
  • 网络Divine staff;thyrsi
  1. 她拿了老板的神杖!

    She has the boss 's staff !

  2. 这首诗所描绘的天堂与正统基督教所宣扬的,非物质的,精神的天堂是如此大相径庭,弥尔顿描绘了一副纵欲狂欢的场景,在神杖下纵欲狂欢。

    The heaven in this poem is so far from being the incorporeal-the spiritual heaven of orthodox Christianity that you have an image of an actual orgy , the festal orgy raging under the thyrsus .

  3. 他们的家宅平安无惧。神的杖也不加在他们身上。

    Their houses are free from fear , and the rod of God does not come on them .

  4. 摩西就带着妻子和两个儿子,叫他们骑上驴,回埃及地去。摩西手里拿着神的杖。

    And Moses took his wife and his sons and put them on an ass and went back to the land of Egypt : and he took the rod of God in his hand .

  5. 摩西对约书亚说,你为我们选出人来,出去和亚玛力人争战。明天我手里要拿着神的杖,站在山顶上。

    And Moses said to joshua , get together a band of men for us and go out , make war on amalek : tomorrow I will take my place on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand .

  6. 我们必须明白,我们的能力并不是来自神交在我们手中的杖,而是神放在杖里面的能力。

    We must realize and understand that our power does not come from the rod that God places in our hand , but through the power that God places in it .