
lǐ jì
  • The Book of Rites;Li Ji(Book of Rites)
礼记 [lǐ jì]
  • [Li Ji(Book of Rites)] 中国儒家经典之一。是战国至汉初儒家礼仪论著的总集。内容包括礼制和儒家哲学两部分,为研究中国古代社会、文物制度、典礼、祭祀、教育、音乐和儒家学说的重要参考书。《汉书.艺文志》著录131篇,西汉戴德删为85篇,名《大戴礼记》。他的侄子戴圣又删为49篇,名《小戴礼记》,收入十三经中。其中《中庸》、《大学》、《礼运》等篇是儒家重要的哲学著作,对后世影响很大

礼记[lǐ jì]
  1. 《礼记》作为儒家的一部经典作品,体现了中国传统的文化特征。

    The Book of Rites , one of the classical works of Confucianism , reflects the traditional Chinese cultural characteristics .

  2. 《礼记》作为最重要的儒家经典之一,在儒家思想的发展当中有着不可替代的地位。

    The Book of Rites , one of the most essential Confucian classics , performed significant and irreplaceable role in the development of Confucianism .

  3. 大道之行也,天下为公。(《礼记》)

    When the Great Tao prevailed , the whole world was one community .

  4. 毋剿说,毋雷同。(《礼记》)

    Do not plagiarize and do not copy .

  5. 《礼记》教育思想研究

    A study on the educational thought in the book of rites

  6. 本部分着重考察45个事名词的词源义。第五章,分析《礼记》事名词音义结合的规律性。

    Chapter 4 , investigation on part motivation of shi noun .

  7. 《礼记》的入世思想刍议论《礼记》中的形象思维

    On the Mode of Thinking in Images in the Book of Rites

  8. 《礼记·乐记》文学批评思想探讨

    On the Research of the Thought of Literary Criticism in Yue Ji

  9. 《礼记》的思想精华及其局限

    The ideological essence and limits of The Book of Rites

  10. 略述中国古代的《礼记》学

    Outlining the Theory of Li-Ji ( Book of Rites ) in Ancient China

  11. 《礼记》语言的艺术成就

    The Achievement of Language Art in Book of Rites

  12. 第三部分,《礼记》内圣外王思想政治教育目标的基本内容。

    The third section studies the basic contents of the book of Rites .

  13. 这是本文在对《礼记》进行深入研究后得出的结论。

    This is the conclusion of the article obtaining after the thorough research .

  14. 《礼记》事名词研究

    A Study on Shi Noun of Li Ji

  15. 《礼记》的家庭伦理思想研究

    The Study of Family Ethics in Li Ji

  16. 清前期《礼记》学研究

    A Study of Theory of Li-Ji ( Book of Rites ) in Early Qing Dynasty

  17. 《大戴礼记·易本命》象数发微

    Image-number connotations implicated in The Records of Rites ? Original Destiny on Yi by DAI De

  18. 孔子的《礼记》是中国古代重要的典章制度书籍。

    Confucius 's " ceremonies . from " is the Chinese ancient important laws system books .

  19. 郑玄《礼记注》随文释义的语境研究

    The context study of the text explanations in notes to the book of rites by Zheng Xuan

  20. 《礼记·礼运》篇的作者问题

    The author of Li Yun

  21. 因而论文选定成书于战国时期的《礼记》作为研究对象。

    So the writer select Li Ji compiled in the Warring States Period as the study subject .

  22. 宋代《礼记》学文献具有珍贵的文献价值和重要的学术价值。

    The Liji Documents of Song Dynasty has precious value of Documents and important value of learning .

  23. 《礼记》成语研究

    Research on Book of Rites

  24. 天人关系问题是《礼记·月令》的基本问题。

    The relation between heaven and man is the basic question in Yue Ling of the Book of Rites .

  25. 聘婚是周人的合法婚姻。这在《诗经》和《礼记》中均有反映和记载。

    Betrothal marriage is the legal marriage reflected and recorded in The Book of Songs and The Book of Rites .

  26. 自西汉至东汉,《礼记》在流传过程中衍生出了许多的本子。

    In the course of circulation from Western Han Dynasty to Eastern Han Dynasty , many editions derived from it .

  27. 《礼记》一书侧重于阐明中国古代礼仪的作用和意义。

    Book of Rites is a works that emphasizes particularly on interpreting action and meaning of propriety in ancient China .

  28. 《礼记》中的修辞观首先表现在要将语言的内容与形式两方面完美结合,其次是对言辞之美的充分肯定,即注重语言表达形式。

    The rhetoric in The Book of Rites is firstly displayed as the perfect combination of language content and language form .

  29. 本部分从修齐治平的操作程序和尊德性而道学问两方面分析《礼记》内圣外王思想政治教育目标实现的主要途径和方法,强调途径寓于方法之中,方法寓于途径之中。

    The fourth section studies the main methods and ways achieving the aim of ideological and political education from two aspects .

  30. 就和谐社会理论与《礼运·礼记》篇中的大同社会思想作了分析与比较。

    This passage compares the theory of harmony society with the idea of ancient utopian society in the movement of courtesy .