
  • 网络Welfare Economics;The Economics of Welfare
  1. 本论文将从福利经济学的角度出发,定义什么是资源配置效率和网络服务质量(QoS)。

    This thesis will start from the perspective of welfare economics to define what is efficiency of network resources allocation and what is quality of network service ( QoS ) .

  2. 微观经济学的规范的分支学科被称为福利经济学。

    The normative sub-branch of microeconomics is known as welfare economics .

  3. 福利经济学与社会主义若干问题的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis on Welfare Economics and Some Problems of Socialism

  4. 位置消费理论:福利经济学的前沿课题

    Positional Consumption Theory : the Frontiers Study of Welfare Economics

  5. 天然林保护工程的福利经济学思考

    Welfare Economics Analysis of Natural Forest Protection Program in China

  6. 论自由贸易实现的难题&基于福利经济学的视角

    The Dilemma of Free Trade & from the View in Welfare Economics

  7. 第一部分简单介绍福利经济学的发展情况。

    Part one emphasizes on introducing the development of welfare economics briefly .

  8. 福利经济学是西方经济学的一个重要理论分支。

    Welfare economics is one of the important branches in Modern Western Economics .

  9. 福利经济学中非福利主义的兴起

    The Rise of Non - Welfarism in Welfare Economics

  10. 这些测度方法都是建立在一定的福利经济学、理学基础之上。

    These methods are based on certain theories of welfare economics or ethic .

  11. 本论文研究西方理论福利经济学。

    This dissertation endeavors to study western theoretical welfare economics ( WTWE ) .

  12. 福利经济学视角下的效率与公平

    Efficiency and Equity from the Perspective of Welfare Economics

  13. 西方福利经济学发展浅探

    A Study of the Development on West Welfare Economics

  14. 论福利经济学的伦理学基础

    On the Ethical Foundations of the Welfare Economics

  15. 资源的最优配置意味着效率,国民收入分配的均等化意味着公平,所以,公平与效率是福利经济学所追求的基本目标。

    So both the efficiency and equality are basic targets of the welfare economics .

  16. 福利经济学对农民均衡分享经济发展成果诠释

    Illustration of Welfare Economics for the Farmer Sharing the Economic Development Achievement for Balance

  17. 水库移民安置目标:基于福利经济学的分析

    Objective of Settling Migrants from Reservoir Area : An Analysis Based on Welfare Economics

  18. 研究结论1.福利经济学理论认为要达到帕累托最优状态必须借助竞争性市场机制。

    Welfare economics theory argued that Pareto optimal state need the competitive market mechanism .

  19. 福利经济学的目标,是评价各种经济状态的好与坏。

    Welfare economics is evaluating various allocations .

  20. 福利经济学的困惑与拓展

    The Puzzle and Extension of Welfare Economics

  21. 电子商务课税的福利经济学分析

    A Welfare Economics Analysis of Taxing EC

  22. 福利经济学的兴起与发展

    Rising and Development of Welfare Economics

  23. 福利经济学述评

    A Viewpoint of the Welfare Economics

  24. 分析社会价值取向、人口老龄化等因素对指数化调整的影响,从福利经济学的角度分析建立公共养老金调整指数的必要性。

    From the perspective of welfare economy , establishing adjustment index of public pension is necessity .

  25. 论福利经济学分析最优财政收入规模的科学性与局限性

    On Scientific Nature and Limits of Best Financial Income Scale from the Perspective of Welfare Economics

  26. 西方福利经济学的发展演变

    The Development of Western Welfare Economics

  27. 农村劳动力参与城市就业竞争的福利经济学分析

    An analysis of welfare economics of the rural labour forces ' participating in the urban employment competition

  28. 寡头竞争均衡、效率促进与市场稳定&一个福利经济学视角

    Market Structure of Oligarchy Competition , Performance Promotion and Market Stabilization & From a Viewpoint of Welfare Economics

  29. 对我国农业保险的现状及成因从福利经济学的角度进行了分析;

    Analyses the causes and present situation about agriculture insurance development based on the theories of welfare economies ;

  30. 西方理论福利经济学研究

    Western Theoretical Welfare Economics