
kōng zhōng jiā yóu
  • air refueling;flight-refuel;inflight refueling
空中加油[kōng zhōng jiā yóu]
  1. 空中加油问题的递推模型与调度策略

    The Recursive Models of Air Refueling Mission and Their Scheduling Strategies

  2. 空中加油软管拖曳位置计算

    The Calculation of Draught Place About Air Refueling Flexible Pipe

  3. 改装F-16的学员在他们的训练中很快就能够进入到空中加油的训练内容。

    Students transitioning into the F-16 are introduced to midair refueling very early in their training .

  4. 诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司和EADS在周一晚间退出了此次竞标。它们表示,美方的招标规则旨在偏袒其竞争对手波音(Boeing)提出的、体型较小的空中加油机方案。

    Northrop Grumman and EADS pulled out late on Monday night , saying the rules of the US tender were designed to favour the smaller air-to-air refuelling tanker proposed by rival Boeing .

  5. 一架B-52轰炸机在飞越地中海时,另一架加油机逐渐靠近准备进行空中加油。

    A B-52G bomber was flying over the Mediterranean Sea when it was approached by a tanker for a standard mid-air refueling .

  6. 据报道,两架狂风(Tornado)GR4战斗轰炸机在一架航行者(Voyager)空中加油机的支援下,周六早晨从位于塞浦路斯的皇家空军阿克罗蒂里基地(RAFAkrotiri)起飞,下午返回基地。

    Two Tornado GR4 bombers supported by a Voyager air-to-air refuelling aircraft were reported to have taken off from RAF Akrotiri on Cyprus on Saturday morning and returned to base in the afternoon .

  7. 类似的,eads在直升机产品上取得了一些成果,也正在发展空中加油机,但很多专家仍预计它将输给波音公司。

    Similarly , EADS has had some helicopter success and is in the running to supply air refuelling tankers , though most experts still believe it will lose out to Boeing .

  8. 新的教练机保留JJ-7翼面和动力装置,但是重新设计采用侧进气道的前机身和装上空中加油探头。

    The new trainer retained the wing planform and powerplant of the JJ-7 , but was given a redesigned forward fuselage with lateral air intakes and the in-flight refuelling probe .

  9. 他们从另一架DH-4B型飞机上进行了15次的空中加油,通过软管接收了75加仑的燃油以及其它补给品。

    They were refueled fifteen times from another DH-4B , receiving seventy-five gallons of fuel through a hose as well as oil and other supplies .

  10. 机载视频测试技术在空中加油试飞中的应用

    Application of Airborne Video Test Technologies During Aerial Refueling Flight Test

  11. 探管锥套式空中加油机油库输油管线热力计算软件的数据库创建

    D-drogue-type tanker Database Creation of Oil Depot Pipeline Thermal Calculation Software

  12. 空中加油技术与中国空中战力

    Development of Inflight Refuelling Technique and the PLA Air Fighting Power

  13. 空中加油从这次勇敢的起点开始了它的稳步发展。

    Aerial refueling developed in fits and starts from its gutsy beginnings .

  14. 空中加油飞机内套组件工艺技术研究

    Study on Technology of the Inside Sleeve Subassembly of Aerial Refuelling Plane

  15. 国外空中加油技术的发展和展望

    The course and prospect for foreign inflight refuelling technique

  16. 没有空中加油,现代战争的面貌就会改变。

    Without aerial refueling , the face of modern combat would be changed .

  17. 军用喷气机的航程在空中加油之后能延长。

    The range of the military jets can be extended by in-flight refuelling .

  18. 直接升力控制空中加油控制系统模拟

    Using direct lift control system to simulate aircraft gasoline filling process in the air

  19. 人类对飞行距离的追求永无止境,空中加油机的出现,使人类向梦想迈进了一大步。

    Humanity has endless pursuit for flying distance .

  20. 飞机空中加油任务剖面优化设计

    Optimization Design for Mission Profile of In-Flight Refueling

  21. 飞机有时在空中加油。

    Aircraft sometimes fuel while in the air .

  22. 一架美国军用空中加油机在吉尔吉斯斯坦半空中爆炸后坠毁。

    A US military refuelling plane has crashed in Kyrgyzstan after exploding in mid air .

  23. “空中加油探头会对减少雷达截面的功能造成破坏,”他补充说。

    " The probe would disrupt the ability to reduce the radar cross-section ," he added .

  24. 空中加油机

    Tankers-the Gas Station in the Air

  25. 从伊拉克战争看空中加油技术的应用与发展

    Air-refuelling Technology Development after Iraq War

  26. 飞机空中加油问题的研究

    Problems The Study on Airborne Refueling

  27. 空中加油调度的研究

    Investigation on Air Refueling Scheduling

  28. (指飞机)开油门俯冲.飞机有时在空中加油。

    ( of an aircraft ) make such a dive Aircraft sometimes fuel while in the air .

  29. 具备空中加油能力对各国空军也越来越重要。

    The capability of air-refueling is more and more important to the air force of different nations .

  30. 空中加油问题

    The Aerial Oiling Problem