
  • 网络abrasiveness;Wear resistance
  1. 目的:比较成品丙烯酸树脂牙与丙烯酸树脂、Targis及Artglass复合树脂、陶瓷材料的相对磨耗性,为临床选择修复材料提供依据。

    Objective : To compare the antagonistic wear of commercial acrylic resin tooth against acrylic resin , composite resins and porcelain and to determine the satisfactory combination of prosthetic material .

  2. 冲击刮削法评价封严涂层的可磨耗性

    Abradability evaluation of seal coating by impact scraping test machine G

  3. 曲线上的屈服点和最大点综合表征了封严涂层的可磨耗性和涂层与基体的结合强度曲线所包围的面积为冲击刮削韧性,用它可表征涂层的抗冲蚀性。

    The yield load point and maximun load point on the curve can be used to represent abradability , binding strength between coating and matrix .

  4. 对比磨耗性踏面下的计算结果,可知锥轮下钢轨表面微裂纹更容易扩展。

    Comparing the result with the worn profile tread , we can see that the surface micro-cracks are easier to propagate under conical profile tread . 4 .

  5. 增加混凝土路面抗磨耗性可采取嵌入粗集料的措施,采取相应施工工艺提高抗压强度,增加抗耐磨性能能保证使用寿命。

    The measure for increase resist abrasiveness capability of concrete pavement muse be add coarse aggregate , take construct measure to improve compression strength and increase resist abrasiveness capability so that can assure usage life .

  6. 3000年前人与当代人牙齿磨耗的对比性研究

    Comparative analysis of tooth wear between human samples from 3000 years ago and modern adults

  7. 西安地区三千年来人牙齿磨耗的对比性研究

    The Relative Analysis of Human Tooth Wear from Three Thousand Years Ago to Now in Xi'an Region

  8. 润滑油、脂应具备低磨耗、自修复性和故障安全导向性。

    The lubrication oil or grease should feature in low wear , self repair and safety guide in malfunction .

  9. 铁路车轮型面设计是决定机车车辆蛇行稳定性、曲线通过性能、轮轨表面磨耗以及脱轨安全性等动力学性能的重要环节。

    Railway wheel profile design is an important part which determines the dynamic performances of the locomotive and vehicle such as hunting stability , curve negotiation performance , wheel and rail surface wear and derailment safety .