
  1. 院士的数量与质量标志一个国家或省科学技术人才的含量和发展水平。

    The quantity and quality of academicians repments the level of science and technology of a country or a province .

  2. 清华大学是中国著名的高等学府,是中国培养高级科学技术人才和发展科学技术的重要基地之一。

    Tsinghua University , China 's famous seat of learning , is a center for training high-tech people and developing science and technology .

  3. 例如,有些评论家建议制定更为强硬的政策限制科学技术人才离开他们自己的祖国,有些人则认为那些人才外流的国家应该得到经济补偿。

    Some commentators , for example , have argued for a tougher approach to allowing scientists and engineers to leave their countries of origin .

  4. 同时注重科学技术人才的培养和引进,加快技术创新和产品开发提高企业技术含量。

    Moreover , the company pays great attention on training of scientific and technical talents , technology importing , and technology innovation and products development to enhance the products quality .

  5. 主要讨论如何调整计算机应用课程教学的内容、改进教学方法,促进计算机应用教学的发展与教学质量的提高,满足社会需求,培养合格的科学技术人才。

    This paper discusses how to readjust the teaching contents of the computer application course , improve teaching methods , further the development of teaching of the computer application course and teaching quality in order to meet the social demands and train qualified technical talents .

  6. 在抗击入侵者的斗争过程中,清政府对科学技术及人才培养的重要性的认识不断提高,客观上也促进了晚清中算的发展。

    During the defending process , Qing governors gradually recognized the importance of scientists and technicians , which objectively makes the mathematics develop .

  7. 当前国家之间的竞争,实质上是科学技术与人才的竞争,说到底就是教育的竞争。

    Between the current state of competition , in essence , science and technology and talent competition in the final analysis , is the education competition .

  8. 加入国家生命科学与技术人才培养基地,积极参加讲座、培训,参加工厂化实训,并取得优异成绩;

    As a member of the National Base of Life Science and Technology Education , Actively participate in seminars , training , participate in the Industrial Training and achieved outstanding results ;

  9. 学校拥有6个国家和部省级重点学科、一个国家生物科学与技术人才培养基地、11个国家和省部级重点实验室及研究中心。

    There are 6 national and provincial key disciplines and a " National Talent Cultivation Base of Bioscience & Technology " together with 11 national and provincial key labs and research centers .

  10. 经济的快速发展加剧了企业之间的竞争,而先进的科学技术以及人才已经成为企业发展不可缺少的条件。

    The rapid development of the economy has intensified the competition among enterprises , and advanced science and technology as well as talent has become an indispensable condition for the development of enterprises .

  11. 人文社会科学对职业技术人才素质培养的探讨

    The Discuss for Training Person at New Days with the Humane Society Ology

  12. 计算机科学与技术专业人才培养实践与思考

    Practice and Reflection on the Development of Professionals in Computer science and Technology

  13. 试论科学技术发明创造人才培养模式

    Strategic Thought About the Invention and Creation-Talent Cultivation Mode

  14. 关于智能科学与技术专业人才培养和学科建设的思考

    Reflection on Personnel Training Discipline Building of the specialty of Intellectual Science Technology

  15. 浅析科学技术创新和人才素质培养

    Scientific and Technical Innovation and Cultivation of Talent Quality

  16. 电子科学与技术专业人才的实践培养模式探索

    The Cultivation Mode for Professionals in the Domain of Electronic Science and Technology

  17. 比如,我们要掌握现代科学技术,可是人才不够。

    Also , we must master modern science and technology , but we do not yet have enough competent personnel .

  18. 21世纪以来,现代教育正以前所未有之势,实现着发展科学技术和培养人才的伟大使命。

    Modern education has unprecedentedly been achieving the goals of developing science and technology and bringing up talents since the 21 century .

  19. 本市支持建设工程监理的科学技术研究和人才培训,鼓励采用高新技术和现代管理方式。

    This Municipality supports the scientific and technological research and training of talents of construction works supervision and encourages using high-tech and modern management modes .

  20. 教育是发展科学技术和培养人才的基础,在现代化建设中具有先导性全局性作用,必须摆在优先发展的战略地位。

    Playing a vanguard role and having an overall bearing on the modernization drive , education must be placed on our development agenda as a strategic priority .

  21. 信息化人才可以有广义和狭义之分,高校培养的信息化人才主要是指信息科学技术相关专业人才。

    Information-based talents can have broad sense and narrow sense . Information-based talents that Universities train mainly refer to talents majoring in information Science and technology relevant speciality .

  22. 伙伴关系的一个目标是分享知识、教育和科学技术,建立人才交换计划,为非洲带来外部的专家技能,并培养非洲的青年人才。

    One aim is to share knowledge about education , science and technology , and establish exchange programmes to bring in outside expertise and to foster young African talent .

  23. 作为具有科学技术载体的人才资源已成为地区经济社会发展的战略性资源,成为经济社会发展的有力杠杆。

    As a carrier of science and technology , talent resource has already become a strategic resource and a powerful level of social and economic development of local areas .

  24. 你们还提出把科学技术工作和人才培养使用工作做好,我看最难的是这一条。

    You propose to do good work in science and technology and in the training and employment of talented people . I think this will be the most difficult task .

  25. 它作为科学的职业技术人才培养模式体系,需要高等职业技术教育院校必须按其自身规律和系统要求逐一落在实处。

    As a scientific cultivation pattern system of vocational and technological people ," combining work with study " should be carried out indeed by higher vocational educational institutes according to its rules and requirements .

  26. 论述了包装技术人才对包装发展的重要性,分析了包装技术人才的结构层次性特点,在此基础上提出建立科学的包装技术人才培养体系的步骤和方法。

    Discusses the importance of packaging technology intellectuals on packaging development , analyzes the structure arrangement of packaging technology intellectuals , and puts forward the steps and methods of establishing packaging technology intellectuals training system .

  27. 21世纪的世界将是多元化和多极的世界,全方位的经济竞争将占主导地位,而科学技术和培养人才在其中将发挥决定性的作用。

    In the 21st century , the world will be multiplied and multi-polar . Omni-directional economic competition will take the leading position , while science & technology and talents training will play a decisive role in the competition .

  28. 电子科学与技术多样性人才培养

    On the Diversification of Education in Electronic Science and Technology

  29. 试论科学技术领域的创新人才

    Study on the Innovation Talented Person in the Domain of Science and Technology

  30. 香港高校对电子科学与技术专业本科人才培养的启示

    Enlightenments from Undergraduates Talent-training of Electronic Science and Technology Specialty in Hong Kong 's Universities