an emerging markets specialist .

  9. 杨元庆向路透社(Reuters)表示,连续收购将会在短期拖累公司业绩,但联想将只需“两个季度”就会让亏损的摩托罗拉业务扭亏为盈。

    Mr Yang told Reuters the deal flurry would hurt performance in the short term , but that Lenovo would require only " a couple of quarters " to turn around the lossmaking Motorola business .

  10. 杨元庆发表上述言论之前不久,联想昨日报告总营收同比下降6%,至101亿美元。该集团的全球PC出货量连续第五个季度下降,而手机业务难以形成增长势头。

    Mr Yuan was speaking shortly after Lenovo yesterday reported a 6 per cent year-on-year decrease in overall revenues to $ 10.1bn as its global PC shipments fell for the fifth quarter in a row and the company 's handset business struggled to gain traction .

  11. 联想任命杨元庆取代美国人比尔阿梅里奥(billamelio)出任首席执行官,并在3个月前召回公司创始人之一柳传志担任董事长。

    Lenovo replaced bill Amelio , its American chief executive , with Yang Yuanqing , his predecessor , and called Liu Chuanzhi , co-founder , back in as chairman three months ago .

  12. 但杨元庆指出,调研公司idc预测全球pc市场将萎缩4%,他警告称,今年世界其它地区的经济状况仍将极具挑战性。

    But pointing to the 4 per cent contraction in the global PC market forecast by research company IDC , he warned that economic conditions in the rest of the world would continue to be very challenging this year .

  13. 加上以23亿美元收购IBM的低端服务器业务,联想最近已拿出52亿美元用于收购交易,市场对此感到担忧,联想首席执行官杨元庆希望通过展现出乐观的情绪来缓解担忧,制定相对快速复苏的目标是这一努力的一部分。

    Targeting a relatively quick recovery , the rosy sentiment was part of an effort by Yang Yuanqing , Lenovo chief executive , to assuage market concerns over the Chinese PC maker 's recent $ 5.2bn dealmaking spree , which included the $ 2.3bn buyout of IBM 's low-end server unit .

  14. 联想集团董事长兼首席执行官杨元庆表示,随着互联网带来的新改变,我们正在经历从过去的PC互联网、移动互联网向智能互联网转换的过程。

    Yang Yuanqing , chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group , noted that as artificial intelligence ( AI ) has brought new changes in internet , we are facing a new leap from the mobile internet to the smart internet , just like what we achieved from the PC internet to the mobile internet .

  15. 全球最大的个人计算机销售商联想(Lenovo),正在摒弃被其董事长兼首席执行官杨元庆称为用内容补贴设备的“所谓的新业务模式”,将专注于设备。

    Lenovo , the largest seller of personal computers , is spurning what Yang Yuanqing , chairman and chief executive , has described as the " so-called new business model " of content-subsidised hardware that has taken China by storm , and will stick with devices .

  16. 杨元庆表示,这两笔收购并非激进的举措。

    Mr Yang said the purchases were not an aggressive action .

  17. 苹果仅覆盖最高端的市场,杨元庆表示。

    Apple only covers the top tier , he said .

  18. 杨元庆表示:智能手机与平板电脑市场正在经历类似的转变。

    The smartphone and tablet markets are going through a similar transformation .

  19. 杨元庆表示,成功的部分原因在于联想了解这个市场。

    Part of that success , Yang says , is knowing the market .

  20. 我们认为这种产品将实现更大的销量,杨元庆表示。

    We think we can achieve more volume with that , said Mr Yang .

  21. 杨元庆听起来极其乐观。

    Mr Yang sounded an extremely bullish note .

  22. 杨元庆认为,在人工智能和互联网的推动下,各个领域将更加以服务为导向。

    Yang said driven by AI and internet , every sector will be more service-oriented .

  23. 杨元庆制定了一个四年计划。

    Mr. Yang had a four-year plan .

  24. 杨元庆:我们正面临移动互联向智能互联的新飞跃

    Yang Yuanqing : We are facing a new leap from mobile internet to smart internet

  25. 杨元庆称,每季度管理层都将为关键新兴市场设定详细执行计划,明确市场份额目标。

    Mr Yang said management would set detailed execution plans with clear market share targets for key emerging markets every quarter .

  26. 杨元庆昨日在发表讲话时表示,已大举进军智能手机业务的联想,将致力于研发具有语音识别功能的设备。

    Speaking yesterday , Mr Yang said Lenovo which has made the jump into smartphones would focus on developing devices with voice recognition .

  27. 杨元庆最近表示,该公司预计其在中国的智能手机业务将在两到三个季度之后扭亏为盈。

    Mr. Yang said this week that the company expects its money-losing smartphone business in China to become profitable in two to three quarters .

  28. 联想在个人电脑市场处于主导地位。近期杨元庆试图将业务从不断下滑的个人电脑市场扩展至智能手机和服务器领域。

    He has recently sought to expand out of the falling personal computer market , which Lenovo dominates , and into smartphones and servers .

  29. 在伴随财报公布的一份声明中,联想集团首席执行官杨元庆表示:上个季度,联想再次表现强劲,市场份额和盈利水平均获显著提升。

    Lenovo had another strong quarter that saw excellent market share gains and profit expansion , said Mr Yang in a statement accompanying the results .

  30. “自第四财季结束以来,我们看到中国的需求出现显著增长,”杨元庆表示。

    " We have seen a significant pick-up in demand in China since the end of the fiscal fourth quarter , " said Mr Yang .