
  1. 目前在航空航天,汽车和高科技行业中,很多人声称成功引入了MBD。

    There have been many claims to successful MBD in aerospace , automotive , and high tech electronics .

  2. 该公司的芯片广泛应用于高通(Qualcomm)和AMD等公司从电脑到手机、再到机械等产品,因而被视为高科技行业的领头羊。

    It is seen as a bellwether for the high tech industry because its chips go into products from computers to mobile phones to machinery for companies such as Qualcomm and Advanced Micro Devices .

  3. 但在掀起高科技行业招聘革命之前,Gild还得对其系统做出改进。

    But before it revolutionizes hiring in tech , gild must handle a few kinks in its system .

  4. 本文将介绍如何以PDCA持续改善的架构来贯穿高科技行业环安卫风险管理流程与风险管理概念。

    This article introduced how to use the PDCA continuous improvement structure and mechanism for implementing risk management flow and concept of environmental protection , industrial safety and occupational health .

  5. 至少本周更新之前,在Facebook上玩此游戏的人中,平均地理IQ最低的单位是印度高科技行业咨询公司——塔塔咨询服务公司(TataConsultancyServices)。

    Among those who use the game on Facebook , Tata Consultancy Services , a technology consulting firm based in India , had the lowest average Traveler IQ among workplaces , at least until the rankings were updated during the middle of this week .

  6. IPD(集成产品开发)是近年来在国内外高科技行业倍受关注的一种全新的研发管理模式。

    IPD ( Integrated Product Development ) is a new R & D management mode which has draw great attention in the high technology industries at home and abroad in recent years .

  7. 该国的制造业、服务业和高科技行业实力衰弱。

    Russia is weak in manufacturing , services and high-tech industries .

  8. 计算机和其它高科技行业的技术术语。

    Technical jargon from computing and other high-tech subjects .

  9. 很多公司,特别是高科技行业的公司,都面临着人才短缺问题。

    Many companies , particularly in high-tech industries , are facing talent shortages .

  10. 我国高科技行业和传统行业知识资本效率的比较分析

    Knowledge Capital Efficiency Comparison Analysis between China 's High-Tech Industry and Traditional Industry

  11. 种子行业是一个比较特殊的行业,可以说既是传统的农业行业的一部分,也是新兴的高科技行业的一部分。

    The seed industry is a rather special industry .

  12. 基于高科技行业的供应链预定合同研究

    Study on Reservation Contract in the High-tech Supply Chain

  13. 高科技行业员工就业初期高离职率的经济学解释

    Economic Explanation for the High Turnover Rate During the Hi-tech Employee 's Early Career

  14. 从高科技行业借鉴的另一种方法涵盖了更有效的数据收集和分析。

    Another method familiar from the tech world involves more effective data collection and analysis .

  15. 高科技行业员工工作满意度模型的建立与运用

    Job satisfaction model for Mid-west High-tech Industry

  16. 在包括能源行业、制造业、高科技行业大部分领域,我们的企业和员工又具备了领先优势。

    Across lots of areas-energy , manufacturing , technology-our businesses and workers are leading again .

  17. 本案凸显出,欧盟和中国之间在高科技行业的竞争日益激烈。

    The case highlights the increasing rivalry between the EU and China over high-tech industries .

  18. 据我所知,我们公司的人员流动率在高科技行业内是最低的。

    To the best of my knowledge we have the lowest turnover in the tech industry .

  19. 网络存储技术是最近几年高科技行业最热门的技术之一。

    Network storage is one of the most popular technologies in high-tech industry in recent years .

  20. 在整个高科技行业中,谷歌的工作岗位应该是最抢手的。

    Google jobs are some of the most sought after positions in the entire tech industry .

  21. 斯滕格指出:健康的高科技行业是现代经济的一大重要支柱。

    A healthy high-tech sector is an essential pillar of a modern economy , said Mr Stenger .

  22. 商业银行应该对国家政策支持,具有较小风险行业比如新能源,高科技行业加大信贷资金的投入。

    Commercial banks should reduce the risk to support industries such as new energy , high-tech industry .

  23. 在中国的高科技行业中,接近90%的出口额是由跨国企业创造的,其中摩托罗拉和诺基亚是最大的出口商。与此同时,外国品牌实际上控制了发展迅速的中国汽车制造业。

    In the Chinese high-tech sector , the percentage is actually closer to90 % penetration by foreigners .

  24. 2005年至2010年间纽约高科技行业的就业率增长近30%。

    Between 2005 and 2010 employment in New York 's high-tech sector grew by nearly 30 % .

  25. 朝阳工业包括使用机器人、集成电路等高科技行业

    The sunrise industries include the hi-tech ones requiring the use of robots , integrated circuits and the like

  26. 例如,高科技行业、信息技术和制造业都已经在委员会中被代表,

    The high-tech industries , for example , IT and manufacturing , were already represented on the committee ,

  27. 不过要说服高科技行业自己确实是要决意为之,奥巴马恐怕还有很多工作要做。

    But he will have to do much more to convince the tech industry that he really means it .

  28. 在高科技行业,执行过程本身就是高科技的产物,需要最优秀的解决问题的领导力。

    The implementation process in high-tech industries is itself a high-tech product , requiring the best in problem-solving leadership .

  29. 本文得到了一些对高科技行业实施股权激励有用的结论,具体结论如下:第一、经营者股权激励是内生变量,验证了本文从内生角度研究的正确性。

    Through research get a number of useful conclusions : First , executive equity incentive is an endogenous variable .

  30. 研究表明:目前辽宁国有控股上市公司行业中传统行业居多,尤其是重化工业和装备制造业,而高科技行业少;

    The studies has shown that traditional trade is in the majority , while Hi-Tech trade is very few ;