
  • 网络Science and Technology Daily;Science Daily;Science & Technology Daily
  1. 据《科技日报》报道,中国500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)首次探测到快速射电暴(FRB)多次重复爆发,FRB这种神秘的无线电信号来自于宇宙的深处。

    China 's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope ( FAST ) has detected a repeating fast radio burst ( FRB ) -- mysterious radio signals from outer space -- for the first time , Science and Technology Daily reported .

  2. 据《科技日报》报道,中国人造月球构想有望在2022年实现。

    China 's man-made moon conception is expected to be realized in 2022 , the Science and Technology Daily reported .

  3. 科技日报(2010,8.11)&原发性痛经(PDM),或经期痉挛,是妇女在生孩子前最常见的妇科症状。

    ScienceDaily ( Aug.11,2010 ) & Primary dysmenorrhea ( PDM ), or menstrual cramps , is the most common gynecological disorder in women of childbearing age .

  4. 科技日报-一项新的研究在呼吸道感染(RTIs)患者时发现了一个意想不到的病毒数目和病毒亚型。

    Science Daily & A new study has found an unexpected number of viruses and viral subtypes in patients with respiratory tract infections ( RTIs ) .

  5. 《科技日报》-关于资讯科技政治和政策的新闻服务;

    Technology Daily-news service on information technology politics and policy ;

  6. 官方媒体《科技日报》总编辑刘亚东警告说,中国人不应该无视现实。

    Chinese people shouldn 't lose touch with reality , warned Liu Yadong , chief editor of the state-run Science and Technology Daily .

  7. 他得知我写过一篇批判“水变油”的文章未能发表后,批示《科技日报》刊登。

    Informed of the fate of my article to expose the trick of water to oil , he required Science and Technology Daily to publish my article .

  8. 据《中国科技日报》报道,越来越多的考生倾向于在高考时选择弃考物理,该现象很可能导致日后该领域专家人才的大量流失。

    More students are avoiding physics during the national university entrance exam , or gaokao , which could cause a decline in expertise , China 's Science and Technology Daily reported .

  9. 据《科技日报》报道,虽然从技术层面上看14秒内刹车有可能做到,但这一技术被应用于商业仍需假以时日。

    A report in the Science and Technology Daily suggests that while it would be technically possible to stop the carriages in 14 seconds , the likelihood of it being used in commercial applications will still be a way off .

  10. 但是,紧急制动只是这个项目的障碍之一。《科技日报》的这则报道称,设计师们仍然无法找到解决其他问题的具体方案,包括如何在高速的情况下保持电磁悬浮稳定,以及如何进行乘客测试。

    However , emergency braking is just one of the obstacles for the program . The Science and Technology Daily report suggests designers still haven 't been able to find concrete solutions for other problems , including how to keep electromagnetic levitation stable at high speeds and how to conduct passenger tests .

  11. 中国科技部秘书长和《科技日报》社社长张景安,对此也表示赞同。

    Zhang Jiang'an , secretary general of the Ministry of Science and Technology , and editor-in-chief of Science and Technology Daily , the China 's main science newspaper , echoes Liu 's comments .