
  • 网络Studies in socialism
  1. 90年代以来国外社会主义研究述评

    Comments on Studies of Socialism abroad since 1990s

  2. 认真研究、分析这一时期的科学社会主义研究状况,有着深远的历史和现实意义。

    Study and analysis attentively on the study of scientific socialism theory during this period will have great significance .

  3. 如何在实践中认识二者的关系是科学社会主义研究中的一个重要问题。

    It is an important issue in the study of scientific socialism how to understand the relationship between them .

  4. 探讨其理论体系,首先要明确中国特色社会主义研究的特定对象,这是建构其理论体系的前提和基础。

    The first step of exploration is to definite particular object of the Chinese characteristic socialist studies . It is the premise and the base of constructing this system .

  5. 二是《东方杂志》作者群始终保持着自己客观的政治立场和文化品格,注重社会主义研究的完整性、系统性和权威性。

    Secondly , the authors of the Eastern Miscellany have always maintained their objective political positions and cultural character , focusing on the integrity , system and authority of the study of the socialism .

  6. 桂林市资本主义工商业的社会主义改造研究

    Studies on the Socialist Transformation about Capitalism Industry and Commerce of Guilin City

  7. 开放条件下巩固和加强社会主义意识形态研究

    A Study of Consolidating and Strengthening Socialist Ideology under the Circumstances of Opening-up

  8. 休闲生活与社会主义理论研究

    A Study on Leisure Life and Socialist Theories

  9. 科学社会主义理论研究22年评析

    Review of the Study on the Scientific Socialism Theory During the Latest 22 Years

  10. 对非洲社会主义的研究已经取得了阶段性的成果,但对于非洲的社会主义宪法的专门研究却非常稀少。

    African socialism study has achieved success , but study of socialist constitutions is very scarce .

  11. 市场经济视阈中的中国特色社会主义理论研究

    The Study on the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the View of Market Economy

  12. 历史与现实的审视:中国资本主义工商业社会主义改造研究

    The Context of the History and Reality : Chinese Socialist Transformation of Capitalist Industry and Commerce Research

  13. 并力图通过对“济南市的工商业社会主义改造研究”这一斑,来略窥“建国初期的工商业社会主义改造”之全貌。

    And it 's a shortcut to research the " socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce in early statehood " .

  14. 对于同源性的空想社会主义,研究这一时期的核心价值,其理论和现实意义是十分明显的。

    For the utopian socialism of homology , study the core values of this period , its theoretical and realistic significance is obvious .

  15. 市场社会主义主要研究市场经济的社会主义经济制度和社会主义市场经济体制,人本社会主义主要研究以人为本的全面发展理论。

    Market Socialism mainly studies the Socialist economic system as well as Socialist market economic mechanism of market economy ; human Socialism chiefly studies the theory of all-round development based on human .

  16. 20多年的实践证明,科学社会主义学科研究取得了较大成就,使得该学科的理论指导功能得到充分发挥、研究系统更加完善和人才培养模式日趋合理。

    More than 20 year proved that this discipline has obtained achievements , enabling its theory instruction function to obtain the full display , the discipline research system more perfect and the talented person raise pattern more reasonable .

  17. 因此,要加强系统的马克思主义教育,加强对生态社会主义的研究,加强意识形态教育,加强国情国力教育,尽力克服这一思潮对青年的不利影响。

    Therefore , the education with Marxism , the study on ecological socialism , the education on socialistic ideology , and the education on the situation and force of our country should be reinforced so that we can try our best to overcome the negative influence on young people .

  18. 中国特色社会主义发展模式研究述评

    A Review of the Developmental Mode of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

  19. 拓宽中国特色社会主义经济学的研究视野&从多向比较揭示规律性

    A Compare Research on the Establishment of Socialist Economics with Chinese Characteristics

  20. 少数民族传统道德与社会主义精神文明研究

    A Research into Traditional Morality of Minority Nationalities and Socialist Spiritual Civilization

  21. 十七大以来中国特色社会主义理论体系研究述评

    Review on Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Since 17th CPC Congress

  22. 社会主义发展动力研究

    Research on the Impetus to the Development of Socialism

  23. 社会主义政治文明研究的新动态

    Dynamics of the Study of Socialist Political Civilization

  24. 马克思主义的社会建设理论与构建社会主义和谐社会研究

    Marxist Theory on Society Construction and Research on the Construction of a Harmonious Socialist Society

  25. 社会主义发展战略研究(二)

    Socialist Strategies of Development (ⅱ)

  26. 20年来国内农业社会主义改造运动研究

    Review of Domestic Studies in the Past 20 Years on the Chinese Socialist Transformation Movement of Agriculture

  27. 转型期民众社会主义信仰问题研究&对当前影响中国民众社会主义信仰问题因素的归因分析

    Research of People 's Faith in Socialism During Transfer Period-Analysis of the Influence on the Chinese People 's faith in Socialism

  28. 上市公司关联交易相关社会主义法制问题研究与胡风现实主义交相辉映&七月派文艺思想群论

    Listed Companies Affiliated Transactions Related to the Socialist Legal System Studies A Study of the Literary and Artistic Thought of the July School

  29. 20世纪后半叶,欧美学者对“股份制社会主义”的研究成果,作为自己搞社会主义时在理论和实践上的供鉴。

    In the20th century latter , European Democratic Socialists imbine Euramerican scholars study of socialism of stock system , as reference in their theory and practice when conducting socialism .

  30. 笔者着重从技术层面、文化层面、政治层面和理论层面,探讨了中国社会主义网络伦理学研究的技术基础、文化基础、政治基础和理论基础。

    From the technical level , culture level , political level and theories level , this text emphasizes the Chinese socialism network ethics research foundation of technique , culture , political and theories .