
  • 网络Air conditioning installation;HVAC Installment
  1. 空调安装工程概预算软件开发

    Exploitation of Budgetary Estimate / Budget Software of Air Conditioning Project

  2. 提高空调安装质量的一些注意事项

    Some Advice to Improve the Quality of Air - conditioning Project

  3. 通风空调安装工程概预算管理系统的设计

    Design of a budgetary estimate management system for HVAC installation project

  4. 对空调安装该不该进行行政监管?

    Should the installation of air conditioning for administrative supervision ?

  5. 顶置空调安装与防水密封结构的改进方案

    Installation of Top-mounted Air Conditioner and Improvement of Waterproof Sealing

  6. 家用中央空调安装过程中存在问题及解决措施

    The solutions to the existing problems in the installation of residential central air-conditioning

  7. 空调安装,这是每个维修人员都会做的。

    Air conditioning installation , maintenance personnel will be is to do each .

  8. 暖通空调安装工程中的问题及处理方法

    HVAC installation works in question and deal with methods

  9. 通风空调安装施工应注意的几个问题

    Several problems need attention in installation of ventilating air-condition

  10. 研究结果表明网络图优化方法能简便、有效地提高空调安装工程的效率。

    The result shows that the method is simple and effective in construction organization .

  11. 大型商场中央空调安装新风系统节能问题

    Energy saving problem of new wind system installation of center air-condition in large marketplace

  12. 浅谈洁净室工程净化空调安装与调试

    On installation and test run of purifying air - conditioner for clean room engineering

  13. 通风空调安装质量控制要点

    Control points on installation quality of ventilation air-conditioner

  14. 提高通风空调安装工程概预算软件实用性的途径

    Ways to Improve Practicability of the Software for Cost Estimate of HVAC Installation Engineering

  15. 家庭中央空调安装是个坎儿

    Importance of Installation for Domestic central Air-conditioner

  16. 入围榜单前10名的还有空调安装工、快递员、美容师、司机和厨师。

    Air-conditioner installers , delivery workers , beauticians , drivers and cooks also make into the top 10 list .

  17. 例如,该报告称,2016年前三季度,空调安装工全国用工缺口为11.4万。

    For example , the report says China lacked 114000 air-conditioner installers in the first three quarters of 2016 .

  18. “不要去改装一辆车”这句老话在这时候正合适。我估计机械师和空调安装师在彼得回到摩林顿后也许将会对此进行抱怨。

    I reckon the mechanic and air conditioning installer could be in for an earful on Peter 's return to Mornington .

  19. 在空调安装旺季,一些空调生厂商甚至试图以万元月薪吸引空调安装工人。

    In the busy season , some air-conditioner producers even tried to attract workers with a monthly pay of 10000 yuan .

  20. 由于轿车车室内供空调安装的空间有限,所以合理选择空调大小具有重要意义。

    Selecting reasonably the size of air conditioning system is very important due to the limit space of installing air conditioning system in passenger car compartment .

  21. 从工期-成本优化着手,介绍了网络图优化的方法。结合一空调安装工程实例说明了网络图优化在空调工程施工中的具体应用。

    Presents the method of network chart optimization by studying the optimizing between project time limit and costs and illuminates its application in construction with an air conditioning project .

  22. 本文简要介绍了洁净室工程产生的原因和洁净度的基本概念,详细论述了洁净室工程净化空调的安装要点及其调试内容与方法,供大家探讨。Air(初三适用)

    This paper simply introduced reason why the clean room engineering was originated and the concept of cleaning degree , and described how to install and adjust the purifying air - conditioners .

  23. 浅谈VRV空调系统安装的问题

    Issues on Installation of VRV Air Conditioning System

  24. 空调设计安装调试运行的问题及其改进

    Problems in HVAC project design , installation , commissioning and operation and their

  25. 对空调工程安装调试出现的一些问题的看法

    Considerations about some common problems in installation and debugging of air conditioning engineering

  26. 空调设备安装是一项专业性很强的工作。

    Installation of air-conditioners is a highly specialized work .

  27. 浅议地铁通风空调设备安装工程质量的控制

    Shallowly Discusses to the Subway Ventilates Air Conditioning Equipment Setup the Project Quality the Control

  28. 通风机及空调机组安装方法

    Installation of ventilation fan and air-conditioning units

  29. 介绍分体式空调机组安装的步骤、做法、试运转和技术要求。

    Describes the installation steps , work , set-up and technical ordinances of split type air-conditioners .

  30. 机房空调合理安装与控制对散热及节能的影响分析

    The Influence to Radiation and Energy Saving of the Reasonable Installation and Controlling of Basic Station Air-Conditioning