
  • 网络scientific school
  1. 试论科学学派的社会运行

    SCIENCE A tentative exposition of the social performance of scientific schools

  2. 大学创新与科学学派形成

    Innovations in Colleges and Universities and Formation of Scientific Schools

  3. 科学学派的重大发现与优先权

    An important discovery and the problem of priority in science schools

  4. 科学学派的历史形态探析

    Researches on the historical forms of the scientific schools

  5. 第四章从主要方面论述了科学学派的社会功能;

    The fourth chapter briefly debates the social functions of the scientific school .

  6. 科学学派的本质特征析说

    Differentiating and Analyzing The Characteristics of Scientific School

  7. 论科学学派的潜科学分析

    Science analysis of potential science about scientific school

  8. 科学学派是自然科学发展史上一种普遍而重要的现象。

    In the history of natural science , scientific school is a universal and vital phenomenon .

  9. 科学学派为创新活动提供了最基本的动力和发展平台。

    Innovations always proceed along with scientific schools which provide both essential power and platform for innovative activities .

  10. 本论文的主体部分划为五个章节:第一章从历史学的角度对科学学派的历史形态进行初步考察;

    On the basis of the former history studies the first chapter discusses tentatively the historical form of scientific school .

  11. 第二章揭示科学学派内涵的丰富性、多维性,对其本质特征进行分析概括;

    The second chapter discloses the abundant and multiply connotation of the scientific school , moreover , epitomize the features of the scientific school .

  12. 第三章分析科学学派的形成条件和运行机制,以阐明科学与社会的互动关系;

    The third chapter analyses the running mechanism and the conditions which influence the emergence of the scientific school to demonstrate the mutual relationship between science and society .

  13. 伊·米·谢切诺夫(Ceeo.M.1829&1905)是俄国唯物主义的自然科学家、俄罗斯生理学学派和心理学的自然科学学派的奠基者。

    M. Sechenov ( 1829-1905 ) was a materialistic scientist of Russia . He was the founder of the Russian physiology school as well as the Russian natural science school of psychology .

  14. 尽管属于文艺学派的巴黎释义理论的地位至今无可撼动,但是来自自然科学学派的心理学、心理语言学、认知心理学的科研成果对同传研究的推动作用同样不可估量。

    While the Interpretative Theory of Paris School , from Liberal Arts Community remains to be influential , fruits from other sciences like psychology , psycholinguistics and cognitive psychology give a strong impetus to SI research .

  15. 对科学学派的内涵进行分析概括,对其本质特征进行准确把握,有助于相关理论研究的进一步深化,有助于科研管理中的操作界定。

    The analysis and abstraction of the connotation of scientific school as well as the accurate grasp of its essential characteristics will benefit the relevant theoretic research and be helpful to improve the scientific research management .

  16. 科学史学派是中国现代史学史上的一个重要学术派别。

    The scientific history school made an important academic role in Chinese modern historiography .

  17. 科学哲学历史学派与当代新制度学派思想上的一致性;

    The consistency on the historical sects of philosophy of science and modern new systemic sects ;

  18. 这是一次哥白尼式的认识方法上的转变,从而开启了科学哲学历史学派研究的进路,汉森的名字也与观察渗透理论这一名词相联系了起来。

    This is a Copernican change of recognizing method and opens a way for the school of history about science philosophy .

  19. 超然科学法国怪诞学派关于一种哲学或科学概念,致力于研究超然于形而上学的存在物,倾向于模仿现代的科学方法和理论,常用毫无意义的语言来表达思想。

    The French absurdist concept of a philosophy or science dedicated to studying what lies beyond the realm of metaphysics , intended as a parody of the methods and theories of modern science and often expressed in nonsensical language .

  20. 自然科学发展中的学派现象透析

    The Penetrating Analysis of the Phenomenon of School in the Development of Natural Science

  21. 艺术上不同的形式和风格可以自由发展,科学上不同的学派可以自由争论。

    Different forms and styles in art should develop freely and different schools in science should contend freely .

  22. 库恩作为科学哲学历史主义学派的创立者,其典型表现即是以社会历史的维度进入哲学研究。

    As the founder of the history schools of scientific philosophy , The typical performance is the dimension of social history into the philosophy .

  23. 强纲领是埃丁堡科学知识社会学学派提出的研究知识社会成因的社会学形而上学理论。巴里。

    " The Strong Programme " is put forward by the Edinburgh School to study the social cause of knowledge with a metaphysical theory of sociology .

  24. 我们这个时代在人文科学领域,各种学派已经尝试着建构新的学术理念和思维模式。

    In this era , all kinds of schools in the field of humanism science have taken up their work to construct the new scientific idea and thought pattern .

  25. 拉卡托斯作为科学哲学历史主义学派的重要代表人物,他的科学编史学研究纲领的提出对促进科学哲学与科学史的关系的研究具有重大贡献。

    As an important representative of historicism in the philosophy of science , Lakatos ' proposal of Research Programs of the Historiography of Science is a great contribution to the study of the relation between philosophy of science and history of science .

  26. 第五部分联系我国科学界的现状,说明构建我国科学学派的迫切性。

    In the last chapter , under consideration of the reality of our county I expound the necessity of the construction of the scientific school in our country .

  27. 摘要在世界科技发展的历史长河中,几乎所有重大科学的发现和科学理论的提出都与科学学派有关。

    In the long history of science and technology , almost all great scientific discoveries and scientific theory are related to scientific schools .

  28. 科学哲学的发展已经有200多年的历史,在此期间,产生了许多有影响力的科学哲学学派。

    The development of philosophy of science has a history of more than 200 years , during this period , have produced a lot of powerful schools of philosophy of science .

  29. 本文概述了城市发展与城市科学的形成,中国城市化与中国城市科学的发展,中国城市发展的机遇与挑战,城市科学研究的中国学派等问题。

    This article gives a brief view on the problems of the urbanization and the development of the urban studies , the opportunities and challenges faced by Chinese cities , and the " Chinese School of Urban Studies " .